Bilderberg Conference 1999 - 3-6 June (2024)

Table of Contents
Bilderberg Conferences [This site campaigns for a press conference at all Bilderberg venues - and a declaration from the steeringcommittee that any consensus reached must be inour public, not their private interest] Minutes of this conference leaked - see special page and download the possibly real possibly bogus1999 Bilderberg discussions Jon Ronson TV programme about the 1999 conference available - SecretRulers of the World: Bilderberg The News in Portugal - complete Bilderberg 1999 articles 1999 Bilderberg meeting - Official Press Release and List of Participants 03Sep99 - Elite Coup at the European Commission - Grattan Healy 27Jan00 - ANew Chairman for the Bilderberg Conferences - Etienne Davignon 26Nov99 - POWER ADDICTS - SchNEWS 238 15Nov99 - Hidden Agenda - The Big Issue publishes leaked information from the 1999 Bilderberg conference 04Nov99 - Speech to Bilderberg Steering group in the US -Strengthening the Bipartisan Center: An Internationalist Agenda for America Aug99 - Private Eye - HP Sauce - Mandelson's jollies including Bilderberg 08Jul99 -[Disinformation] - Bilderberg postsconsidered SPAM by anarchist mailing list moderator 01Jul99 - American Assassin -The Power Brokers: a report on the Bilderberg Group 12Jun99 -The News, Portugal - Round-up of the conference - comment 12Jun99 -The News, Portugal - Bilderberg - all over bar the whispering 11Jun99 - SchNEWS, Brighton - Mandelson and Porrit at Bilderberg 09Jun99 -Athens News, Diary - Kosovo, which Kosovo? 05Jun99 - The News, Portugal -Bilderberg - 'summit' opens in Sintra under massive security 03Jun99 - The Power Brokers - A Report on the Bilderberg Group 30May99 - Nic Outterside - [Original Version] - Secret summit maps our future 30May99 - Scottish Sunday Herald - [Censored Version] - Secret summit maps our future 29May99 -Reuters Business Briefing - Yugoslav Army says secret group trying to provoke "Balkan Vietnam". 27May99 - The News, Portugal -Sintra "summit" agenda leaked 27May99 - [Disinformation] - Warning: Bilderberg material is fascist hoax! 24May99 [Disinformation] - Bogus Bilderberg participant list circulated on newsgroups and by email 21May99 -Roundtable - Spotlight, racial hatred, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderbergers 18May99 - The News - High Priests of Globalisation Demand Media Secrecy 13Apr99 -The Guardian - Rage unites battered town 24Mar99 - 1999 Bilderberg meeting - location and dates PRESS RELEASE STATUS 3 June 1999 CURRENT LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Honorary Secretary General Honorary Chairman Participants Rapporteurs [This piece was written following the dismissal of the European Commission on the ides of March (15th of March) 1999. The dismissal was a result of a vote of no confidence passed by the European Parliament.] Further information on Viscount Etienne Davignon on the 2000 page Information supplied by Erik Wesselius - Corporate Europe Observatory SchNEWS 238, Friday 26th November 1999 From The Big Issue, November 15-21 1999 So, what have they been hiding? what they said about... money There is a dissenting voice: what they said about... war From The Big Issue, November 15-21 1999. More details from the papers published in the Big Issue on November 22. THE WHITE HOUSE SAMUEL R. BERGER NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR - REMARKS TO THE BILDERBERG STEERING COMMITTEE Strengthening the Bipartisan Center: An Internationalist Agenda for America This press release/speech can be found here /3.text.1 1999 PARTICIPANTS PAST PARTICIPANTS ACCUSATIONS CONCLUSIONS 12Jun99 - Comment Subject: Secretive 1999 BILDERBERG CONFERENCE ends in Portugal... SchNEWS 11Jun99 And Finally....... with J.C. Hadoulis KOSOVO? Which Kosovo? The News in Portugal - complete Bilderberg 1999 articles by Michael Haislip 1999 PARTICIPANTS PAST PARTICIPANTS ACCUSATIONS CONCLUSIONS Sources: