Luka's big shot, Raptors Free Agency targets, Dyson Daniels & OG Anunoby - Raw Chili (2024)

@@Toronto Raptors

  • May 25, 2024

Luka’s big shot, Raptors Free Agency targets, Dyson Daniels & OG Anunoby

welcome to pensar basketball live the Dallas Mavericks 109 the Minnesota Timol 108 what a game if you watched it live and you saw Rudy goar switch out to Luca donic 106 108 I tell you everyone in the world knew that three was going up and frankly the minute it went up everyone in this world should have known that three was going in 3 seconds to go um Anthony Edwards can’t make anything happen Nas Reeds Miss misses a shot and just like that the sudden Championship favorites are down 02 in the Western Conference Finals a lot to break down a lot of Luca Mastery a lot of Kyrie Mastery tonight a lot of Carl Anthony towns I trying to isolate oneon-one against PJ Washington and then eventually getting bench in the fourth quarter deservedly uh for Nas Reed who was spectacular uh you get a masterful Mike Conley game and you get um a polarizing Anthony Edwards game a lot of people want to throw Anthony Edwards under the bus after this game frankly I think that’s crap so we’re going to talk about that but first let’s go to Luca and then we’re gonna go to Anthony Edwards and we’re GNA talk about the game all right uh hold on pull technical difficulties pull it back up here we go so he can’t eff and guard you huh H sorry he can’t effing guard you who said that you said that I didn’t say okay that’s a that’s about as funnyest start to a press conference as I’ve ever seen all right nice oh speaking Slovenian uh take us through what you’re looking for that last play kind of how it developed and and just the emotion after that shot goes through uh I don’t decide what I’m going to look before the play and just see what defense gives me uh I didn’t expect that we were going to switch uh we were just going to play that pick and roll I told you live come and we’ll just figure out from there that’s about it read the defense Luka what was the approach in the last minute 29 you guys went from being up to being I think down five you had the The Challenge on the Baseline Kyrie hit a shot you hit that like the Poise that you guys have can you speak to that a little bit yeah I mean like I always say stay together positive energy at some point we’re down 18 on the road uh which is insane to come back uh so we believe till the end of the bus Jason said that there was no plan necessarily to go for two or three during that when do you make a decision that I’m going to go for the step back was it when you got the switch on Rudy was it just all Instinct I don’t really know I can’t answer that I just saw some space you know decided to shoot a three uh get to my spot step back uh that’s it but I I just decided you know ass paace Jason talked about the the uh good talk you had at halftime uh what was the gist of that and uh what were the what was the biggest change or biggest adjustment you guys made I think uh we talk about uh that last 3 4 minutes we play with energy you know we said we need to play like that uh um we’re getting stops especially boxing out and then our PR our PR got to be high uh so those three four minutes we took as example and your thoughts right now on being up two and0 20 in a series two wins from the NBA Finals oh great uh but like I said you know first of four nothing is one uh we got to just think about next game uh not in the future not in the pr in this game uh so we just got to think about next game that’s it you went to the lock him real quick at the end of the first you good yeah it’s fun yeah you’ve had a lot of gamewinners now throughout your career any do you know where this one ranks is it is it way too soon to even start thinking about this too soon too soon oh I’m tired I can’t do you do you do you have a favorite that comes to mind when you think about all the different ones you’ve hit over the years uh I know I think uh the one in the bubble was pretty good I you know but no crowd uh I imagine that crowd would be insane uh then the one in grizzly in me no where Memphis Yeah Yeah the falling down the one that was a tough shot and no crowd again too so I think those two and then last one uh when when Nas Reed got the final shot off and it was in the air what what were you thinking as it as it was traveling there I wasn’t thinking I almost passed out that was looking good too good so from that yeah oh my God he could have missed today you had more success attacking downhill in the second half what opened up for you to be able to have that success uh let me think uh do driving mentality you know uh I don’t know man I just I don’t know they you ask me some other question I don’t know I’ll would just attack him I don’t know you have any other question uh what have you thought about you know the play of Derrik Lively him closing out the game what are your thoughts on that oh we go uh no amazing you know he’s been amazing uh this season uh this playoffs he took not one not two three steps forward and he’s a rookie I think people forget this sometimes he’s doing this in the Western Conference Finals uh which is insane so he’s his ceiling is is going to be huge all right guys all right if y’all caught this let’s just go down just quickly before we get to Anthony Edwards and whatever he had to say tonight um just take a look at this right this is the final play um well the game the game was over after this basically Lucas says didn’t know if they were going to go for a two or three yeah it it does depend on whether Rudy Gober is going to run him off the line and he had just enough time to dance there was 12 seconds on the clock right so we start out here um you know the play is is where 9.6 seconds here Jaden McDaniels gets clung on to Derek Lively now again important here they are very reluctant to switch when Derrik Lively is a rle man they are more willing to switch when Daniel Gafford is a rle man why because Derrik lavley is a better decision maker than Daniel gaffords it’s just that simple they’re both Elite you know Rim finishers and guys who are capable of catching lobs but Derrik Lively is just that extra something something even as a rookie that they are reluctant that he has a lot of gravity when he darts down so here the only way this play can get [ __ ] up is if Derrik Lively tries to come up and set a screen and he doesn’t he Dives which is great so now jadeen McDaniels goes with him which completely puts Rudy Gober on an island now at this point you would ask yourself what the hell uh is Rudy goar even doing on the court but you needed him on the court but should somebody else perhaps have had this assignment they force a switch right on the inbound and now R goar is stuck on an island with Luca donic down two so basically you’re at home and you can do absolutely everything in the world to avoid the three you could foul I mean that would be crazy down you know up two fouling would be crazy but you cannot give up a three that’s literally the last thing now if you’re the Dallas Mavericks different thoughts right conservatively if you don’t have Luca donic you don’t have Kyrie Irving let’s say your star player is Devin Booker or someone like that then maybe you do go for the tie and just try to extend it but frankly the home team almost always has an advantage in the overtime right so even with r go bear facing foul trouble right so here you go now Luca Just Dances so we’ve got 3 seconds that have gone off the clock here and I’m just showing you the pictures because I can’t show you the video cuz I’m trying to get demonetized here and Luca puts him on skates and now Rudy goar is probably right now just he’s trying his best and frankly he did pretty good he did a pretty good job uh this is Luca donic though right so he tries to stay with him he tries to stay somewhat connected tries to get up you know close enough with his length to be able to contest the three but this is Luca Luca’s got range Le’s not the greatest three-point shooter he’s not Steph Curry but he does have the range to hit the big ones and Frank frankly he’s just going to dance dance dance and if you get too close to him he’s going to drive past you and now you got Nas Reed in the corner you got you you got uh you know down low but then you got Kyrie Irving in the corner and if he goes right right here I guarantee you that’s a three for Kyrie Irving right so if Rudy goar plays this slightly differently I’m sure that Rudy goar is probably thinking should have tried to run him off the line yeah good luck where are you running him off to he’s going to go right and he’s going to go right and if he gets right he’s going right to the Rim you’re not stopping him Naz Reed is not stopping LCA Don at The Rim so he’s left just enough time right here on the court and again all of these decisions are being made in micro fractions of a second but right here he shakes them and this is where Rudy goar [ __ ] up because he plays him for the drive he goes left goes right crosses him over and boom Rudy goar is off balance and that’s all she wrote that’s too much space Rudy goar is almost one foot in the paint and Luca donich is a foot behind the line that’s about 8T of space now even though you have a 7 foot seven wingspan that’s LCA donic he’s a 6 foot s guy himself you’re not going to block this shot and that was game he hits it and I’m not saying that’s that’s everything that wasn’t everything you know that’s not negating Kyrie Irvings I believe 13 points in the fourth quarter he was awesome apart from missing those two free throws which he made up for right away by hitting the three the goad three um there’s a lot to talk about with this game uh let’s get to Anthony Edwards another technical difficulty let’s bring let’s try that again Anthony Edwards round two okay all right nice more bullet and board material for the Dallas Mavericks jeez all right let’s talk about this game who did what okay so obviously if you’re going to focus in on this game and you’re going to start looking at you know field goal percentages and whatnot you’re going to own in right on the field goal percentage of Anthony Edwards and carlington towns who combine go nine for 33 that is not a typo that is not a mistake they went nine for 33 Okay Anthony Edwards goes five for 17 he does get to the line 10 times um Rudy goar uh you know he was six for 10 they forced the ball into him quite a few times made him a bit of a decision maker on offense not to his best but Jaden McDaniels kind of comes down to earth a little bit when the shooting over for three from three you know we had a crazy Jaden McDaniels game last game where he couldn’t miss from three and I’m like this is not a recipe for continued success these are flukes they happen it’s just like PJ Washington having 28o games back toback and people starting to say is he the next Klay Thompson no it is a [ __ ] you know byproduct of teams ganging up and making PJ Washington a shooter but that’s just a byproduct that’s what that’s what like that’s what role players do man role players do that just because Derrick Fischer has a 22-point game doesn’t mean he’s like the best point guard in the league you know what I mean so I just feel like the Dallas M you know the the Minnesota timberos have decided that their defense is so good that they are going to try and live with one-on-one they’re going to they’re going to live with Kyrie and Luca killing them but they’re not going to let the other guys get off right so they’re not going to have those 28 point you know games and you know they tried this with L they tried this with Nicole yic in game five they got killed right I think yic had like 40 plus points and then they went right back to doubling him they might have to start blitzing a little bit but the problem is it’s not so easy to Blitz um Luca it’s just not he is so gifted he exploits everything no matter how great your help rotation is he and Kyrie are just on a completely different level in terms of you know what they see on the court and how well they orchestrate there’s this old adage great offense beats great defense you know what the problem is here I’m not really sure which of these teams are actually the moniker of great defense because frankly they’re both great and since the Dallas Mavericks got their additions of Daniel Gafford and you know Derek Lively has taken a step up Derek Jones uh you know has has taken a massive step into the starting lineup I feel like they might be the better defense here which is kind of crazy to say because a lot of people were telling me that you know the timberwol defense is like the best defense they’ve seen in their whole lives and yes but there are mistakes there are issues here with this defense specifically um you know with their drop coverages on Luca and Kyrie so you know Kyrie Irving comes out to a really slow start you know can’t really buy a bucket missed a lot of gimmies frankly like floaters like shots that I couldn’t imagine in a million years he would miss he was missing him and then he goes nuts in the fourth quarter um Daniel Gafford was crazy including you know that absolutely insane block I believe on Mike Conley Sprints down was that a Mike Conley he blocked I believe he blocked Mike Conley then he Sprints down the court pushes somebody lays the ball up while falling out of bounds I mean plays like that really break your back right but in terms of you know at the half like this was Minnesota’s game Minnesota had this game in the bag and I wonder if they felt they felt themselves a little bit too much because they got out to a blistering you know uh lead here 28 to 22 and then we were at 40 to 31 and we got to 5537 which is with Luca reference you know they were down 18 in the second quarter and at that point you’re like okay you know there was a part of me that was like really feeling like okay is is Dallas just satisfied getting one you know are they satisfied just getting one but because honestly splitting on the road is is a win you cannot argue that getting both on the road is freaking you know it’s icing on top but even splitting these first two games you got homecourt Advantage now you pretty much got the series in your hand if you’re Dallas right and something just flips around here you know carony towns he makes a three and suddenly you start to feel that like pressure of Dallas has stayed just connected enough they’re not going away and then we see Carlon towns going one-on-one against PJ Washington you know isolating playing with the ball a little bit couple of turnarounds one foot stuff it’s like relax bro you’re not Dirk and you know it showed and Luca makes a two-point shot Anthony Edwards 15 foot pull-up jump shot Luca makes a two line shot and it’s like boom over and over and over and you just start to feel the tide and the momentum of this game and I tell you right around there right there it just flipped and right there in the third quarter it was 83% likely that the Minnesota T was going to win this game according to the win probability and it just went away 84 86 and then it was 87 on that huge um believe it was a k it was a Kyrie Kyrie Irving three-pointer that puts them over and you know it just never came back now there’s a lot of controversial calls that some some people say Hey you know this this call could have could have changed you know the momentum of the of the game and there’s turnovers we need to talk about so the calling question was one of two turnovers by Anthony Edwards in the clutch um and it gets overturned right so Dallas calls for a challenge Kyrie Irving is immediately like hey hey hey you know Jaden McDaniels touch it out of bounds the only reason Jaden McDaniels is even in the position to catch that ball in such an awkward position is because you know Anthony Edwards tosses him the ball Kyrie Irving touches his hand Jaden McDaniels tips it out of bounds and that’s all she wrote the referees you know um despite people wanting a different outcome for that because maybe it’s their team you know that got that got jobbed by that those are the rules when you go to a review you can only CH you can only go and check what is being reviewed you can’t rewind right so the foul technically happens prior to the out-of- bounds call you can’t go back and retroactively check you didn’t challenge the foul right had they called a foul then Dallas could have said no that wasn’t a foul and then that could have been but that wasn’t what was being challenged the call was out of bounds and so really the referees sometimes split the difference when they see a Ticky Tac foul like that right they might see somebody touch someone’s hand and push it out of bounds they’ll just call it out of bounds on the team that pushed the guy’s hand but if you challenge that you can win that challenge because technically it’s still off that guy’s hand and that’s exactly what happened now to those those people saying hey there should be an asteris next to this game because because um you know um the refs basically jobbed the the Minnesota timber was please give me a [ __ ] break okay what Anthony Edwards got away with on Kyrie Irving especially on that one possession where he he just checked him oneon-one and everyone’s like oh my God you know Anthony Edward’s playing such great defense on Kyrie Irving he’s playing such great defense on Kyrie Irving bro what are you talking about what are you talking about he fouled him like four times on that play he was hand checking him he was holding him and the refs just swallowed their whistle and you know credit to Kyrie he’s not losing his mind over it I think this game came down to composure it came down to Mastery you know you talking about masters of the game when it comes to Luca and Kyrie right these are I mean Stan and GNE made quite quite quite a stir calling them the best duo and Draymond Green lost his mind Dennis Green possibly no relation here uh saying Draymond Green should not be allowed to comment on Rudy that is [ __ ] frankly I agree I think it’s quite Petty that you know you put the guy in a headlock and now you’re using your platform with TNT to call you know to to you know talk [ __ ] about him that’s just weird to me um Jordan Lon saying I remember that exact play literally four different fouls facts and look there were plenty of times like that I mean there’s a foul almost every single play down the court on on Luca you know Jaden mcdels is not not guarding him clean okay nobody’s guarding luuka clean but once again Luca just check check check there’s like endless counters and then of course we have to talk about the Anthony Edwards turnover the big turnover where he passes to NZ Reed and NZ Reed is not there look man I’m gonna say this I’m not trying to gloat but yall remember my live reaction to the ringer pot you know the that ringer list of 25 under 25 and I saw Luca at four and I lost my [ __ ] mind cuz Anthony Edward was number two and I can’t remember who was number three now but I’m pretty sure it was stupid who was number three someone tell me who was number three I know Victor was number one they put ant number two um what was number three it’s it’s it’s so egregious that I I’ve completely wiped it out of my mind that they put three players over Luca in the 25 under 25 um anyways y’all saw me lose my mind on that because it’s too soon to be talking about this you really don’t understand basketball if you think that ‘s a better player than Luca Don there we go Shay okay Shay you know I don’t think he’s better than Luca I said it in the OKC Dallas series I don’t think he’s better than Luca I think I think Luca is the best player among all these guys that we’re talking about the only player better than Luca Don in the NBA is n yic that’s it it’s those two guys at the top beyond that we can talk about Joel embiid I don’t like Joel embiid but I will admit to Greatness when I see greatness Joel embiid is there Giannis fading fast as a distant fourth um don’t talk to me about Jason Tatum I love Jason Tatum he not in that conversation don’t talk to me Anthony Edwards He’s not in that conversation these guys are simply not in that conversation Shay is closely approaching that conversation but there are levels to this okay there are levels to this and you’re seeing it right now and frankly this is just me being pretty premature you’re going to see in the finals when Dallas faces uh Boston as well you will see it in the finals when Dallas faces Boston because there are levels to this and I want to say you know to those people trying to roast anthon award saying like ah he’s a clown no he’s not a clown you’re a clown you are the clown you [ __ ] walking out here saying he’s Michael Jordan he’s this he’s that he’s the best thing since Kobe Bryant shut the [ __ ] up now you’re mad at the guy because he’s not living up to your stupid ass Expectations first of all he didn’t ask you to put up to put those [ __ ] expectations on his head you put them on him for yourself now you’re mad at him because he made you look stupid but truth be told he’s not making anyone look stupid Anthony Edwards has had a fantastic playoffs I am so sick and tired of this ESPN hot T culture where we you know anoint a guy to to be you know he’s Jordan he he he’s LeBron he’s he the best player in the league it’s his League now and then he comes up short in two games after by the way oh this is all on Anthony Edwards Anthony Edwards is the reason they lost shut the [ __ ] up he’s the only reason they are they even got this far like what the [ __ ] is wrong with people he’s 22 years old number one best 22y old in the world no dis no disrespect to Scotty Barnes like ant’s on a different level right now I love Scotty I think I hope I pray he’s going to be better long term but straight facts right now I think Scotty himself would tell you that anth is ahead of him right so no disrespect no shade on that Scotty’s my guy love Scotty Barnes but straight up anthonyward is a [ __ ] beast right he has breathed confidence into this team he has made people talk about this team like they are Dynasty before they even got to the [ __ ] finals he’s dialed in offensively he’s he’s attacked he’s played hurt he’s he’s playing well above his head he’s playing through fatigue he is so freaking confident he’s he’s he’s a he’s a mature leader for his age but man he’s got some growing up to do as a basketball player he’s got a lot of growing up to do as a basketball player man like some of the reads that he makes he’s just not he does not see the game at the level of auka donic few do few ever will frankly let’s just be real about that saying somebody does not see the game like LCA donic is frankly like saying you know you don’t paint like Picasso no [ __ ] Sherlock you don’t paint like Picasso okay but I’m saying he don’t even see the game like Kyle Anderson okay he don’t even see the game like Boris di right now give him time he’s 22 years old he’s shown a commitment to hard work he made himself from a kind of loose Defender to a really good Defender is he one of the is he the best defender in the league I heard that the other day is he the best defender in the league oh my God are you dumb you watch OG and anobi have you watched herb Jones he’s the best defender in the league now because it’s suitable to your narrative because it fits the whole you know Michael Jordan stuff no man go watch Michael Jordan play defense and tell me that looks similar it does not okay it does not uh look again it sounds like a lot of backhand compliments towards Anthony Edwards I’m I’m more so taking a job at people who build people up only to knock them down if you’re going to build someone up ride or die okay stand on your [ __ ] and stop this stop click baiting for ups and downs right like the Epic collapse of Anthony Edwards really this is an epic collapse for real I saw a guy attack the rim relentlessly I saw a defense wall up I see one of the best defenses that I have seen in the last 10 years in the Dallas Mavericks that is geared towards putting the ball in the hands of Rudy Gober and carony towns and frankly daring them to do anything I don’t see how this is his fault by the way last I checked you want to check how much money Carl towns and Rudy goar make combined I think they make like 90 plus million dollars and we’re going to blame the 22y old who’s still on his rookie contract really absurd I thought Anthony Edwards adjusted his game massively tonight you saw a concerted effort to attack the rim to not settle for jumpers to play through fatigue I think he’s guarding his tail off there’s just limitations to what he can do he’s just not that good he’s great he’s a great player I think the you know he’s firmly in that top 15 top 12 players in the league conversation but don’t tell me he’s past Jason Tatum right now just don’t like it’s close and you can have that conversation you can say they’re in the same lump but definitely do not tell me he is ahead of Luka dri like we can have the conversation about Jason Tatum Jaylen Brown Devin Booker Anthony Edwards we can have that conversation and and because he’s so young you can put him above those guys you can say because he’s so young and he’s so assertive and he’s so charismatic but don’t get too carried away with the personality [ __ ] it only carries you so far okay the bravado the personality the Swagger the big shots the athleticism the dunks the posters this [ __ ] doesn’t mean anything when you get down to the final seconds and you have to make a decision and you are seeing two plays behind the other guy because that’s really what’s happening right now Luca DOD is on a completely different planet and frankly so is Kyrie Irving than every other player on this court okay Luca is truly truly truly like you know when Kyrie and luuka talk about each other it’s really like it’s really like when you see Magnus Carlson talking about like one of those other great chess players you know being great is so lonely because you you don’t meet other people who see the game like you Luca Don could talk to a guy who’s coached in the NBA for 15 years and I guarantee you he’s going to see stuff that guy does not see mere mortals do not not see like the gods okay um Troy Knight saying he’s not better than Tatum at all it’s a conversation I’m not saying he’s better but it’s a conversation um let’s let’s listen to Chris Finch I have a feeling like look like Chris Finch ripped into his team after um after game one game one let’s see what he had to say after game two I’m clearly losing my voice a little bit so it’ll give me a chance to catch my catch my voice as well give me one sec here ah the real reason we go to post games so that I don’t have to talk for 45 minutes straight give me one sec here not calling the time out there to uh yeah I mean I I just said I should have called it so um but we you know I thought was in an ant’s hands the differential in the clock wasn’t huge um but you know um I initially wanted wanted to call it but you know I didn’t so how do you get a back to playing a little bit more of the quick decision basketball that he’s been so good with over the last two months yeah he’s got to get more in transition got to get out I thought he started the game with a great burst um was really go get uh going downhill well um and then uh you know kind of just phased out as the game went along um um you know went in there a few times uh you know I thought he could have done it more and we need him to do it more so yeah he just has to think some more early uh got to play off the catch a little bit more I thought be a little more shot ready I thought he turned down some open looks too you went with nas the final stretch over Carl what went into your decision making there obviously Nas was playing well Carl was playing well real well um and uh you know gave us some switchable combinations out there and stuff like that so did you tell Carl that at all or did you just kind of sit him and just let it ride at that point no I mean didn’t really have time to have that conversation you know so Chris both uh Carl and Anthony have have struggled inside the arc a got a lot more two-o looks in this game than the last game what’s what’s the key for them you know effectively getting downhill or being effective inside the arc yeah I think you know Anthony we just talked about I think he’s got to pick up his decision- making you know um I think Kyrie’s actually a good example you know he’s playing quick off the catch you know he’s trying to beat our defensive pressure with everything on the catch going quickly um you know with cat I think he’s just got to calm down you know I think you coming out of the gate gate pressing a little bit um maybe getting off on a wrong foot and then chasing the game so he got some good looks uh didn’t go down I thought for there was a stretch when you know when they came back into the game we had a lot of really good looks that didn’t go down um whether even at The Rim or or some open three so coach Mike was a lot more assertive tonight um looking for his shot out of the pick and roll got to his floer a bunch uh how do you assess his game and and the value of that going forward in the series yeah I thought you know Mike played great um really did I thought he made a lot of really good plays um you know we need him to be aggressive we you know especially when our other scores are struggling a little bit um so Gaff and Lively you combined I think 14 for 16 yeah almost all of them you know obviously Luca lobs or something akin to that off those sets what’s the counter for that what is the way to to present that from being less efficient yeah I think you know again it’s starts with keeping the ball out of the paint a little bit better um you know Rudy’s got to be a little more decisive on what he’s trying uh trying to do down there um you know we got to put a body on that guy too so be a little more physical did you get a a chance to look at the replay with 47 seconds left obviously went off McDaniels yeah I mean it looked like was also F right yeah yeah of course um looked like it was filed but um you know they can’t didn’t account for that in the call just to clarify he was correct and then he went with the incorrect thing they can’t it’s not that they didn’t it’s not that they didn’t want to it’s that they literally can’t those are the rules of the [ __ ] game do you say anything to a team after a loss like this or I mean said you know listen I thought we’re doing a lot of stuff that we’re talking about doing thought game plan execution was a little bit better tonight um you know we’re building leads just our offense is letting us down in key moments with turnovers and some Miss shots and some uh we kind of play ourselves out of rhythm I think a little bit at times um you know the two two tough games Ser you know a long long series and keep our head up you know we got we got um we got to get keep getting better but you know a lot of basketball to be played I just want to be clear I don’t think I’ve ever seen a coach win a years after saying there’s a lot of basketball left to be played Maybe I’m Wrong we’re back for playoffs Central live let’s listen in to head coach Jason kid Jason take us through what you saw on uh on Lucas’s game winner um well first I thought you know getting the ball in and setting the screen and being to execute um we we felt like they were going to read what Rudy and they’ve been doing that pretty much you know um there in the fourth quarter so once we got Luca the ball we wanted to give him space and let him do what he does um and I thought he he set him up for the the step back um because of him attacking the paint over and over um you know Rudy has to honor that and so with Luca’s ability to uh create space um in that you know moment as you’ve seen with with Luca he loves that stage um he’s and he doesn’t run from it and he made a big shot I thought he was great the whole game keeping the guys together um his energy um knowing that we didn’t play well there in that first half uh but we came out had a I had we had a good talk at halftime and the guys worked the game and we found ourselves in a game um made it a little harder with Miss Fritos but again Luca is special and he loves those type of moments and obviously you mentioned you didn’t play well early down 18 what did you think think were were the biggest keys to dig out of that uh well we’ve never been in that situation before so I think we were just kind of you know we were competing um but you got to give Minnesota’s a really good team well coached and uh they came out and uh they were aggressors they they took advantage of us kind of you know being um competitive but not where we have been here uh during this playoff run and I thought we talked about it at halftime we worked a game we trusted one another and we found a way to win on the road you guys were down five I think with a minute bro everyone could see that step out was coming like I was just like I I literally started calling out to my girlfriend who was in the other room saying come over watch this that’s hilarious 29 left the Poise the focus like there was no Panic it didn’t seem like in those last moments that challenge was big pretty big to just speak to how you guys are ready to handle these moments on the road in this in this environment yeah great question and great um observation I think just the trust the calmness of the group uh we could have easily just uh got on the bus and went home after Kai missed the two free throws but again our defense we believe in our defense uh we got stops um give a lot of credit to our bench uh of keeping the energy uh in a positive way keeping those guys up and then Keith made a great call of the challenge he said let’s challenge it um he was on the Baseline standing so he had um Good eyes on it and that’s the trust I trust that that smooth was telling me the truth we challenged it and we found you know we won that challenge and so um it’s a team effort great team win um Everybody played their part at a high level tonight even the guys who didn’t play could uh you mentioned the good talk at halftime can you impart a little bit about maybe what that was and also what were the biggest changes into the second half which you guys took care of yeah I thought you know we just we weren’t playing you know Mavs basketball ball you know I I thought again um just understand what we had to do we weren’t rebounding the ball we were getting the misses um and then um we weren’t covering the three as well as we’ve talked about um and then you know Reed was seven for eight um it seemed like every shot he took he made um but I thought the group responded to the conversation um that we had at halftime and uh it’s hard to win on the road but it’s even harder to win in the playoffs and and that group responded um just understand they worked the game we knew we couldn’t get it all back in one uh one shot so it was a a great job of just executing the game and finding a way to win on the road and also the the uh play of uh Gafford and and Lively I mean they shooting almost 90% And think get you 30 and 14 it’s a good good tandem um you know I thought Gaff was a lot better tonight um di live is and dve he’s he’s playing well uh again for a young man who’s a rookie playing late in the playoffs uh the trust that his teammates have with him on the floor on the offensive end and the defensive end has shown and he’s um you know he’s going to be a special one as as his journey continues but our bigs were were really good tonight you said it felt like uh Naas Reed made every shot did you hold your breath as as the last shot went through the air well I said they found a hot hot guy I was like damn um hell of a play great look um the ball just bounced our way um so we got lucky with with Luka you talk a lot about not taking him for granted when when you see this probably you know as much as anybody you see practice you see all his games you see all of this is it is it hard for you sometimes do you have to remind yourself you know just personally not to take him for granted oh I’m not taking him for granted uh you know just understanding who he is and what he’s about you know is he’s special and that’s said that since I’ve been here um he loves the moment um he’s not afraid uh of the moment um one of the plays that I thought was big was a reversal of him coming up with a offensive tip to Kai um where Kai has done that um with the offensive tip in Oklahoma series uh with the tip to Luca 43 it was like roll reversal I think Kai just missed it uh but it was just you know he’s trying to do everything all the little plays on the defensive end and the offensive end and uh he can carry that load and he’s doing that for us right now even with the rare occurrence from Kai missing those free throws the back court still facilitated and made sure that everyone stayed grounded um what was the emphasis of your call game play and everything like that yeah we we were you know um it was kind of R reversal Luca was going early Kai so we wanted to get him out early um Kai had great looks that just didn’t go down but uh you know the the beauty of this team is just the positivity the energy uh if someone isn’t struggling everyone’s picking up each other and everyone’s connected and so uh everyone just kept telling Kai to you know keep doing what he was going to do and I thought in the fourth he he showed up like Luca did and he played at a high level for us on the offens V after missing those free throws he makes a big three uh in the corner um and so that just shows that no one quit you know everybody played to the end and that’s what makes this group special Jason you had pointed out last couple days several times that you guys didn’t win game one in the first two rounds so when you get the first game human nature a lot of times is teams to basically get ready to go home and and you have the split how did you handle the messaging in terms of no let’s get greedy and and get two here yeah I think one um there’s only one guy who’s won a championship so we got we have to be hungry and when you talk about Kai it’s easy for Kai you know send that message but I think for the group there’s a trust between the coaches and players and players to players In fairness there are two guys who won a championship Jason kid also won a championship and and the last two days we’ve talked about that we’re down like we haven’t done anything and uh this group is one that’s not going to quit uh they continue to play to the end uh even if we ended up losing this game it’s about you know playing the game way for 48 minutes and and that’s what we’ve done um you know here of late and that’s what we truly believe in and so it’s been fun to be around these guys um these guys have a lot of fun but when it comes to work um you know they’re trying to do their job at a high level and everyone concentrates on Luca and Kai but uh the role players uh do their part um and embraced by the stars and that’s what again makes this team special yeah yeah all right look man I don’t think this series is over it would be very hard though I said it yesterday about the Pacers I’ll say it maybe not the same level of difficulty because the Minnesota timber was clearly capable of winning on the road they went into Denver and won a game seven you should never count this team out but that being said there are certain differences um between the Denver Nuggets and the Dallas Mavericks specifically how how they defend and how they initiate their offense right now Denver at times last year was a pretty good defense I think this year not so great they were a team that sort of sleep bled they were they were also a team that got some very underwhelming performances from some of their complimentary pieces you could argue Michael Porter Jr or Aaron Gordon either one of those guys have an average game in game seven we’re seeing Dallas Denver right now so never underestimate the amount of luck that it takes to get to this point and how much apart luck shooting variance illness injury Etc can play in terms of a team but when you look at a team up and down you really ask what does this team like to do and how does another team stop this right so Luca and ISO one-on-one can’t really stop that right you don’t have a matchup for it frankly nobody does nobody has a matchup for Luca oneon-one nobody I don’t give a [ __ ] about what people say say about Lou Dort or OG and anobi or anybody no one’s stopping Luca donic one-on-one he is a 18 seconds of seven eight counters and eventually he’s going to get a clean shot he gets to his spot one because he has 85 spots on the court um two because he built up Rhythm as he continues with his dribble and three because he is very much always a threat to kill you in three different ways he can pass dribble shoot right and he can drive and he can score on all three levels and he has like this entire plane to dance on which is like he not afraid to pull it from 28 if you sag off he’s not afraid to dive into a double team and draw a foul he has like a Relentless ability to punish your mistakes and same thing they say about joic um except the difference is with joic it’s a little bit slower um joic wasn’t really shooting three so it made him a lot more predictable if you can understand like joic initiating from the top would be just as dangerous as Luca generating generating offense from the top except yic was not shooting so teams were able to drop back on him which really played into Rudy goar’s hands you saw yic have I think two games where he just started launching from three right and people criticized it because he wasn’t hitting them but the truth is I think yic understood that for them to win that series they had to pull goar out of the paint well one way to pull goar out of the paint and basically render goar kind of useless is to put him in Relentless switches and to put him in pick and roll where the guy who’s rolling is just faster than and is able to get behind him and you’re seeing Daniel Gafford and D Derrick Lively just get around the bigs so in terms of where you’re initiating all your offense from you this is a very perimeter oriented offense where they can play a traditional kind of five out or four out and Luca initiated from the top and they’ll sometimes stagger you know one of Luca or Kyrie is almost always on the court they do a lot of similar things they can do they can generate offense of similar ways they can both initiate from all three levels they can be in the post and kind of hold their composure and dissect you as passers uh they can draw a double team but if you put one on them they’re pretty much going to cook their matchup every single time and force middle or get to the line I just don’t think like you just have the same recipe for Success against this team and on the other hand and you know what you want to do offensively you know if you’re the the Minnesota Timberwolves like Carl you know Anthony Edwards got to the rim relentlessly against Denver like he but there’s no Defender as bad as Jamaal Murray on this team none and I don’t think there might not be a Defender as bad as Michael Porter Jr on this team the Dallas Mavericks are playing up to a very very very good defensive level like we are seeing defensive plays made by Luca donich he’s even bought in so I think that you know um and also like that matchup that they have like I think drik Jones Jr like for everything I think about you know kcp and how gr he is I think Derrik Jones Jr might be a better matchup for Anthony Edward he’s just bothering him a little bit more he’s got a little bit more length but it’s not one man who’s stopping Anthony Edwards and I think that that’s that’s the credit you have to give to Anthony Edwards that he’s evolved himself to to the type of player where the Dallas Mavericks defense is geared up for him so relentlessly and they know that he has this Elite First Step but they also that the law of averages says that if you can force him to be a jump shooter you are going to actually win that game more times than not because he’s not going to be able to get into the middle and that’s a recipe for a disaster so again I think Jason kid is coaching This brilliant series because again what you want them to do is to go to their fourth or fifth option because if if Minnesota can design an offense that’s just like you know however they want to play they want to play with Anthony Edwards getting downhill they want to play with Carlon towns getting in the post they don’t want to play with Anthony Edwards shooting jump shots and Carl towns isolating from 20 feet off the dribble they don’t want to have brudy goar um you know with post touches 12 feet away from the basket trying to make plays in the post so if you’re the Dallas Mavericks you’re going to deliberately force them into situations where they’re going to have to play from their weaknesses and there are so many weaknesses to dissect um I think it helped maybe the Dallas Mavericks that they closed out OKC a game early they didn’t go to game seven they closed them out despite how OKC had home court so they beat OKC um at home and then they took care of business in Dallas and they win game six they had just a little bit more time to dissect and prepare for the Minnesota timber wolves and I kept saying throughout that Denver and Minnesota series this Timber’s team is not as good as people are making them out to be offensively they struggle and I think we’re seeing it again um they do crack 100 points they get to 108 against a really good defense so I still think they’re batting up right tonight you get a pretty good shooting night from Minnesota uh fun fact both teams shot identical from three so they matched even for even from three this game was lost in two places so yeah the both teams wait what I yeah both teams shot 12 for 31 from three that’s a pretty wild stat so both teams shot above League average from three and um three point shooting percentage is down in the playoffs this is like pretty above League average and Minnesota got to the line 10 more times and they won the offensive rebounding battle 11 to 12 right and they won the assist battle 26 to 24 and they won the turnover battle 10 to n where did they lose points in the paint yes those efficient shots that Kyrie and Luca generate for Daniel Gafford and Derk Lively are where is where Minnesota is losing this despite all the advantages that I just referenced they were advantaged at the line they had a field goal they took more shots they went they took 85 shots the Dallas Mavericks took 84 shots and you got to the line more do you realize how relentlessly how badly Minnesota won The Possession battle here largely they won the turnover battle they won the points off a turnover battle they like they won everything but they still lost this game they had the largest lead basically like they led the entire way and lost this game they have lost the P they have lost game one and two by a combined Four Points Four Points four count them Four Points that’s crazy they are losing on the details so don’t count Minnesota out don’t say they’re washed they’re done this is not the Pacers where I just I counted out the Pacers eulogy yesterday if you caught it like I’m standing firm on that the Pacers are done the Minnesota timber worlds I don’t think they’re done I think they’re going to punch hard this is a team honestly the Minnesota was one of the weirdest teams in the league they have if I’m not mistaken they have won every single game where they were not favored to win last series and they’ve lost every single game so far that they were favored to win in this series maybe this is just a team that needs to be the underdog to win but I got to tell you something if you had bet the underdog in every single game that Minnesota has played in the last nine games you’d be very very rich right now so it’s just it’s something weird happening they just do not respond well to being on top uh we got a surprise caller we got coach Mo let’s talk to coach Mo coach Mo what’s up so great game great game after game one of this series I thought to myself Dallas is going to win the championship that’s what bit on and you said the series wasn’t over do you think Minnesota can win four out of the next five no especially if most of them are going to be close games I I just don’t see it happening see again I said it before about the Boston and Indiana series I’ll say the same thing when you’re going up against the better team the longer series goes the more it favors the better team now this did not work out last series because I do believe Denver was a better team and they lost anyways but in this case um yeah I I really I I think the difference in this series is even though joic is the the best player of the two teams that Minnesota’s facing the difference to me is the gap between Luca and joic I don’t think it’s that big but yic is better even though Luc is kind of hobbled right now I think the main difference differ is Kyrie Irving is a lot more reliable and better on both ends of the floor than Jamal Murray was Jamal Murr struggled mightily and especially in moments where jic really needed help you know it’s like Kyrie can legitimately put his cape on almost at will Jamal Murray couldn’t yeah I think Jamal you know there was a lot of hobble injury stuff there too um I wonder you know how much it wears on you physically to play a team that’s being so physical with you is being allowed to be so physical with you and you already not 100% I don’t think like I’m willing to just write off everything that I know about Jamal Murray based on last series and just hand the crown over to Kyrie I do think Kyrie is a better player I do think he’s bought in way more defensively I do think historically he’s been a better player um but Jamal Murray is no slouch I just I I don’t think that the last series like here here’s the thing if I go out and I play with a sore ankle and you’re guarding me one-on-one you’re going to look like an elite Defender because I’m not gonna be able to get past you because I’m not I’m not gonna have any burst you might pick the ball off me because I’m uncomfortable because I’m and and some some people might say you’re a great defender but yo if I’m full full 100 I’m going right past you you know what I mean like so it’s just like it’s it’s like that you know like unfortunate injuries can make people look really bad and make make the people who guarding them really good I guarantee you I guarantee you take the current form of Kyrie and and put him and replace him with Jamal Murray in the last series Denver wins Den wins yeah without without a doubt they win that’s that’s exactly it but if Kyrie was hobbled you know maybe maybe we’re talking about him just the same way we’re talking about Jamal Murray um do you think this this series goes it are we coming back to are we are we coming back to Minnesota um out of respect to the Wolves I’ll say yes just I the reason why I don’t have I have so much more confidence in in Dallas is everything flows through their top two players and their top two players are perimeter players so it’s much more easier to get them the ball Minnesota you you you said it perfectly there are times where possessions end where cat’s just on the perimeter and the shot clock’s waning down goar’s trying to make a move in the post Alexander Walker’s doing something he’s freestyling right it’s it’s Mike honley has to pull a rabbit out of his hat I just feel like there Dallas knows who they are they know who their guys are everyone they orbit around the the Moon and the Sun and that is it and we go from there whereas Minnesota yeah ant’s the top guy but even he has limitations as a playmaker so even when he has the ball in his hands it sounds crazy because they’ve lost by like a combined like it feels like Five Points both games but you know that’s that’s the margin Play Play It hypothetical if I could take an Anthony Edwards athleticism and defense and put it into LCA donic is that the greatest player of all time probably it’s freaking insane man Luca has so many limitations as well right um um as much as we don’t talk about them because he’s just the expert his brain his vision his Relentless you know dog whatever we want to call it oak tree saying that’s MJ pretty much that’s that is Michael Jordan it’s it’s a you know what you know what I just described I described a cross between Michael Jordan and Larry Bird basically right um Anthony Edwards is gonna um get killed for this series because of how much people have built him up I don’t think it’s fair though I think the fact that he’s carried yo like I’m not saying they already won their championship by knocking out the Denver Nuggets but that’s a big big big hurdle in terms of their eventual goal that they’re getting to and I know that he and Carl talents because they’re both kind of immature they laughed it off they said how much more we got to lose how much we got to lose well this this is how much more you got to lose you got to take this pain you got to you know you got to it doesn’t always work out this way but most of the time you’re going to have to lose on a bigger stage in the Western Conference Finals getting embarrassed by the D Mavericks when you had homec court when you were favored to win the series when you were favored to win the championship you know Vegas still favors Boston though Vegas favors Boston over both these teams I don’t neither do I I I am not a Boston hater I like the Boston Celtics I love the Boston Celtics I I don’t I like their players I don’t love the team I don’t love their history I don’t love their fans but I like the team I like Jason Tatum I like Chris Ops porzingis I like Drew holiday I like Derek white I like Jaylen Brown I like all their team like I’m even coming around on Joe missou we got OA brassett on the team he’s a Canadian guy look I have nothing to say about Boston’s roster I love Boston’s roster I still think Luca is better yep I think Luka and Kyrie now can we can we just get to how crazy the finals are going to be with Mavericks versus Celtics if it is that matchup dude Kyrie Irving against Boston the Boos are gonna be crazy and Chris ABS bingz against Dallas oh what yeah what why are why is ESPN now talking about this right now this is crazy I think it’s I think they’re not talking about this because they still expected Minnesota to win this series but seriously this is insanity like this is everything you want this is like this is two people going up against their old teams both fan base have very very polarizing opinions about both players just feel like Vince Carter facing off against the Raptors in the finals you know what I mean like it’s it’s not quite that level but I mean Kyrie swore he was coming back and then he left and and he everyone has hated him in Boston since like Boston Cel fans can’t stand Kyrie Irving to see Kyrie Irving win a championship yeah for Dallas in Boston dude my tears might turn green what I mean if you’re Dallas you’re just like thank God we got the the mature fully actualized version of Kyrie Irving thank the stars that we we we got the we got him in his final form you know like when Frieza hit the final form yeah that that that’s Kyrie I never really watched Dragon Ball Z but I imagine I imagine it was epic um okay I think that is there another player in the league that you think has like kind of a damaged reputation because look man like Kyrie Irving and James Harden had like pretty pretty bad reputations coming out of Boston uh Brooklyn and you know the Clippers gambled um on James Harden coming out of Philly right and he paid off you know it didn’t pay off right away but it paid off right James Harden was Elite for the for the Clippers um Kyrie Irving’s been awesome awesome do you remember what they do you remember what they gave up for Kyrie Irving it was one unprotected first round pick in 2029 because they didn’t have much first round picks it was one unprotected first surrounder in 2029 um it was uh Spencer Den witty um the later waved later waved Smith yeah I think like a a second it wasn’t much because Kyrie was gonna be people hated that trade because he was free agent it was like it was technically a rental contract wise a one-year rental yeah I mean any team was going to trade for him kind of knew what what the deal was right and I mean they just I I don’t know I guess they thrust into it and then you know it’s just so many people have egg on their face because honestly like Luca Luca himself did not want the team to tank last year and look what they tanked for they t for uh you know so here’s here’s a question that I would love to ask Messiah and Bobby Webster they tanked with Luca and Kyrie on their team to get D Derek Lively you couldn’t tank because you had Pascal and Fred I know oh my I mess dude I messaged you today when I told you from the bottom of my heart I every day like there’s at least one moment every day I’m thankful nurse Pascal and Fred are gone I am so happy we don’t have to have these guys literally have us hostage because they were a part of a championship team and they they never mention it but the way they behave the way they talk and walk it is like you’re lucky we even are here there was an err of that but there’s always been an err of that with Toronto unfortunately um there there just has been you know what I mean like it’s it’s been there for a really long time um like even like Okay so this entire Drake diss track love it by the way not gonna lie not like us yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] bro I don’t want to get too controversial here I don’t know about you I’m not a drake fan so I think men of a certain age aren’t a drake fan okay yeah so like I mean I’m a huge Kendrick Lamar fan and I’m a huge weekend fan so the fact that he beef with those two guys I’m like yeah my my side in this war is clear but there’s that part about you know where he says um you know D Ro and y’all didn’t deserve him right yeah that is American sentiment because the Rosen from Compton Kendrick Lamar from Compton blah blah blah Drake you know biged up D rozan or whatever maybe it rubbed Kendrick some some way I guess what I’m trying to say is that um I’m happy they’re gone but so here’s like here’s a worthwhile question Dallas Mavericks call you tomorrow they say we love Derek Lively but we want we want yako burle um y’all want Derek Lively how many first round picks are you willing to give us for this swap just to give you an idea of how much the value has sunk on that pick so I mean I think it’s worth asking would you trade yakob ptle and Grady dick for drick lively I would okay would you trade yaka purle Grady dick and a first round pick for Derrick Lively which pick 2026 Lottery protected no man Lottery protected yeah yeah I would his fit with Scotty and the fact that he’s only 20 and he got and we get him after this playoff run yeah I take him okay I think I think Grady is going to be really good but I just wanted to throw that out there that I think a lot of I wouldn’t I wouldn’t if we didn’t have Scotty if if it was Pascal leading us because then it doesn’t matter because because guys like him they work so well with people who can get them the ball in places they need because it’s not like Lively is a dump it down center right but like like M uh Messi said the hardest part we have you have the hardest piece and he can he can get him lobs he can maybe not like Luca but he definitely can and I do want to say like I think he’s going to be like you know people keep trying to compare him to some player and there were a lot of comparisons around the draft to maybe a guy like DeAndre Jordan I see you know who I see in him I’m I’m curious if you do you have a comp for him like do do you have a player that when you watching Derek ly you’re like this guy really reminds me of this guy well right now he plays a lot like um Houston uh Clint capella remember when he was a little bit more bouncier and he used to eat off of Harden and and Chris Paul that’s kind of what he’s doing right now he’s obviously a lot younger than I think capella was then but but I think he has more room to grow like to expand his game because capella never really shot and he never really developed any sort of jump shot he reminds me of Joe Keem Noah like a bouncier like lob threat version of joem Noah like a Tyson Chandler meets Joe Keem Noah like that’s the best version and what I’m thinking about is like could he be perennially like a second team to First Team all defense guy for like eight years and also lowkey be like a two to three time Allstar like he’s he’s a he projects to be a better player than Jered Allen and Jared Allen has made an All-Star team if I’m not mistaken right I mean numbers wise like he’s putting have pretty good numbers what what I’m fascinated by is his decision making I can’t stop raving about Derek L pretty much any person that I talk to for 10 minutes whether they are my neighbor whether there it’s you know some person I see on the street whether it’s a person come conversation Derrik livley just randomly comes up be like y you watching the playoffs like yeah what do you think of that guy Derrick livley he’s pretty good right they’re like who Luca no Kyrie no aun Edwards no don’t know don’t care wemy uh no man drick Lively he’s [ __ ] awesome um you know watching Derrik Lively and kesan Wallace just you know breaks your heart it really breaks your heart I like Grady I like Grady a lot like I I really do and I I don’t want any of this to be considered as you know miscon as shade but really he’s not on their level yet he may get there one day and one day from now we might look back and say grd is a top five player in this draft class and maybe those guys don’t hit that Mark progression happens at weird times you know um but man like what this guy’s doing in the playoffs right now what they both did in the playoffs like they’re both rotation players like Kon Wallace was decidedly better than Josh giddy in the playoffs he’s a rookie he’s a rookie that’s not a bar at this point yeah I mean Josh gidd is a pretty good player bro he’s a pretty good player like I know people are trashing him right now but he’s a starter level player in the NBA he’s very fit dependent though he’s very fit dependent okay but but In fairness he started for a for the number one team in the Western Conference and without they would the number one team in the west they were the number one team in the west yeah but how much did he contribute to that sure but like I mean if he if he went down with injury you know I’m not wishing injury on anybody but if he did are they really suffering what do you mean like if if jdub gets down that’s a big loss if chck goes down that’s a big loss obviously Shay goes down that’s a big loss in terms of the starters no I understand that I guy okay he’s really redundant in the starting lineup okay but we’re Notch but we’re not acting like kesan Wallace and and Derrik ladley are the second options on their teams right so so what I’m saying is like he participated and analytically he was fine you know his shooting is still a problem but his playmaking cannot be understated my point is those he was better than him uh Isaiah Joe was better than him in the playoffs in fact uh Wiggins might have been better than in the playoffs but Derek Lively is leading the Dallas Mavericks in plus minus throughout the entire playoffs he’s actually third in the league in plus minus I believe the only players ahead of him in terms of plus minus not box minus just plus minus uh God who is it who is it who is it who is it Nico yic maybe Jason Tatum no the entire Celtic starting lineup like because of how much they’ve they’ve killed other teams there aren’t many players um by the way Jason the Jason kid uh it finally worked out playing Gafford more before it was like just just run the kid let let him free but today it make it work I think part part of the part of the genius of playing those two guys is the fact that neither one of them has to shoulder the full load of being a starter you can play them for six minute stunt stints they can be super bouncy Super Active and they just get a rest and I think that that is the secret Genius of like actually having a real backup you know at at a at a role player spot right like so when you’re working out your depth chart you want this prototype of player to be insanely like in andout right so to put it into context it would be like having I don’t know like it would be like having Clint capella as a backup for Miles Turner you know what I mean like it’s totally different type of player fine but they’re both starter level centers right and that you could just run them into the ground for six minutes and then stint and then the other guy comes in and it’s six minutes and it’s a change of pace but they still do a lot of the same stuff as in like they can still Rim protect and so your offense just flips a little bit but like having that insane depth piece as your sixth man it’s really helpful it’s kind of like what the you know what they have with nas Reed and car towns right it’s like that NS read Factor where cat can have a stinker like tonight where he goes four for 16 and he’s just on another planet right now and honestly the the biggest reason that I am so like bearish on the Minnesota timber wolves is Carlon towns right now that they’re gonna have to do something though because paying the center paying the center position that much money like do do you really see Minnesota winning a championship with Rudy like if they do which I don’t think they will this year with Rudy cat um Edwards you see it I could yeah I mean ton of money that’s being pumped into that because like when you watch today’s game you’re like Cat’s on the bench Nas Reed makes like a third of what cat makes he’s man he’s ending the game and it’s like and this is where you you talk about winning on the margins it’s like yep you got you got McDaniels on a on a nice deal you got you got nzri on a nice deal so goar and and um and towns can be a little can be overpaid because you’re winning over there right you believe the car towns makes nearly $50 million you know that’s that’s next year that’s coming up for them they’re going to pay these three players 49 43 and 42 next year yeah it’s it’s insane it’s insane take a look at Boston’s books oh it’s gonna get real it’s gonna get real ugly in Boston because open up open up Boston’s Rob open up Boston it’s it’s like how are they gonna afford because they got serious Talent right and so they they’re second apron team right now too damn look at Dereck white look at Dereck white and what Jason Tatum’s gonna make right because he’s gonna get a super max yeah that Jaylen Brown contract is gonna look worse worse and worse it’s it’s gonna get it’s gonna get bad Chris D Derek white is a freaking bargain bro oh yeah no no his contract ends next year they need to they need to sign an extension they’re gonna maybe he’s extension El this is summer it’s gonna get crazy it’s gonna get crazy I’m gonna look at Hoops hype because they they do um okay so come on and this is when you start poaching or or or because I just don’t see how Boston can afford that starting five I mean they could but they literally have nothing else that’s why their bench is already kind of suspect right because their bench was literally just Al Horford pton Pritchard and Hower but right well I mean they’re not trusting their bench but I I liked what I liked what they got from o brat yeah yeah I like him too and and and and it this always comes back in the conversation we had last year with Nick nurse it’s like the bench sucks blame the bench it’s like you you never gave the bench a real shot like you never gave these guys a chance it was like in the Nugget series it’s like I mean you could have gave these guys a shot like we’ll never know we’ll never know if we had a bench or not like we really don’t right okay um transition over to a little bit of Raptor’s talk here OG and anobi okay now something that people don’t know and I was going to do a live about this tomorrow but I’m like man two OG and anobi videos might be a little bit much do you know that his agent is not actually Leon Rose’s son did you know this okay so are you saying officially or behind behind the scenes officially he switched or it was a lie he’s one of the guys who represents him but he’s not his main guy okay so he he’s one of okay so OG has multiple agents okay some players have that okay yeah but his main guy is not he’s still a CIA guy but his main guy his main agent is not Leon Rose’s son so I do think that’s relevant second a lot of this stuff coming out about OG’s going to get paid right so he’s got multiple offers and yeah there’s a theory and a world in which he’s just going to use Philadelphia and whatever else that he gets from anywhere else to leverage a maximum level offer from the New York Knicks two-parter number one do you believe that his heart is set on New York that this is like exactly where he wants to be or you think Philly or Toronto are in it and number two if the Knicks pay 45 plus million or 42 whatever million for OG and anobi are they gonna regret it I I think they will okay but they can afford it for now because brunson’s on a bargain but that bargain is gonna end very soon it’s not ending that soon really I mean he’s he’s on a hold on just look at it he’s got two more years on it he’s got play he’s got a player option okay so okay yep one more year one more year on a bargain okay that thing is skyrocketing okay and Mitchell Robinson has a descending contract Josh Hart is on a very very very reasonable extension starting next year like crazy cheap even chenzo is like the best contract in the NBA or one of them uh precious tuua is not getting the money he wants I’ll guarantee it right now um that you think we should get back precious no why not no not a they done that it’s like like I’ve had enough of the pressures that you experience frankly I I agree I agree I agree it’s just it’s just a player of his prototype when thank God for that okay I mean physically speaking bro like physically speaking yes but mentally like some of the mistakes I saw him make even in the playoffs watching him with the Knicks no okay Rob let let me play Devil’s Advocate was was yes he’s not the smartest player but didn’t it wasn’t the frustration with him because he was playing with bue and Malai Flynn and Grady was struggling wasn’t it wasn’t it a compounding effect no I I don’t think so I think the the problem here is that the system You’re Building requires really smart basketball players and you’re going to see non-smart basketball players really struggle with that isab hascal struggle with it although he got better as it went on you saw um bue like completely fall out of the rotation and just was unplayable because he just he doesn’t read the game well enough you saw Gary Trent struggle you saw Jay jayen McDaniel struggle yo you’re you’re super rebro players are the ones who are actually maximized in this in this in this system um he’s a he’s a kind of a non-shooter which I think is is hard to pair I I agree you need defense he’s not a great defender I put it on writing he’s not a great defender he’s a good Defender who has capable moments he’s a very active Defender he’s a very um you know uh what’s that what’s that ter what’s that term he makes a lot of defensive plays but that doesn’t necessarily make you a great defender making a lot of defensive play do necessarily make you a great defender so I prefer a guy who’s more sound defensively who makes less errors like a Mike connley you know is not physically he’s not OG and anobi or precious atua but he is a participant as as a Defender you know um so yeah yeah uh zigsaw puzzle saying he’s a Hassan wh side uh yeah but like way way worse yeah you know I was thinking about the Eastern Conference and watching Indiana make the Conference Finals and they’re they’re one of the weakest conference finalists in a while at Hawks and them that’s it Atlant well multiple iterations of the Hawks remember yeah the the four Allstar Hawks we knew there were frauds but I’m looking at these teams and I’m thinking to myself how many teams in the East just from a team standpoint are are not in turmoil going into the summer in terms of roster in terms of if like how many teams don’t know what their roster is going to be like they have major decisions to make because Toronto for the first time in a long time is one of the teams going in with absolute Clarity of who they are and where they’re going um their core pieces are because let’s I don’t I don’t think so you think okay so like here’s here’s the entire Toronto roster right now right do you have a clear definitive conclusion on whether yaka Perle is gonna be a raptor next off next season I don’t he’s not he’s not he’s not it’s not major like Cleveland has major decisions to make bro he’s making 20% of your available committed salary right now it’s pretty major and and for four years and you traded away this entire season has been a nightmare because of this guy I think he’s staying I think he’s staying I think he’s really hard to move and I don’t think Toronto wants to move off assets anymore I think they’re done trading picks unless it’s for something substantial okay so because he’s just a negative asset I don’t know if he’s a negative asset necessarily but he’s definitely neutral um Gary Tren Jr is he coming back I wouldn’t bring him back I wouldn’t either done that there is Chris bue on this roster next year to start he’s an expiring um 10.8 million combined that with jayen McDaniels $4.7 million and by the way Chris bue and Gary Tren Jr are the only players who started on your roster last year like they were the only people on the opening night roster from last year uh or the closing night roster from the previous year sorry so Garrett Temple was like a new addition but that’s it Scotty Barn is the last guy standing all these other guys are new right yako purle yaka purle is the guy standing but like basically sorry so Scotty year Scot who started the last year yeah so training camp 2022 2023 that roster has been gutted it’s basically bue Scotty Barnes G Gary Trent Jr that’s it that’s it I love it I love to see it let’s move on let’s move on I I I agree but like here here’s my you know counter on this so the Raptors have a ton of ways they can go they have more flexibility than probably I I can’t think of a team that has more flexibility than them yes in terms of C potential other other than maybe OKC because of their draft picks yeah but like in terms of what they have available to do stuff with they really could go multiple ways one way they could go is to rent out their cap space right where they can technically take on somebody else’s problematic contract give out a bue Brown um J Jil McDaniel’s package take on a multi-year problem and take a couple of draft picks for their trouble or maybe a young prospect that they really like that is probably the way it will turn out if nothing goes their way the other way they can do I I believe is to utilize the cap space properly and actually sign somebody for the first time and that person could be a Paul George probably not going to happen or an OG an anobi could happen at which point I think I’d give OG an anobi 40 plus million dollar to be on this team largely because of what he does and largely because of what his signing would signal for Bruce Brown and Gary Tren Jr I think those two guys have to go you have to renounce those guys in order to open open up open up the space to get OG it also kind of like resolves somewhat like this circle in my head of like you losing things for nothing like we’ve had so many losses of like oh you lost Pascal for three draft picks well now it’s kind of like if you get OG back it’s almost like you traded Pascal and precious and Malachi for RJ IQ three first round picks and three first round picks which is a great deal oh my that is a hall it it is a hall and also you know like never never excuse an opportunity to [ __ ] over the Nick so I just think that that would be you know it would be great for the Raptors to be the boogy if nothing else you force the kns to p a little bit more than they want to and that’s good and good for OG you know get get paid bro like a glove and exactly so the Raptors have this great relationship with OG whether they sign him outright they will absolutely play leverage because they have all this cap space and the one deal that in all of this the one deal that never made sense to me even though it was the one deal that was on my Christmas wish list it was the one deal I wanted more than anything you remember what that deal was trading uh Dennis shuder yes trading Dennis schroer to eat 20 million of cap space on Spencer Den witty to open up 11 extra million dollar next year just kind of rub me the wrong way like this feels like such a weird like the only reason you ever do this if you’re the Tron Raptors is if you genuinely like like Spencer with he and you believe that he’s a worthwhile veteran to bring into your team which was not the case or Dennis schroer is just the worst player in the world and he has no value which is also not the case but also also once they realize okay the Pascal the the all all the remnants of Championship pass it’s over we’re done complete rebuild we’re going with Scotty 100% M Dennis was brought on this team not as team team Scotty and team future but it was let’s be competitive and see what happens so since since we went away from that on this roster that’s what they said but he’s still an asset he still outplayed his contract he wasn’t having a bad year I don’t like Dennis Schroeder I couldn’t stand his personality but let’s not ignore that he was technically playing above his contract there was a team out there that could have used him there had to be yeah yeah in that sense I agree they could have better so you’re telling me that there were no suitors for this guy other than to take on a $20 million [ __ ] pump and dump like you know like like a salary dump like like you know Spencer Dy where you got nothing you couldn’t even you couldn’t even get a second round pick for it I mean Rob players talk that dude’s been on six in six years and none of them want him back I get it but but there’s got to be there’s got to a worse contract if I’m the Raptors like I’m looking at Den Schroeder like okay I got a backup guard I got a world full of you tell me Denver couldn’t have used him as a shot maker you’re telling me Denver couldn’t have used him as an upgrade on Reggie Jackson or something like that or what would they have traded away for him that’s that’s the question right I don’t know but even if one of those teams was willing was willing to take on a little less dentist contract even if okay let me let me let me look at the league and let me tell you a team that should have been able to offer something for Dennis hold on I’m got to look at Players by the way if we get OG if we get OG if we get OG and he’s plotted in our starting lineup and we literally do nothing else and we stay healthy the only team I’m concerned with is Boston a healthy Milwaukee and even then and and a healthy Philly that’s it that is it and at this point a healthy Milwaukee and a healthy Philly is science fiction at this point Fair okay here here are players who roughly make the same money as him landre shamut okay matis thel um isn’t that Washington what the hell would Washington want with him matis stb’s not on Washington yeah but it’s Portland what the hell Portland want with him be a mentor for scoot Henderson I think Sham in Washington or wherever he’s at he is uh Maxi cber that’s not happening PJ Tucker we’re assuming a quasi Contender someone that for a push right uh Rob Williams and his complex injury history uh Robert Covington and Nick Nick Batum I think these were these were possible options if you if you think of trading him to Philly right as expiring contract could Philly have used him more than they could have used those guys what do we okay right um you know uh another guy would be rwn Holmes know as as a flip like the Raptors had a had a need for Center you know yaka Perle was going to miss out a ton of ton of time they were going to you know try well you know um uh what about do you think I think he rubbed people the wrong way uh I think they tried to get him out of Dodge as quickly as possible I also feel like the way the fredman fleet thing ended and it was like it was there were things eerily similar of the way Kevin was Dennis was handling the situation and how he kept going on the will L show and he’d say things we all knew were [ __ ] like we’d see one thing and he’d say another thing and it’s like and then the relationship between him and and Darko and how he would be in over his skis it just was weird it was just weird and it’s like he thinks he’s Fred and he’s way worse with no cache he like dude get the [ __ ] out of here no cache of of the many criticisms of Dennis schroer I don’t necessarily think I would have ever used the word no cache with him but interesting yes um he walks and talks you think he won like seven championships I know um I mean okay here’s here’s a here’s a person that probably you know Phoenix if if they could have packaged [ __ ] nir little no they they can’t how many more wins does Phoenix have if they had Dennis shooter against the wolves in place of who though they’re they’re they’re they’re they can’t trade for him what they’re going to trade half their roster to get him like they have all these guys on minimum contracts they’re their the cap sheet is so weird uh Bradley VI might be the worst contract in the NBA he is the worst contract he might be the worst contract of all time yeah that team for that team what he eats up I mean Gilbert Arenas you know Gilbert Arenas was a really really bad contract but you know and and that came with extracurriculars as well at least Bradley Beal is a good guy um Gilbert Arena trash um his height he was much better like when he signed it it didn’t seem like the worst thing in the world bro do you remember when he signed it he had already had like a bunch of injuries I feel like that was a very questionable signing when they made it and his response to getting that money was crazy the exact quote I remember it like it’s tattooed on my brain you don’t you didn’t pay me for the player I’m going to be you paay me for the player I was I was like this guy’s cooked but cooked the Phoenix one’s worse because they traded for it that is true like they just took it upon themselves to eventually did didn’t didn’t some team also trade for Gil’s contract I mean didn’t Orlando orando yeah so I mean the contract was expiring I’m pretty sure there wasn’t much left on it I gotta look back on that chapter fun it was Gilbert arenz Vince scarter it was like hasbin just and Dwight Howard was Gil on that team with Vince yeah and they didn’t and they didn’t go back because yeah it’s interesting Vince always showed up right after the party ended he went to New Jersey after they made their finals run he showed up to um Dallas after the title Dallas after the title or Lando after their finals run it just sucked for Vince bro um I don’t think he necessarily had anything to do with that uh just bad timing it really breaks my heart that people who are decision makers for the Raptors vetoed him joining the Raptors on the championship run yeah that and K kyari really pushed for it too too by the way speaking of kyi you know how uh we were talking about the OG situation and I’m pretty sure the Raptors are gonna get a meeting with OG right I I believe they will yes imagine Scot Barnes will be in that meeting oh no no no not even just Scotty imagine Scott dark it’s it’s Messi walks in Bobby walks in Darko walks in Scotty walks in RJ walks in IQ walks in Grady walks in and Kyle Lowry walks in and he says no to that and it’s like and it’s it’s I I will make the pitch right now okay we’re gonna okay here’s my pitch to OG and anobi straight up you’re OG and anobi we’re gonna make you sit over there we’re gonna paint a court okay we’re going to paint a court on the table we’re going to put you in the corner we’re going to bring the entire team right they’re going to stand around the table all right I got to paint this out for you bro this is like an epic random I’m about to go on okay so you’re sitting there you’re OG and anobi you’re sitting at the corner left corner of the table I bring out Scotty Barnes Messi U jury I bring out all these guys I bring Grady dick RJ Barrett Emanuel quickley I bring Chris bu I bring out everybody we’re surrounding the table and he’s like yo what’s what’s up what kind of meeting is this is kind of crazy then we bring out Taco Fall right we stand him at one corner we get him to put his hands up right and then we get Kyle Lowry to come up and throw OG a [ __ ] contract right over Taco Falls head signed on the spot listen you got to have the stage presence man that is the greatest [ __ ] sales pitch ever and we you know who we don’t bring out we do not bring out Drake we bring out Kendrick Lamar to say we are turning the leaf all right somebody somebody in the comment section said and and true do I was like yeah no no no no we’re trying to sign them banned but um we banned the Prime Minister we ban we banned the mayor all these people none of them um like that would be a dream scenario to get OG and it’s like man the East is so getable like even Boston is beatable like Boston ain’t no this is this is what’s so great about the the NBA right now the parody is is crazy it’s crazy yeah and I mean like OG like my my biggest thought on OG is he does so much for Scotty right yeah like Scotty with OG is basketball Synergy oneon-one defensively they are Elite now you pair yakob a healthy yakob you put ochai hopefully getting better you put the team together I do think Manan quickly has much more potential defensively than he’s shown I think Darko can coach a competent defense I do think OG takes you into playoff contention I do think it makes you better than Cleveland I think it makes you better than Orlando I think it makes you better than a lot of teams in the east and by the way he’s 26 years old he’d be the old guy in that core he and yakob are still in their 20s and they’re the old guys like you fully get to move on and we know the Raptors like to bring guys back they just brought yaka back right the way this conference is going like Milwaukee Dame another year older Middleton another year older Brook Lopez another year older Giannis has been injured two years in a row at the end of the year and he ain’t getting any younger facts oh my goodness embiid every year is hurt embiid is a 100 years old at this point yeah his knees are 300 years old it’s he’s a mummy he’s basically a mummy at this point if you get G Scotty makes the jump IQ makes a jump RJ makes a little jump great you’re basically better than the Knicks bro yeah no we are we are like people say like oh OG wants to compete OG wants to contend it’s like bro if he and is Isaiah harste leaves the Knicks they’re not contending he is the balance he is the power he has the power to turn either Philly into a dynasty or he can turn Toronto into into an actual playoff team or he can turn the Knicks into a Ender and I feel like you know from a basketball perspective I feel Philly makes the most sense just going to say that out there I think Philly makes the most sense I hate it but it’s true Tyrese Maxi plus Joel embiid you know a coach that he already knows staff that he already knows I get it I think New York makes sense um if I believe the premise that he wanted to be there in the first place which I don’t I don’t necessarily think that’s true and frankly you know if this was if this was really a push on his end where you know people keep telling me like every time I bring this like oh he don’t want to BL in Toronto hate to break it to you it’s like here’s a question that no one’s asked okay Scotty’s the most selfless guy I’ve ever seen okay he loves his teammates he’s attuned to his teammates he knows what they’re about he was closer than anybody on this team to OG you could see it you fully could right on the court off the court he hung out he was the one guy he would get super mad in his live when Jake fiser started saying that OG wanted a bigger bigger role and he wanted to get traded he [ __ ] blasted Jake fiser he was so mad about that okay that whole time he was so mad about that he never got mad about Fred vanite rumors ever never got mad about Pascal rumors it was all only OG so I don’t know if I’m making this a bigger thing in my head but my pulse on this says OG and Scotty Vibe different if OG wanted to be in New York why would Scotty be upset that he left that’s the thing you got sometimes you got to understand the person before you understand the situation the person in the situation is Scotty Scotty is the barometer Scotty is the immature you know 22-year-old that everyone’s always harping up but like he can’t control his emotions yeah he wears his heart on his sleeve and he was genuinely upset that OG left so the question is the guy who loves his teammates his favorite teammate gets his big wish and Scotty’s suddenly upset I don’t ever see that happening never in a million years to add to that I don’t think I never believed the Raptors wanted to trade OG they wanted to trade Pascal but right make no sense you had to trade one of them why would you trade both but I think but I think they needed to do a rebuild and since they waited so long that OG was the one that was going to get them more right they needed running mates with Scotty it was a trade you almost had to do well here considering the position they put themselves in Right facts but I think like there’s there there’s a growing sentiment around the league of like well if the Raptors do manage to pull this off no one will ever do business with them again because it’ll look so bad and blah blah blah blah blah I don’t seem to remember this being the case when yako prle was a threat to go back to the Spurs I think it’s a big deal because OG’s on the Knicks the Knicks are the Knicks and OG’s a better player than yakob but the truth is with the situ going on between the Toronto Raptors and the Knicks I believe the rest of the league would fully understand that this is an isolated situation and again among 14 13 WNBA teams all voted unanimously for for the for Toronto to get a WNBA team 29 of 30 NBA teams voted for the Raptor for the Toronto to get a WNBA team Nick’s still salty as [ __ ] bro so why are they so salty they got OG why are they so salty why are these reports coming out that he’s that he’s listening to other offers I’m telling you man worst case the Raptors sent him on a six-month trip to New York to get to Philadelphia and basically [ __ ] over the Knicks in the process by getting what they could from the Knicks and depleting them because if the Knicks lose OG right now how are you going into next season you’re going into next season with Julius Randle a lot of questions Isaiah hartenstein probably finally not making $9 million unless they convince him to take a you just you it’s not the same situation anymore and OG is like this massive massive massive thing that they don’t have they don’t have anything like him and precious a Chua I don’t want to hear nothing about that so you can spend the $10 million on on precious resign him you can spend 25 million or or 20 million on Isaiah hardenstein sign him you can trade you know Julius Randall and some picks that you have left for something I don’t know what you’re going to get for that maybe you can make a play for Zack LaVine I’m hearing Donovan Mitchell because they fired JB Bier staff and he wasn’t really a fan of JB Baker staff Donovan Mitchell might sign back with Cleveland for $28 million well that takes one guy off the table there too well so unless you know like who who who’s coming through the door to save the Knicks I mean somebody does because Brunson this is unsustainable this workload it’s not sustainable he will break down yeah so he he need he needs help he needs real I I agree and look if I’m OG’s friend and I’m not but if I was OG’s friend I would literally Lally send him to talk to Lu alang about the the pros and cons playing under you know Tom Tibido in your Prime look man like like people say this is his last big contract I don’t necessarily think it has to be he’s not a guy who’s played a huge number of minutes he missed um a ton of time he’s missed a lot of time and he didn’t exactly like I mean I know he came to the league you know um not as an 18-year-old or anything but it’s not like he has a ton of miles you know what I mean like for a guy who’s 26 he don’t have a ton of mouths on his on his legs so he could have a productive career up until 35 that’s a lot of money do you think OG would rather play for I know he’s only played for this coach for about a couple months do you think he’d rather be coached by Darko rakovich and what they got going over there or relive the Nick nerus experience I think that Darko and OG have a bond I really do I think I think fed up with Nick nurse and his favoritism to his two guys I think I think he was fed up with playing defense and watching other guys be held to different standards I truly believe that rubbed him the wrong way and I really honestly believe there was a faction of the younger guys and OG and Gary and Scotty were were were speaking amongst each other in a way where they resented what was going on and I and I think that’s still at the top of his mind right it’s different situation though now you’re playing with Joel embiid and tyes Maxi this not Fred vanite and Pascal zagen there’s no there’s no denying that OG will take the third seat there right yeah but I do think that it’s worth pointing out that OG has literally never been used Less on offense than he was with the Knicks um so to point it out exactly if if we are to believe the initial reports that he wanted a bigger role while his usage dipped um with New York In fairness though it also dipped with the Raptors this year and but so does pascals yeah and I mean look like again OG is one of those guys where his impact is so weird it’s hard for me to say analytically like how is he so great because again 0.6 bosses minus as a nick 0.5 value of replacement like these numbers do not scream Max contract right he is such a ceiling razor but he’s not a floor Razer and I’ve always found that analytics favored floor risers over ceiling razors so they’re always going to favor a LeBron because he’s a massive floor Razer right but a Robert Ory that’s a ceiling razor so the question then becomes what’s what’s your current ceiling that you’re even trying to raise it are we even on the timeline to afford an OG right or do you take a Dyson Daniels and try to develop an OG H how much let’s say we don’t get OG how much are you willing to give up for Danny abdia not as much as you because I foresee some serious issues with bringing another non-shooter into this team to play with yako pearl and Scotty Barnes yeah so what who is this um like I think Patrick Williams you know in another world kind of fits a mold right you could you could explore that for the right price for the right price not at his price but for the right price um if you’re just looking for that 3 andd archetype I think um drafting somebody at 1920 who fits that archetype might be a way to go as well because sometimes older guys get overlooked in the draft there are probably some guys fit that mold um I could see us maybe you know I don’t think herb Jones is going anywhere that a steal of a lifetime type of deal and I don’t think those types of deals get moved um but also his current contract is going to really limit what his next contract can be and so they might want to get off that next year I don’t know but Dyson is like one player that I always like isolated as like in a bigger role Dyson Daniels the best defender on the Raptors over one of the best defenders on the Raptor one of the two best defenders on the Raptors and it’s just like you know his value is not so high right now because he plays behind a really really talented Wing roster but if Dyson Daniels was on like I don’t know Sacramento Kings or you know a team that had had a serious need for point of attack defense he would be talked about very differently so that being said it’s not David Griffin’s not an idiot he knows what he has in him right so like he understands yeah I wasn’t even thinking of like if you combine Bruce Brown’s contract um bu’s contract and uh jayen M Jaylen McDaniels J McDaniel’s contract it’s like you we can get a Max guy you could but unfortunately because like that Max guy is gonna be Bradley be but he no trade clause or Zach LaVine you’re not getting like a real Ma what are your thoughts on I know this has been brought up probably before but um towns five 49 bro $49 million for a big who does not defend super well that’s the offense would be insane though in theory the offense would be insane but in reality he’s the highest paid player on one of the worst offenses in the playoffs so and and what is what is what what are Scotty Barnes and RJ Barrett gonna do for him that Mike Conley and Anthony Edwards can’t do for him right now is the question to ask right is like I don’t know he’s he’s he’s give me the trio Give me the give me the offensive Trio of Scotty RJ and IQ over any Trio any Trio that’s around him right now on the Wolves this is the answer on the screen it’s Lori marinan that’s the answer I don’t think he’s going anywhere I don’t think he’s going anywhere yeah like you will not love what they’re asking for yeah and it’s Danny a like Danny a is not gonna [ __ ] himself over right so that’s I’m getting realistic I’m giving realistic options where it’s not an arm and a leg right but then you know it’s funny Lori marinan was a piece a piece of the deal for you know Donan Mitchell and now they’re asking back for him pretty much what they were asking for Donovan Mitchell I guarantee you right now if you make uh if you call up the caps and say we want Donovan Mitchell and you call up Jazz and say we want Lori marinin they’re pretty much asking for the same thing for both those guys and the Jazz got a hell of a lot more than just Lori Markin I know right yeah so I mean it’s crazy how you know a guy ascending being in the right position that’s why I say sometimes the unimaginative fan almost always wants to go for the ready-made solution but I’m saying sometimes you got to go for the upside solution and sometimes upside is pure hypothetical like with Jaylen McDaniels where it’s like oh here’s a 6’ n guy who can shoot a little let’s see if he knows how to play basketball sometimes the upside is revisionist like with Bruce Brown let’s see if he can find some of the magic he had with Nico yic but this time with Scotty and yakob didn’t work out that way but some times I think it is like a matter of fact certainty like it was um like it was with Paul George yeah you know um certain point everybody can see it yeah like sorry not Paul George Germaine O’Neal uh jine o’o in in Portland when he went over to Indiana I just got the wrong Indiana Superstar or like it was um for dren petrovich you know what I mean like like there is some element of like how is it going to scale up but the skills are all there so with Dyson Daniels I continue to pound the Dyson Daniels Ben wagon and I feel like he’s just I feel like I’ve made more Dyson Daniels content than any person who’s not covering the New Orleans Pelicans like I’ve never heard anyone talk about Dyson Daniels as much as I do it’s just because I’ve watched him so closely uh going back to the G league and I know the Raptors like him like I know the Raptors like him yeah but I love him too it’s just man if he was taller God he’s 66 67 how much bigger you want him to be is he he’s big dude I’ve met him whoa hold on basketball reference has him at 68 get the [ __ ] out he’s 68 he’s 67 okay so yeah he’s like he’s like OG size bro like he I think he measured 66 and a half without shoes I’m pretty sure no no he defensively yeah he there’s not much better than him right now and he’s and he’s what 20 21 he just turned 21 yeah yeah yeah like I mean Dyson’s like like if you study the numbers um on his defense like there is a world in which he is like one of the top 10 defenders in the league with a bigger role like people might start talking about him like that and I feel like you know um God what the [ __ ] is his name Jonah Hill in Moneyball when I’m trying to pitch you on like you watch the movie Moneyball where he’s just trying to like like this guy nobody likes him because of this and that but you put him on this and he’s going to be this much he’s he costs this much and this is what that’s that’s what I feel about Dyson danels I don’t know how much the New Orleans Pelicans value him because they do have Brandon Ingram CJ McCullum Jordan Hawkins that they just drafted who has a little bit more offensive pop and shooting upside um Jose Alvarado they have a ton of backourt and Wing players right herb Jones Trey Murphy the third Trey Murphy’s going to get paid a ton of money so that’s a small Market team they’re not super rich I feel like Dyson Daniels is Maybe who do you think is more getable right now Dyson Daniels or Brandon Ingram Dyson then let’s get them now the the problem is uh we’re g to give them the Bruiser Brown contract obviously and the gap between their salaries is about 14 no 18 million so we’re gonna like people are going to look at Dyson Daniel’s three-point shooting percentage like John saying 28% three-point shooter I get it I I totally do trust me I get that um but he’s 20 he just turned 21 like I give him some time super low volume super low it is super low volume and he got better like he had a solid rookie season and he followed it up with a better rookie season a better sophom*ore season just take a look here his defensive boxes minus if I compare this to OG’s this year it’s higher than OG’s just to give you an idea of that um hold on let me compare it to OG actually like he’s just he’s so good defensively he’s like we’re gonna have to take a contract back from them though and JV is expiring so can’t take his back his he his contract is done it would have to be like Larry Nance Larry Nance is the only guy we could take back Larry Nance is awesome but you don’t need to take back anything you can just give them picks we don’t have salary we’re trading 22 million for 5.7 or or or six we’re trading Bruce Brown I mean we don’t have to we can trade we can trade Jay McDaniel’s expiring contract and give them like picks I I would give multiple picks for him by the way okay so this is this is the oh wow okay this is crazy so these are the numbers on OG versus D Daniels and to anyone who believes in value of replacement at all Dyson Daniels play 400 less minutes in OG anobi and managed to get a higher value of a replacement than him at six years younger he also had a 2.5 defensive box was minus OG had a 0.5 I know some people don’t want to really believe in this because Dyson often comes off the bench and whatever but he did start 16 games from the last year he’s not a scrub like people want to act like he’s a scrub on zero volume whatever their PR is next to almost that the same uh Dyson has a higher assist percentage higher steel percentage similar block percentage higher turnover percentage but he just creating more he had more wind shares than OG he has more wind shares per 48 than OG like we are talking about [ __ ] like a a very different type of player than OG he’s more creative he’s better off to bounce he’s a terrible shooter his only defect right now is that he’s a bad shooter if he wasn’t a bad shooter you’re not getting him if he’s not a bad shooter he’s a max player in my opinion he’s going to be a max player if he’s not a bad shooter that’s how good his defense is okay so here are the picks tell me if they do it our pick this year or are two picks this year and the Pacers 20 26 pick for Dyson Daniel wait say that again our 19th and 31st pick this year and the Pacers first in 2026 it’s not enough I feel like you need to add something of actual significance into that because the Pacers are on the upswing and people expect them to be good the Raptors are themselves a pretty reputable organization that people expect to be good so it’s hard to think that you have like one of those picks of consequence like the Brooklyn Nets 2025 unprotected or something like that where people will be like oh my God but I think it’s a start um especially but unfortunately New Orleans has a pick uh this isn’t a very strong draft so I think that factors into the valuation of it um I think it would probably take man I’m inclined to say that instead of um Indiana 2026 you might have to give up your own 2026 that’s fine like top three protector top four protector or something like that it’s a big risk it’s a big risk to take because you could end up in the same yaka purle situation again but at least this time you’re doing it for a 21 year old yeah um you know who who fits a major need for you man like they they they honestly they tried to do some sh*tty version of this with oai abaji you know another guy with a lot of offensive question marks they’re trying to awesome point of attack Defender Dyson Daniels is two years younger than oai wa and he is like physically on a completely different Stratosphere um just as an athlete he’s always on balance like Dyson Daniels has in my opinion the potential to be a top five defender in this in the NBA at least a top five Wing defender in the NBA at 21 years old you just don’t pass that up he’s awesome uh Owen saying what does a starting lineup look like with Dyson Daniels honestly I think he becomes your backup one two three he becomes like the ultimate six man um who’s starting who’s who’s the fifth starter probably Grady or maybe you know because it’s the shooting concern here is significant right with with Dyson he’s a non-shooter you play him with yakob you have two non-shooters out there that the defense just sags off of the gift giving I know so you know unless you’re unless you’re trading away yakob as well to find a spacing five playing him with Kelly oen would be great plus you play him with Kelly maybe you also play him with Grady Off the Bench and then you get oai or someone just to serviceably slot into the starting spot um or bring back Gary because now you’re in a completely different plane or [ __ ] you know hey we still have the cap space sign OG anyway put OG in the starting lineup and trade away future picks for for Dyson Daniels and and and literally create the best defense in the East because with Scotty Dyson OG and Yak ain’t nobody scoring on that [ __ ] ever like the positional versatility like we are seeing it right now on that last play with Rudy goar and OG you know Rudy goar and you look at ders you see the value of a guy who can guard up positions and guard down positions Dyson can guard one through four in my opinion I’m comfortable putting him on a four and saying this guy’s big enough to guard fours he’s quick enough to guard ones that’s not anything I can say about anyone on the Raptors right now I used to be able to say about OG so he has a lot of that OG stuff um you know uh yeah I I I just I think if it’s not him then who right like who has that single impact defensively to clean up [ __ ] for other people uh Jonathan Isaac but there’s a lot of injury you know concerns there um but fewer shooting concerns at least right and Jonathan Isaac could even play like some small ball five for you uh in a pinch so I don’t know like wouldn’t it be great if we just like completely turned from like what the worst defensive teams one of the best by trading for Jonathan Isaac’s and Dyson Daniels and signing OG can we make that happen I would I would pretty much faint no all three of those things could happen I would faint if we got OG and traded for Dyson Daniels I mean just watching that starting lineup especially OG Scotty IQ and RJ and then having Dyson Daniels and Grady dick coming off the bench oh my God what a dream what a dream it’s like you fell asleep at the start of last season and you woke up from a nightmare yeah it would be great re the other reason I keep bringing up uh Dyson with with Toronto is because um Toronto was really really interested in him before he shot up draft boards um he wasn’t supposed to be the eighth overall pick he was supposed to be he was supposed to go much lower um and initially around he was being mocked around the end of the first round so there was like some serious you know conversation with him I also made a mental note that the Raptors had a really good relationship with oaji so sometimes these these things do come come back you know like you put it in your head you put it in your notes you know like 2019 Toronto really likes this guy and then 2023 they’re trading for him at the trade deadline so you’re just like okay that makes sense um so yeah Dyson Daniels just one of those guys I just pencil in as when he if he ever the Raptors will be the first first team to call for him do you like him Jones [Music] um yes only because he is four years younger uh maybe five years younger and he’s still on his rookie contract so you have longer team control whereas with herb you could lose him in two years um also his playmaking cannot be understated like he is a really good playmaker um less to get him H who would you have to give up more to get herb because he’s the more readymade product he is like you know again when people see what OG gets right honestly the gap between OG and herb is not big at all I watch them both I love OG no offense to OG and an OB the Gap is not that big there just aren’t a lot of guys in the league that can really do the stuff that these guys do there’s like four right and then there’s a whole bunch of guys who in theory might be able to that’s where you start getting into your Jabari Smiths your you know to a much higher degree Dyson Daniels where you start looking at point of attack Defenders who have like big question marks on offense and you say man if this guy can figure it out and that’s where I think the Raptors you know went with oai but his defensive upside is not anywhere close to these guys and his height and his height and length aren’t even it’s not the same either it’s like exactly so at at best case you’re getting like Tony Allen which is not EXA Tony all right but but that’s but that’s also why he was available if he was Dyson Daniels you wouldn’t have gotten him in that pick it wouldn’t have gotten him in that trade you would have to give up like three first round picks to get him okay the same the same trade if if Dyson Daniels was on on the Utah Jazz at the same time that oai baji was and the Raptor said hey we like oai but we’d like to swap him for Dyson I guarantee you that price the asking price goes up by two draft picks if Danny an willing to let go him at all which I don’t think he would be willing to he just fits see like I I value positional versatility and portability so much because of the playoffs right when I think about the playoffs and that’s why OG’s so valuable by the way and that’s why OG is more valuable than even a guy like Dyson Daniels way more valuable because OG can legit play one through four like defensively yeah and he can play like relatively with some ease two through five offensively MH so he becomes like a really small ball stretch five or a small ball stretch four or a prototypical 3 and D like he can shape shift so when Julius randle’s playing you just slot OG in and it’s perfect fit just works fine you know when when Julius is not playing he slots in for Julius and you can play small in the back court and he’s just Manning the front Court OG is like OG is like a I don’t know he’s like Insurance you know what I mean insurance is never worth what you pay for until you have to cash in right he just protects everything and he cleans up so much like I I cannot ignore the gap between Scotty with OG and Scotty after OG left it’s such a seismic difference in those two players it’s provided the spacing he takes so much of the defensive load off of Scotty and the other players and that allows them to have healthy legs so so much of like OG’s like if you’ve ever watched OG up close I watch OG up close up close few times you know sat like borderline court side The Sweat Just drip softest guy yeah hardest working guy on the basketball court just crazy watching these playoffs this series between the Mavs and and um and the uh Timberwolves having Anthony Edwards guard Kyrie Irving on one end and then as to create it’s just not sustainable in today’s NBA with the pace it’s just not it’s it’s it’s lunacy that’s why I keep harping on the the point where it’s like wait you want Scotty Barnes to be the the go-to defender and the go-to you’re going to wear this dude out he ain’t gonna make it right also um whatever you think OG is Gonna Get Right OG gets paid first the big guys get paid first they set the market what does Derrick Jones Junior get good question um 12 to 15 from the Mavs from somebody I mean if they win the championship which it looks like they could he’s first Brown then he’s Bruce Brown all over again he’s gonna get 12 to 15 I think someone will have cap space they’ll see the upside on him um I think you could make a case that maybe it’s a contract you know Herculean effort or you can make a case that he’s just emerging if this is who he’s been all along he just needed a place um seen a lot of people pop in contract years and maybe not be able to replicate that type of success Grant Williams you know hasn’t really been the same player he was for the Celtics sometimes it’s just a guy in a situation they call those players system players I don’t know something is a system player but man can you think of a better dynamic duo to play off of for a slashing Wing who has some spacing issues himself and some shooting concerns like with a wonky jump shot like I love his defense but man it’s working on a string with that Elite Rim protection you know he’s a really big part of their point of attack defense and I would love for the Raptors to have a player like him and in theory you know like [ __ ] like maybe oai abaji can become a smaller version of that I’m hoping for him but I don’t see don’t hold your breath don’t hold your breath from what I saw at the end of the season from that guy I was massive disappointed and speaking of derck Jones Jr and PJ Washington that’s the type of player the Raptors need that 67 68 69 versatile forward 34 right we didn’t have that we talked about it many times we just have a bunch of guards and Scotty right we need size we need length we lost it all in the trades and that’s the reason why the maps are good they got two of them and those guys are playing 35 Plus minutes every game and they take the load the defensive load off their two stars and that’s what we need to do athletes though I do feel like the Raptors have athletes now like Grady is a surprisingly like better athlete than people giving credit for Scotty’s an elite athlete RJ is an elite athlete like maybe not the prototypical type of athlete but if you’re talking Scotty RJ Emanuel quickley versus Scotty Pascal and Fred like I’ll tell you which which one of those teams is more athletic right mhm functional athleticism in basketball of course comes down to balance strength size wingspan all of it the Raptors had a whole bunch of very similar style athletes that all had very similar style mistakes and weaknesses um they just need complimentary athletes the fact that they want to play up and down the court means that they really do need a big who can run with that neither Kelly nor yakob necessarily fit that bill although Kelly can fit into that a little bit better in my opinion as a stretch big who Trails on plays yeah yeah but like a lob threat big like a Derek Lively would be a seamless fit that’s why again I remain harping on the Christian coloo Kur fuffle or his you know Health um not saying I hope he can come back but having a player like that or an EAS Mei or someone like that on your roster would really help because not only does it initiate sort of your transition because they’re a rim protector who can block shots and create that but also like just having a rim protector who can pass the ball a little bit and run the floor is such a godsend for your spacing because the big as we saw with Derrick Lively you know if you if you remember the play like look at how a big like Derrick Lively can drag you know on a pick and roll like he drags Jay MCD jayen McDaniel out of this play right he’s literally like on the switch Rudy goar and if he doesn’t dive fast enough like he’s the hero of this of this play right because I’ll tell you right now if that’s jayen McDaniel jadden McDaniels on him like Luca is not getting that shot off as cleanly as he got it off of R go be he has to go through something else so it’s probably going to be a two then we’re going to go to overtime and then we can you know have that debate about where that happened but because Derek Lively is such a presence and such a finishing threat and a passing threat and a short roll threat in this position he becomes unswitchable so he forces the switch like you like sorry he for he he um he forces the switch in into say like you can’t you can’t recover on this right and I think like having a big who can create that type of Separation just through sheer darts and and gravity and rolling to the rim would unlock Scotty’s playmaking in a way where people will be talking about him like he is the next Luca you know um so I think that’s an important Pro you know type and then also like replacing that OG anobi athletic type you know like the big Burly strong forward who has like that sort of hit flexibility and Mobility to move around the court yeah you’re right you lost a lot of that in in those trades you need to get some of it back um so yeah but overall I think the Raptors are a pretty athletic team and I think Grady’s part of that I think RJ’s a really good athlete you know um they can play with speed next year they can play with a lot of speed you know they can do a lot of what the Indiana Pacers could do potentially you know but my only concern is when when yacob’s on the bench and you have you have barbecue on the court right you have BBQ and then let’s say Grady who’s the fifth guy or let’s say it’s BBQ who are the other two ending the game like who’s who’s your closing Five who what’s your death lineup you know what I mean I think we have one that’s what I’m saying are we getting are we getting Draymond could have a if we have OG or Dyson Daniels we already have four members of that team that’s true like right now we only have three guys you can pencil you like I mean did you see the surprising success the Celtics had going with Jason Tatum at the five you know the other day two days ago against against m Turner and Pascal SE yakum well the Raptors could do that with Scotty Barnes and it’d be even better than going to Jason Tatum because I think Scot has J Jaylen Brown’s bigger than anybody else that Jones 66 how’s he bigger than RJ Barrett same size he’s not bigger than RJ Barrett they’re the same size same size player man RJ Barrett is like underrated big bro people always say he’s too small for the small forward I’m like bro how big are small forwards in your mind I’m not saying he’s too small for small forward but small some people say that he’s he’s small ball four you think Jaylen Brown’s a small ball four who the four who’s the four on the lineup for for o o Bret was the four okay yeah see we don’t have an O brette Okay you can get him minimum contract we just need one more guy OG Scotty size just one more Denny OFA there you go there’s your 68 no man like I think I think you need to draft this guy I really think the Raptors need to get back to their roots of developing and Drafting and sloting and scouting whatever and I hope they find someone good in this draft at least one of their two picks better work out and I hope like maybe they find someone in the undrafted Heap or whatever because there is a real talent deficit on this team and it is glaring and um for all those people saying uh we’re going to we’re not good you know we’re going to be bad this year we need a tank for this here’s my question to all those people if Scotty Barnes doesn’t get injured if yaka perto doesn’t get injured if RJ’s brother doesn’t die if iq’s Uncle doesn’t die right where does the season end after the first three-game win streak ever of the Season happened after the All-Star break with the young kids where are we at the end of the year now but by the way just a little bit of Shad Freud we did get that win that third win was in Indiana wasn’t it or was it in Sacramento I can’t remember now God damn damn it it’s so rare that Raptors won three three three three wins and I can’t even remember who the [ __ ] they won against damn it I literally have to go and look up Scotty barnes’s uh you know game log I’m pretty sure it was against the Indiana Pacers and it was against Pascal seak there was this whole debate about whether or not Pascal seak deserve some of the pizza uh I’m pretty sure deserves not a single slice at that three- game win streak right I think they would have finished with about 34 wins which again Paints the picture of a team that would have finished in the lottery however it’s worth saying when you tell someone that a team that W 12 something is going to jump to 40 their brain just loses it because they’re bad at math however there were some extenuating circ*mstances because the Raptors did go from getting Scotty Barnes straight to making the playoffs if I remember correctly yall remember that yeah because that’s what happens when you tank you artificially make yourself worse the Raptors tanked straight up you know Scotty could have played the last five games he chose not to well he didn’t choose not to they told him not to so that is fact Scotty Barnes would have played um down the stretch hold on let’s see here where are their three wins okay the Raptors won three wins yes Brooklyn Atlanta Indiana yes and we were playing well we were playing well man we were playing well now fact it’s like do you think who did we really do you think winds will be harder to come by in the East next year for us they could be okay here’s here’s Scotty’s entire season in a nutshell okay focus on this column the boxes minus column just to give you an idea of where his season started and where his season ended hold on let me just pull this up pull it back okay boom so here I mean again pro rated to 84 games look at the VP is 4.5 7.5 9.1 1 basically he’s in comfortably like these games right here crescendoing with the loss in New York he’s pretty much at all inba level okay OG gets traded bro these numbers went through a [ __ ] cliff yep you know just just like just they just went down they told him to be OG and noi right so his his legs dead he wasn’t take he wasn’t making threes anymore um and these numbers just they they became profoundly negative how good was he during our three wins let’s see who was the Catalyst for three three wins where the hell is the three win three win three win here we go so three wins Brooklyn we won by 28 or was he plus 28 hold on let to see this so yeah we did win by 28 that was a big win holy [ __ ] so we beat them 121 to 93 Mel Bridges had a terrible night the Toronto Raptors were he’s potentially a player we can get M Bridges is a player we can get so the Raptors were pretty much boo booed by Elite performances by Gary Trent Emanuel quickley and Jordan noara Off the Bench I do remember that game very clearly partially because it was against Dennis Schroeder if I’m not mistaken right so that was good um and then three games in a row with Dennis as a starting point guard and then you had Atlanta you win by two there again Scotty positive like again if if I sum up these three games into a season he’s all NBA also for context Brooklyn and Atlanta were the two teams ahead of us these were big wins they were in terms of what we were trying to do in the season at that moment yeah they were big wins and what was our record after these games I should try to figure that out here we we after those two WIS I remember we were three games back of of of of of Atlanta for that last we were three games back right and then you know and I mean like Scotty hit a low here right like this this game against s Antonio which unfortunately you know fortunately or unfortunately depending on how I see it because it was a really big low point in Scotty season um negative 7.8 boxes minus and trust me you felt it like you really felt it he had a disaster game against San Antonio and then you know the media [ __ ] storm and he walks off the court and three three seconds to go in the game he left right so there was that um but yeah he was playing he was playing well the Golden State game he had a great game his last last game of the season granted he only played 15 minutes but in that game he had an 8.7 blocks of minus like he was on he was on Pace for a great game so yeah if he plays out the rest of the season I really believe that if the Raptors turn it around and they make a playin push maybe just maybe he got a he gets a few all-nba votes I I think the season he’s going to have next year I think people I think non-raptor fans or at least people not on this community are going to be shocked I I think they’re really gonna be shocked at the numbers the impact and how really how great he is because I think as much as the Messi was saying things this is the first summer they’re walking that walk I hope so and look like we haven’t seen a ton of like Scotty Barnes you know know like in the gym working out stuff but I assure you he’s working real hard like he not stopped and um you know I like the fact that he’s sort of moving in silence this summer you know what I mean like there’s a lot of like he’s really had no raah RW pump quotes there’s no like big videos I’m not sure if he’s doing live streams and twitch stuff I don’t really follow him and I don’t really follow that stuff but um there’s a lot less like talking the only talking we’ve even seen is him like just you know straight up just saying we’ll be better I promise right um Scotty Barnes doesn’t break his promises though and you know what I mean like he he means it like he’s saying that for a reason this dude is committed they’ve turned the franchise over to him he’s a grateful and very humble person like you always see that he sees what they’re doing for him right they turn the franchise Keys over to him and he may not have necessarily been like um Owen McFarland saying IQ been playing 2K LOL yeah I I don’t know about that but that’s cool um and yeah like I mean I think he’s getting connected with his new teammates I think like if he gives this guys a chance he’s going to find that his new set of teammates are much better people than his old set of teammates no offense and you know I kind of wonder if his proximity to Gary as a person is going to persuade them to maybe make a pitch for Gary but I just don’t think Gary’s in the cards don’t think he impacts the game nearly as much as you know we would like him to but can’t can’t argue the fact that he brings shooting to a team that is sorely missing shooting and maybe Gary does you know maybe Gary is just young enough that he has one big pop left in his game I don’t know I doubt it though I doubt it and the fact the reason why I’m off Gary is he’s going to have to come off the bench and since he he sucks at it I’m just done with it because you’re not a starter yeah if you’re a starter we suck can you think of a player who has started in the playoffs who’s worse than Gary Trent Jr for any team that could be Andrew neard that could be you know Ru hachimura it could be ruy hachimura is there anyone I mean what was uh Nick patum maybe at this stage of his career maybe yeah I could see that by the way healed barely getting any run in Philly that was weird we no he couldn’t make a shot he can’t defend it’s tough tough tough [ __ ] would you yeah but they went to in the end is he a free agent they went to him in the end right they’re like save us yeah I I got to look up potential free agents on spot track I’m just curious like who who is coming up um EA free agents okay I got to look this up while you do that one thing that I’m excited about for Scotty is his trainer and the team they have real tape to look over with Scotty to get better as the number one option the intention he was getting where he can attack because I feel like in his first two years a lot of a lot of the videos are okay yeah you got to make your wide open threes there wasn’t a lot of things they can take from it but now he was finally put in positions where he’s a top dog he’s he’s getting the attention of the defense he’s seeing everything and it’s like the growth he had post OG Scotty TR post OG Pascal trade he grew in like I swear like 10 games more than he did the entire second year yeah I mean so that’s that’s exactly it right like technically he was a worst player but he was a different player he was wor at being a different type of player yes so we finally got the answer to what would Scotty be if he had to do what Kade has to do right without all the help without all the gravity without this without the go-to score without all that right the start the season we saw Scotty in the Jay and brown role you know kind of feast when the guy doesn’t have it going eat off of you know the second Defender Etc what we got to see him later in was like the Jason Tatum roll or maybe even more so the Luca donic role was like what do you do when team he had a bigger burden honestly exactly and so once you start putting that pressure on him you’re right I think that’s one of the most underrated things is like that’s something that Brian brought up too is like we didn’t know what his role was going to be T night to night it shift and so last year going into the season they trained for him to become the type of player who can play off of Pascal so pull up jumpers and that’s what he was doing to beginning of the year that’s all he was doing right everything was that but now Pascal’s gone now you’re getting the primary Defender you’re not getting all that space to work teams are playing you off your spots because they’ve scouted your spots Now where’s your counter and he got worse so that’s important because now he knows where to get better and one more step he’s going to be six box plus minus as a first option that is top 15 player in the league and yeah with with that ascent and him knowing what he needs to do and there he has his the team has valuable tape on him like tape that matters facts right and then improve the roster around him oh my goodness with players that fit around him agree totally um these are the players who are available for free agency why am I not seeing o okay there I see OG and Obi so the names are LeBron Paul George not happening Klay Thompson not happening Tobias Harris I I wouldn’t do it but I get it um James Harden probably not happening Pascal sakam definitely not happening Gordon Hayward probably not on the right timeline 14year vet Kyle lry I’d look at him as a third string you know Point Guard veteran guy off the bench I’d love to look at it but maybe Philly wants him back he was starting for them in the [ __ ] playoffs you know that’s worth noting I would love Lotti Demar de rzan probably not leaving Chicago but if he’s leaving Chicago I feel like he’s gonna go home to La um buddy heeld would you explore buddy heeld as a free agent no I I don’t see the point if you’re letting Gary go what the hell is the point of getting him okay um Bruce Brown is our guy we’ll see what happens with him ion fornier he’s going to be a team option that the Detroit Pistons are definitely going to decline unless they’re insane D’Angelo Russell player option let’s see if he declines OG anobi I’ll bet my firstborn that he declines that player option that’s not so that he’s gonna be a free agent Gary Trent Jr unrestricted Markel folz I could look at Markel folz me too really get behind a Markel folz um although the shooting concerns are still there Jonas valunas I could explore a yonas valunas Malik Beasley I can get behind Malik Beasley I can get behind tyus Jones I can potentially get behind Luke Canard um for the right price I could probably look at Doug mcdermit Gary Harris Robert Covington I think all these guys should be in Play N Nicholas patum he’s 35 years old probably not in our cards but I could look at him as a fattiest young replacement uh T and Horton Tucker I shudder to think MSI jury is having a wet dream thinking Tay torton Tucker is finally available um remember when the Lakers wouldn’t trade him they’re like oh yeah they were they were haggling over T over they ended up trading him to Utah for for for for Patrick Beverly my goodness facts Malik Monk and this is where we get into spicy territory where yes like you could break the bank for Malik and you could also break the bank for DeAnthony Melton Malik Monk Is who we wanted Gary to be yeah but he’s just a way way way way way better athlete and passer um which is my two biggest concerns with Gary um you want to play transition offense you need better better decision makers then you have Isaiah Haren team I wish to God we did not have yakob perto so we actually make the20 million off really limits like you can’t even get JV you already have yakob like yeah I think yeah and you already have Kelly lenck and both those guys are signed the long-term deal so you’re probably putting yourself out for centers unless you’re trying to get a $20 million third string Center De Anthony Melton fit so well I wonder what we would give for De Anthony I was gonna say Isaac aoro but he’s restricted yes Patrick Williams is also restricted Jeff Green territory I what about Osman interesting um I think they keep him but let’s see let’s see what they do uh Jan Tate interesting Caleb Martin uh player option probably going to deine it he’s worth a little bit more than that given the I hate I hate watching Obi top and play basketball sometimes bro yeah but but I know he knows Scotty and and he ain’t precious and he ain’t precious at least offensively he’s not precious but defensively not precious either uh Jaylen Smith um as a potential you know Christian Koko sort of back backup like the consolation prize I like him as a rim protector I’m not sure how I feel about him as basketball player but I like him as a rim protector and as a potential guy who can potentially shoot someday um Smith he can’t shoot do you you know what he shot this year yeah I know but like on on what volume we don’t need high volume volum matters yeah I mean he’s going to only be taking taking wide open threes and if he doesn’t take any that means they were guarding him so he did his job how is he a third string Center is it just an abundance of riches and if he is so valuable and if we are so bullish on him like I mean he had a three he had a 2.4 bosses minus this year and he’s 23 years old like he is flashing all sorts of positive analytics bro worst way we need tent in the worst way yeah we do he had a 20.7 PR he shot 28 68% true shooting you know what I mean um his three-point attempt rate is not bad it hasn’t necessarily gone up since his rookie season it’s around 36% that is pretty high volume actually I stand correct very high volume actually he’s really good he’s really good for what you’re gonna ask him to do and in the minutes he’s gonna play he’s really good man Indiana Indiana just I watched him a lot I watch him a lot Maryland I didn’t I didn’t think that he was a lottery pick but then you know he kind of became one and it’s been interesting um yeah I what would you throw at Jaylen Smith I mean granted he he would be like he’s he’s coming off $5 million like what what are we throwing at Jaylen Smith I would give him a twoyear 16 million I don’t think you got nothing for that um like you’re giving Chris bue two years 24 how you given him two years well we [ __ ] up on that we already know that that was an overpaid well that’s the thing that’s the market now I mean is is he really worth less than Kelly oen right now bro he’s 24 years old what’s what did Kelly make annually 13 12 I think all right match Kelly then $12 million for jayen Smith so $12 million for a stretch big who can block shots but isn’t that impactful a Defender isn’t always in the right place doesn’t really understand the game and here’s the thing I say would Jaylen Smith may be the perfect type of player for Darko to develop you know what I mean he has that skill set of the stretch big already he has the length in athleticism to already you know do some of the stuff that you would need him to do in theory um Russell Westberg Kevin Love any interest no um Eric Gordon probably not uh sadique bay would you make a run at sad Bay as a restricted free agent and they can match um yeah why not I mean he’s not on the top of my list as a as a Gary Trent potential cheap replacement yeah I could see it um he would be a defensive upgrade by a bit on him as well I mean just looking at guys if I sort by age just to get clear clear picture on guys who sort of fit our timeline guys who don’t make the cut off um you know age 27 I hope it allows me to sort by age it does great so the youngest free agent is Amman Bates great um apart from okay so here here are the youngest guys immani Bates Amari Amari Bailey those are all restricted free agent restrict unrestricted Kendall Brown nope um unrestricted Kenyon Martin Jr Philadelphia dlen Horton Tucker Utah Tucker can’t shoot he cannot shoot yeah he has super long arms and he can’t shoot Luca Sonic uh for the Utah Jazz interesting player can shoot a little bit B B I liked what I saw from cam ronish defensively yes I did too right yeah he he I always appreciate guys who can sort of turn themselves into a different type of player what about Goga bati now you really wish you didn’t have two centers on your [ __ ] roster because Goa is 24 and a half uh 24 and a half and he’s actually like he was good this year Nick Claxton is another guy who fits that now you get into Gary Trent Jr Xavier Tillman Lonnie Walker Lonnie Walker didn’t have the greatest season man then you get Jordan noara who is I thought for some reason so here’s the crazy thing I I looked at Jordan noir’s you know uh draft measurables fun fact came into the draft with one of the highest body fat percentages in the entire draft not far behind him was a manual quickly kind of crazy really weird um also I I I I went and checked that partially because someone told me that Jordan Air was actually like 68 69 because they met him he measured in about 66 so um o Bridges yikes not going to touch that Mo bomba okay again in terms of reclamation projects is Mo bomo worth a look and then you have Isaiah hartenstein I don’t know if he leaves CA and you know their their system but that’s that’s one guy C mahik Derek Jones Jr unrestricted free agent Malik Beasley 27 years old Hayward heith I really liked what I saw from heith this year also you know at times have liked what I’ve seen from Shake Milton as like a third string you know take a swing Tas Jones is interesting if you look for a change of pace backup guard but I don’t necessarily want a backup guard who can’t play with em manual quickly he would cost quite a bit um would you take a swing at Kelly ubber yeah in place of Gary Tren Jr he’s better marginally yes he is he is better way better defensively way better yeah and then and then boom that’s that’s pretty much the end of you know guys who are under 28 in terms of un free agents prince toan prince I mean he he he can slot in give you some nice versatility some defense some shooting right yeah yeah I don’t know H I really like I also uh bring him back uh Mo Bogner team team option probably they’re picking that up Jeff dton definitely definitely bring him back bring him back uh Sam Hower Club option they’re picking that up 100% um he’s on a steel steal of a deal but they’re not gonna beay they’re not going to really be able to pay him after that um Jose Alvarado another another guy on an expiring I don’t know O’Shea brette he’s on a player option he could decline that I mean you know would you bring o back I think there is like this like I try to try to gauge like what the Raptors do based on what they’ve done in the past they do like they they don’t close the door on bringing people back so I’ve never closed the door on maybe them bringing back you know a Delano Banton oh I would love Delano Bon back on this team now that you seen him Splash a whole bunch of Threes in Portland huh well I always liked him that’s fair he came he came out as rookie year Gang Busters remember nurse would just throw him in there and he just grab a rebound and just was the Road Runner yeah but he couldn’t stop and I mean the crazy thing about Delo Banton is like you know he reminds me a lot of like an imperfect version of a player that I’ve been hyping up a lot which is Nica topic obviously topic is a way way way better passer he’s younger he’s like a more flu you know I don’t say a more fluid athlete but he’s like more functional athlete but yeah like this concept of like a a wing guard who can sort of handle the ball and get into the paint relentlessly super valuable super valuable so yes um the Raptors are pretty good at drafting apparently who knew um they just they’re not great at keeping those guys around you know they identify Jeff dton Jeff dton catches on with the Philadelphia 76ers they identified you know Delano Bon Delo Bon catches on with the Portland Trailblazers you know they identified OA Bret OA Brett is playing in the Eastern Conference Finals like go figure you know OG anobi Pascal yakum like how many more stamps of approval does messiah jury that’s why I’m so excited about this draft too I can’t wait to see who they get at 19 and 30 and 31 man anyways this it’s 251 we gota gota wrap this up but thanks a lot for calling in appreciate it as always any final thoughts [Music] um Boston Dallas Boston Dallas who who would you pick I’d honestly go with Dallas yeah me too yeah Dallas if you’re if you’re if you’re Bost Dallas and six Dallas and six I’m gonna go Dallas and six Dallas and Dallas and six and then that Dallas and six again so I’m picking Dallas and six both both series I would agree and if you’re Boston if you’re Boston and you don’t win this year and you’re looking at the pay sheet it’s G to be hard to justify it because it’s not going to get any easier than this this is the easiest year they will probably ever get awesome like the most they’ve had a cakewalk they’ve had a cakewalk to the finals and I feel like a lot of people are saying means that they won’t be tested sorry that means they’ll be super arrested but I’m like they they haven’t been tested yet and it’s like they’ve never even been remotely threatened there’s not any doubt I don’t think like Boston has been favored to win every single series that they’ve been a part of um like a 100 to two or like 50 to one type of odds the entire way through um even when they lost game two against Cleveland and they lost game two against Miami which is like supposed to be devastating if any other team lost their home court advantage that early in the series people be like oh my God it’s over no one ever had that feeling with Boston it was never over ever right and then compound it you have injuries as well so not only did you Fe face teams that had no business facing you in the first place but a lot of people throw that as shade against the number one seed and I’m like bro that’s why you get the number one seed you get the number one seed so that you can face the eigh seed and the then the four seed right so why is everyone always so surprised when a number one seed has a bit of a cakewalk to the [ __ ] finals you know what I mean they earned it that’s that’s why they got the number one seed they didn’t get the number one seed to be the to have the hardest road to the finals no one would want number one seat if that happened right I mean this is a this is ridiculous easy path but it is what it is you play who’s in front of you right like like I think if you my opinion is if you play because of the way bracket set up if you’re the third team in like the conference chances are you’re probably going to have like the toughest path or the fourth team because right away You’re evenly matched with your opponent because you finish like right next to them you know so like you take like a Dallas Clippers you know like who did Dallas face in the first round clippers clippers clippers so they had the Clippers in the first round and Minnesota had the Suns like those are both teams that had real championship odds and you had to face them in the first round that was your first [ __ ] introduction to the playoffs and then in the second round Dallas takes on OKC and Minnesota takes on the defending Champions like I will guarantee you the Boston does not face a single team as good as the Phoenix Suns until they get to the finals no team as good as OKC Thunder no team as good as the Denver Nuggets no team as good as the Dallas Mavericks no team so these teams have had to go through three rounds of teams that are better than anything Boston’s played in two months I me sharper they’re Shar look at Denver’s path I mean just a no easy games I mean besides the blowout here and there oh Denver had the hardest path like I was saying if Denver makes it to the finals and wins they will have gone from one of the easiest paths ever last year to the hardest path thing I’ve ever seen in my life this year Lakers Minnesota Dallas I think of the top four seeds I think of the top four seeds in the west Denver by far had the hardest first round match agreed um you think you think the Lakers were a tougher matchup than the Clippers yes because Clippers had no Kawai and he was by far their best player and most reliable playoff performer In fairness every game they won they won without Kawai yeah but again I I felt like healthy kawhai versus unhealthy Kawai I I feel like sometimes you know you go back and you think about that Nick series and you ask yourself do the Knicks have a chance if OG doesn’t play four minutes in game seven it’s the same thing with the Clippers series right I’m not saying Clippers would have had a chance but they really really blew the snot off this Mavericks team they did like I watched it that Clippers scene was real like James Harden was cooking and then suddenly he couldn’t do anything and it’s just like people say Luca is a white James Harden they really don’t understand that Luka is better Luka is better than James Harden I’m I’m I’m not a James Harden hater I’ve always liked James Harden I’ve defended him when no one defended him but Luc is better um he’s way better actually he’s a little bit better he’s way better um but the you know you always talk about IQ being the number most important thing the reason why I feel like Luca can play hob right jic doesn’t use Speedo athleticism LeBron can play at 40 and be easily a top 10 player still is the they just affect the game in so many ways they don’t need to score a basket they could be hobbled and still be amazing Ka kawai’s not in that area Ka is more of a scorer and if he if he can’t do what he is designed to do at an all-time great level he’s almost a dament at this point well here’s the thing like Tim Duncan was very very very good at 35 like he was still a starting center in the NBA there are some guys like kakee elijuan up until the final rocket season was still a positive on the court I think he was 37 or 38 it’s just not the case for most guards most guards have a fallof that starts at 30 to 31 see because a lot of guards rely on quickness but a guy like Steph Curry he’s not going to have the same falloff that a guy like Russell Westbrook or Stefon Marbury had because his game was never predicated on that his game was predicated on skill and skill doesn’t diminish that same that at the same Pace as physical abilities LeBron’s interesting because LeBron I think um did rely a lot on his athleticism but he harnessed his athleticism and then he morphed his game Michael Jordan’s the same way Jordan was a completely different player like if you only watch Jordan in the 90s you don’t remember Jordan in the 80s Jordan in the 80s was like yikes human highlight film right he was in the air all the time Jordan in the 90s was parked in the mid post like doing turnaround jumpers like it wasn’t the same type of player they adjusted their game it’s the same thing with Kobe Bryant Kobe Bryant with you know like 18 19 20 21 22 was a lot more run jump you know freakish athletic stuff and then later on it became more about craft I think it help helps guys you know who start out in the craft Department to age better like Demar Roan um Paul Pierce you know where even at their athletic Peak they never really harnessed their athleticism as their surgical Advantage they always dissected the defense they chose game they weren’t that kind of athlete in terms well I mean dear was a pretty good athlete in high school I mean I don’t know like you know he was in a dunk contest you know so he’s a bit of a vertical athlete maybe not as much of a reach and horizontal and strength athlete but his game is predicated on skill and so he got better dear continues to age like he’s aging like fine wine dear’s awesome but he’s just he’s not as quick as he was when he was 21 22 how is he how is he as good and that’s where I look at guys like Pascal sakam and I and I see the skill work that he has and you know he’s getting a lot of kudos for it on the national stage but none of those skills none of those skills work if you take away the quickness I watched this guy hobbled a little bit with that with that hamstring injury and I watched him get completely shut down by by Jaylen Brown and I tell you a lot of people had like very negative reactions to Pascal some of them racist some of them very derogatory some of them horrible I did not have that reaction to Pascal seaka because I’m not that person but I did have a reaction of this cannot be your focal point of your franchise I cannot have a franchise player get cooked this way because he has a sore hamstring just can’t happen um whatever his issue was with a bubble like he’s Rusty or I think he’s coming back from an injury or something my point is when athleticism when your advantages go you have to rely on your counters and for a lot of people their counter is their size their strength um their intelligence their craft you got to make up for that difference somewhere else Jordan made up for the athlet that athleticism through his craft when James Harden is out of shape James Harden is useless he’s pretty useless you know his craft is intell his intelligence are top-notch but he becomes a completely different player when he’s out of shape but if Luca comes in out of shape or Nico yic comes in out of shape there’s still great players you know what I mean they just they could be better so it’s just like yeah like so I this is one of the big reasons I think Scotty’s gonna age so well um because he not he not running and jumping past you right now he’s 22 he’s still not doing it right now everything is surgical with him everything is dissecting the defense finding the advantage prodding ping you know so yeah I I don’t know I I’ll look back on the past gal yakum stuff I think 3 four years from now and and I think I’m GNA say I was right I think I’m gonna say I was right about him um so but I’m very curious I’m always very curious I I just never liked the fact when we had Pascal as our number one Defenders the confidence they had of just getting a stop on on him M like they just were like oh here we go I got this don’t worry like a guy like marus smart would just smirk he’s like oh this guy’s trying to score in a high leverage situation on me good luck buddy I’m very to see what he does tomorrow if tyres halberton doesn’t play what if he puts up 40 again you said this and I agree you said this and I agree if he has 40 it’s because they they don’t care that he has 40 yeah but tomorrow they got to care if he has 40 right I mean it’s one thing when tyres hurn is playing okay if I’m a coach and Tyrese Halton and Pascal seak are on the other team I will Design every single scheme to make sure that Tyrese halberton is not initiating that offense which means baiting seak initiating the offense going ISO and trusting that I’m going to win the battle he might win the war sorry he might win the battle but I’m gonna win the war on that on that matchup tomorrow though if Pascal sakam plays and tyres Halton doesn’t now he is the thing that you need to stop so now I’m curious how they play that are they going to continue to go one-on-one with him is Al Horford G to 37y Old Al Horford is he gonna continue to beat Pascal se’s primary bro that dude cannot he’s not a he’s not a mobile East West athlete right now like who the [ __ ] or are you finally gonna say okay we’re putting Drew holiday and Jason Tatum on this guy and we’re we’re shutting him down we’re shutting the water off you know what I mean we’re going to force Andrew neart I I think here’s the thing people think that the the Pacers are cooked without um without uh without Tyrese halberton I think they got one win in them I think they’re going to steal one and I think it’s going to come off like a really really really huge Andrew Dem hard game I have a feeling it’s just a feeling and it could happen tomorrow it really could happen tomorrow speaking of him yo speaking of Andrew nimart I’m just so do you ever think to yourself man we couldn’t get one of these young guys just one we’re not talking about the we’re not talking about jerus Walker we couldn’t get one like we couldn’t get one my God I think they really like their young players man we couldn’t get one I mean you can’t pay all of them we couldn’t get one we got three draft picks we got three firsts and we and we got the very very valuable Jordan noara and the and the massively conver able contract to Bruce Brown and we got this for you know by my estimation a 30-year-old who’s not a top 30 player in the league top 25 player in the league at so so you you think fair value I’m not saying it’s fair value the Raptors got ripped off but it’s not by as much as people like to say I don’t think he’s how much do you think he’s worth you think he’s worth four first round picks we couldn’t get you think he’s worth five okay here’s a question for you if if I take off two of those first round picks let’s say I take off number 19 this year and I take off the OKC pick this year so you just get my 2026 pick are you settling for jayen Smith you feel happier you get okay so you you obviously want jerus Walker or Andrew neard or Aaron n Smith and it’s like those guys are so integral Jer jerus is integral to my future and Andrew I think here here was the Compromise I feel like you know I understand Kevin Pritchard pretty well over the years I’ve known stuff I guess known of him and spoken to him um many times like it’s like what 20 years now 20 20 18 years now so I have a feeling that this the conversation went something like if we’re going to pay Pascal sakam what he wants we need all these young players on these contracts now here’s here’s the caveat here if you’re the Raptors and you really like these guys Indiana’s not a huge Market team they can’t afford to pay all these guys if they have Pascal and tyres on the books and and that’s their dynamic duo going forward bro with Tyrese halberton making all NBA this year that is a hell of a book that is a hell of a book for a small Market team to pay and he limp he made sure he limp to that finish line yes he did and I don’t necessarily blame him $41 million is like [ __ ] you money you know like it’s like life-changing money $41 million is like dude like did Scotty Pippen make $41 million in his entire career like this is crazy money right $41 million I don’t blame him but he played like 20 minutes in certain games or whatever just to get him there they need to change this all NBA pay scale because I agree they they definitely should but I also don’t think he necessarily deserves to be all NBA yeah but it’s like okay you made one all NBA third team you’re telling me you’re getting paid the same as Luca who’s made five first teams like they need to balance this stuff out it’s like you want the super you want 35% you need to make at least two first or you need to make like there has to be there has to be a scale like you know what I mean it’s like oh you I think the scale is already there because um they they they’ve assured that every team can only have one right I guess so like there’s a limit I believe if I’m not mistaken every team can have one right like I I don’t know if is it every team can have one or no no no no no it’s not every team can have one it’s if you already have one you can’t trade for one something like that there’s some sort of contract CLA you understand what I’m saying it’s like there’s no way jayen Brown should be making as much as no I agree with you and and honestly people saying he got snubbed I’m like what the [ __ ] are you talking about no he did not get snubbed he did not get snubbed the fact the fact that he the fact that he was a 16th player should show you that this this voting process is completely crazy also Jo embiid you know 65 games be damned like he was by far one of the top five players in the league this year yeah he might have been the third best player in the league this year like what the [ __ ] are we doing here where should the cut off be where would you put the gamees cut off I don’t know if I would have one I I get it I understand why the leag has to be there has to be historic minim there’s a minimum to to um there’s a minimum game there’s always been a minimum game to qualify for here here’s here’s the question okay what if it comes down to this let’s say Joel ID you know played 64 games this year let’s just say hypothetically but he played 64 games at like MVP level which is true he did right and let’s just say uh the guy who gets the 65 Mark is tyres halberton or Jaylen Brown who played 65 games at not an MVP level are you telling me that Jo andb deserves that less you know what I mean like maybe there should be a minut cut off but not a game’s cut off maybe you should maybe you should have to play a certain amount of minutes in a season like that would be my solution to amend this which means that would have qualified maybe Scotty would have qualified actually if it was minutes yeah probably he would have the discourse was I remember listening to Bill Simmons obviously he he’s a homer but Jaylen Brown had a better season than Devon Booker no he didn’t I don’t think so either and if you I don’t even I don’t even like Devon Booker and if you would ask somebody straight up who’s a better player Deon Booker or Jaylen Brown most people would say Devon Booker yeah he’s just more complete I I think like people get too caught up in the moment you know like the people saying that Anthony Edwards is better than Luca donich those people getting just caught up in the moment people saying Jaylen you know I love Jaylen Bronson he not a top six player in the league like was Tatum all NBA first team I mean Jason Tatum was he all NBA first team to you I don’t think he was who makes it an over him and God help me if you say damont sabonis I’m gonna [ __ ] no no no no I I I think his I think his stats are inflated on how they use him legit the ball flows through him every single time I think he’s um I think he’s super underrated defensively um and I think people focus too much on what he can’t do offensively I think he’s underrated passer and an underrated Defender and I’ll be curious to see if he can rise to the moment in the finals I suspect he will [Music] um yeah I’m I’m not sure who that fifth guy would be uh muhamad Khan saying obviously LeBron James I’m just I’m all I’m saying is when you look at the first team someone doesn’t someone sticks out as clearly the fifth guy oh for sure but there’s no shame in that I mean he’s he’s only there because Joel embiid missed the cut off that’s it if Joel embi doesn’t miss the cut off Joel embiid is on first team they banished they banished uh the position [ __ ] yeah entirely I want to say entirely because Joel embiid and Nicole yic were the two best players in the league last year and they both couldn’t make it um and nicoa yic made a second team allba last year if I’m not mistaken he did that happened I’m not dreaming one day we will go back and say what the [ __ ] happened there that one of the greatest players of all time all the white people made sure to all the white voters made sure to let us know they weren’t racist so they had to they had to you know saying they Corner dude it’s it’s never shocked me like how defensive white people get about racism when there is a potential to be called racist there was this um you know you know truck the trucker um who killed 16 people because he ran a stop sign you remember that it in 2018 um it it’s not just 16 people it was a 16 I think it was hockey people so it was like a it was like a team of like Peewee hockey or something like that and he’s Indian I don’t remember his name but he getting deported now right the rules in Canada are very clear on this right um oak tree saying humbled correct so um the rules on this are pretty clear if you’re not a permanent resident you’re not a citizen you commit a crime of this this magnitude that you get an 8-year sentence which is what you got 8 years eight years then you get deported those are the rules right but people saying he getting deported that’s racist you know what I mean it’s just like people people pound on their drums and it’s just like bro like there is a part of this that’s like number one that’s the law number two um maybe it’s it’s something for the community that lost these 16 kids you know like I mean it was it was a terrible terrible accident and I’m sure he didn’t mean to do it and he he he waved his defense and he straight up just went right to it and he was just like Okay I accept it I apologize I [ __ ] up big time he ran a stop sign could happened to anybody no one is saying hang the guy right but if the law is that you you get deported after eight years sorry I apologize 20 sorry 16 killed 16 killed 13 injured like the magnitude of it is not like anyone could run a stop sign like my girlfriend complains that people in my area run stop signs all the [ __ ] time they are not driving a giant 18wheeler on an open road right driving like crazy high you know mileage they’re going they’re driving an SUV at 20 kilometers an hour but like yeah I mean but people will use that opportunity to be like oh he’s only being deported because he’s Indian it’s like but he’s actually being deported because it’s the law but it’s just like the fact that they get to say that it’s almost like they’re trying to Virtue signal and say hey hey hey look at me I’m one of the good white people bro like find a different way to be an ally I mean the term Ally has been is now even now that’s just a catchphrase Ally it’s it’s a term that’s meaningless like I’m gonna say things but do nothing I’m an out yeah and and I mean like yo like I never understood like personally it’s just kind of growing up I never understood like those I don’t understand hating yourself you know what I mean like these people who just walk around saying sorry for stuff you know like all the time they’re saying sorry like sorry sorry sorry here’s a news flash for some people who want me to say sorry about some stuff I’m like bro I’m an immigrant last I checked serbs didn’t have anything to do with what happened in this country you know 20 30 you know uh Generations ago I didn’t do that okay I certainly the hell I wasn’t born right some people just walk around like apologizing for you know um it’s it’s one thing to acknowledge it is is I acknowledge that there are certain privileges to looking a certain way being born in certain countries um but these people who walk around like just constantly all day hating on themselves I don’t understand that and I just wonder if if there is some part of them that is deeply deeply racist that they feel the need to overcompensate so much by going around and acting like they’re not like to me like everything Kendrick said about about Drake I understood that implicitly implicitly I’m not black but I understood it implicitly everything he said like about the history about the culture of ulture stuff every bit of that I understood it implicitly and then there there’s people in this world it’s just like it’s that [ __ ] is just totally lost on them I don’t know this is like a 3: a.m. conversation on ranting but like I’m I’m when I see white guilt it’s just like for things you were not a part of it’s just weird it’s like yeah it’s like acknowledge acknowledge you have some privilege for sure for sure do not walk around saying like this [ __ ] is not real and definitely do not do not go up to somebody of color and act like their their pain is not real that’s one thing to acknowledge that it’s another thing to to walk around literally like you know saying I’m bad because I am no I’m not allowed no this is what gets weird where it’s like I’m not allowed to say anything about anything right I have no voice I’m not allowed to have a voice you you know who get you know you know who gets cancelled you know who gets canceled people who allow themselves to get cancelled serious straight up like there are tons of people like look at some of the crazy [ __ ] figures that we have in this world right these people should be cancelled right Andrew Tate should be canceled Donald Trump should be cancelled a lot of these people have said some [ __ ] crazy ass [ __ ] I’ve certainly never walked around calling African countries [ __ ] hole countries because I don’t think that but like if I even thought that and I said it you know what I mean like these people just say whatever the [ __ ] they want Andrew T is goes around saying like yeah women are garbage women are this and it’s just like whoa he’s not canceled he won’t allow himself to be canceled right he just doesn’t allow himself to be canceled these people just you know so it’s like these these people get canceled and these other people just walk around all day just worrying that anything they say is going to get canceled yeah I know I know when really I know it’s but it’s like but it’s like the world we living in is so sick like I watched a whole bunch of people vilify Kyrie Irving and I never I’ve never veered away from him it got real hard I gotta be honest being a Kyrie Defender got real hard like three four years ago when he started going flat Earth on everybody and it it became hard to harder and harder to defend him as the evidence on him and the controversies mounted against him I be honest I used to kind of defend Ben Simmons I thought he didn’t get a fair Shake sometimes too um there’s too many times in this world that I have seen like good people get vilified for things and I’m just like maybe I’m tired of letting CNN and sports media and Fox News and all these people make moral judgments for me it’s like who the [ __ ] are they to make that judgment you know what I mean yep and the way Kyrie was treated for the vaccine was disgusting straight up straight straight up like like absolutely bro I participated in a CO think tank for three months I walked away with some pretty pretty like I just I’ve never I don’t think I’ve ever shared this on a live and I hope like no one too serious is listening because I don’t think I’m supposed to talk about this but we we did like so basically um this was like I want to say couple weeks into the pandemic things started to get really bad and obviously I’m from Eastern Europe and Eastern European countries were disproportionately um poorly equipped to deal with this kind of stuff A friend of mine reached out to me from hedge fund days and he said hey Rob you’re great with numbers and stuff we need you to run some data models on you know how this pandemic is spreading because it’s spreading faster than anyone thought it would it’s really horrible Etc and I had a lot of time off film industry is shut down Live Events are shut down I got time in the world so I was like hey I made a promise to myself I was like you know one day my kid is going to ask me if I have a kid one day my kid is going to ask me what did you do during this time when the world shut down and instead of hoarding toilet paper and it sort of [ __ ] freaking out I was like I’m gonna do something so I did something I worked my ass off for three months learned everything I could about this pandemic talk to some of the smartest people in the world talk to the first doctors who found it in Wuhan China talk to their daughter in San Francisco who’s [ __ ] brilliant and still a friend of mine till to this day talk to so many people so many people and people who are just way smarter than me bro I promise you I came away from that thinking 90% of these people did not get vaccinated smartest people people running models people treating [ __ ] at the hospital most I don’t know if they did or didn’t was not something we talked about too much 90% of these people did not express bullish sentiments about the vaccine so if Kyrie Irving did not express bullish sentiments about this about the vaccine but Justin Trudeau told me I had to take it but one one guy is dangerous and the other guy is like you know what I mean like it just it didn’t make sense to me so yeah uh that I lost so much respect for the Nets organization with that like I never had any respect for the Nets Organization no but what the owner zero what the owner that List of Demands I was like go [ __ ] yourself absolutely who are you God [ __ ] off these guys have like Plantation mentality they may not have been there their descendants may not have been there but that’s their mindset I’ve met a lot of people with Plantation mentality I just have they they treat you like that they treat you like you should be you know like yeah I don’t know how to explain it like I think LeBron’s articulated this way better than I ever could but yeah there there are some dudes with that mentality and they could be really rich dudes and it’s just it’s their perspective I remember um who was it me Melania Trump right talking about her life as a supermodel who travels in these big buildings and whatever right and and just you know up up to the 80th floor of one building down into the limo up to the 50th floor of another building and she described looking down at people and not in a literal way but like actually in a literal way looking off a balcony and just seeing people and I was like this is how she experiences the world she experiences the world with her at 50 feet 50 stories up and the world is just ants and that’s her perception of the entire universe like that’s that’s how she sees the world so that’s what I’m saying like you know certain people like Joe Sai and and those people you know V ranad I mean you may not see those guys as oppressors of any sort because there are people you know they’re minorities but understand you don’t just I never met a person who who amassed $50 billion or $20 billion or 10 million 10 billion doll in their hands were squeaky clean all of these people had to do some crazy ass [ __ ] to make that money none of these people invented the cure to cancer and then they got all that money it’s it’s not pure altruism it’s all business bus it’s all you know all this [ __ ] so they had to have that mentality and it’s it’s weird but the truth is Kyrie Irving is just a very expensive employee to josi he is a human being to his friends and family he is you know like he’s a he’s a great player to to his fans he’s an idol he’s a he’s a he’s a brand ambassador he’s a you know he’s a spiritual leader to some people but to joei he’s just an investment right that’s where the plantation stuff comes in is when you remove the humanity and you just see the investment that’s where that mentality comes in especially when we’re talking about people of color so that’s that’s where it’s very it gets very sensitive and when you when you start talking about like people like Dan Gilbert and some of the [ __ ] that he said about LeBron on his way out I think a lot of people frankly had a right to be looking some type of way be like bro like that’s some [ __ ] right there he would have never said that today you mean in today’s you know culture but like bro he shouldn’t have said it back then I know but it would have and and now that I’m thinking about it the way Kyrie is beloved by the NBA community and the and the players the way josi treated him bro ain’t nobody going to Brooklyn ain’t nobody running over to Brooklyn facts and and honestly like what they did um resting all their players uh against Milwaukee that effectively ended their season they never ever recovered from that ever they played their full roster against Detroit on a back-to-back beat Detroit both games because they wanted to avoid being the team that lost to Detroit and then they rested their entire starters like all their starters against um Milwaukee a te a team that that was competing with them they were thinking playoffs at that time and people don’t believe this but the Nets were like in the upper echelon of the East to start the year and the [ __ ] just fell apart Spencer DW didn’t want to be there and that’s the problem bro like people don’t understand like the ethics of Messi and you know Bobby Webster and being such stable people but man nobody’s walking away from this organization saying this is a dumpster fire they treated me horrible they lied to me they [ __ ] me over they promised me money they didn’t pay me you know they they made some crazy ass man of my family no one’s walking away from that and that’s good because there’s type that that type of [ __ ] is out there about the kings that type of sh*t’s about there out there about the Cals that type of sh*t’s out there about the Knicks the the Nets there’s so many organizations that have some very very troubling figures in their front office so I’m kind of like appreciative of the fact that for now the Raptors don’t have that yeah anyways man I got to got to get going man it’s like 3:30 in the morning holy [ __ ] but great talk great talk all right man later yeah all right peace all right really late talk I don’t know who’s getting through this tomorrow but kudos to you if you did we made it to Austin 316 shout outs to Stone Cold Steve Austin Austin 316 we made it to three hours and 16 minutes uh into this live please hit like subscribe and all that good stuff I am very very tired at this point um good luck tomorrow I’m very interested to see Boston versus Indiana I streak suspect that Indiana will pull out one win in one of these two home wins they have not lost in Indiana yet so I wonder if you know if Tyrese halberton plays I suspect he’ll give it a go um but we’ll see you know and if he plays I give him a shot and if he doesn’t play I still give him a shot because this is the Celtics and the Celtics have a self-sabotage streak that is undefeated all right Dallas and six peace guys

The Dallas Mavericks now lead 2-0 over the Minnesota Timberwolves. Luka Doncic hits the go-ahead bucket with 3 seconds to go as Rudy Gobert is forced to switch on an island one-on-one. A ton of controversial calls and non-calls, including Anthony Edwards being allowed to grab and claw at Kyrie Irving, and Kyire Irving getting away with hitting the hand of Jaden McDaniels on a call that was overturned (out of bounds call).

Is it over? How is Dallas’ defense SO good?

call in:

#Mavericks #Timberwolves #raptors

  1. Luka is the Caesar Milan of the Minnesota Wolves……. shhht shht… and they roll over… Shout out to those Minnesota in 4 clan.

  2. It’s his time now

  3. MIN in four!

  4. Luka has a lowkey beef with Tim Mcmahon, I can sence it every time he asks a question, and it's based on past dissrespect of him on Luka. Answers to his questions are always short and sarcastic and I love that!

  5. I bet Jalen Brunson is missing Luka .

  6. My favorite annual NBA moments involve gobert winning DPOY and then being destroyed on defense multiple memorable times in the playoffs because he cannot guard in space.

  7. The Raptors are a long ways from being good.. A lot of guys have to make jumps in their game PLUS they need a 3 and D wing(they don't grow on trees) and a center that can play defense and stretch the floor(also don't grow on trees) You would have to have a magical offseason to get this done. Even to get one of those players would be hard.

  8. 19:01 – I could've sworn there was rule in the past, when refs look at the replay like this,
    they can't retro-actively call the foul on Kyrie,
    but the ball would stay with Minnesota, as a make up call.

    I remember a Raptors/Pacers game (before the challenge system) The ball was off Indiana, and the refs wanted to look at it. What they saw was the Raptors' player bumped into the Pacers player, which knocked the ball out of bounds.
    So, on the replay, they couldn't give foul, but they awarded the Pacers the ball as a make up call.

    Am I misremembering that?

  9. Great post. Enjoyed the 'Raptor conversation'. 👍

  10. They'd have to renounce the rights on Gary, decline Browns TO (and subsequently renounce his rights) and trade Bouchers expiring deal into another teams cap space or a trade exception, then they'd have just under 40M cap space, it's not impossible, but I still doubt OG leaves, but I'd love him back

  11. Dallas is a bad matchup for Minnesota, Minnesota was a bad matchup for Denver and Denver would’ve been a bad matchup for Dallas. Styles make fights

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.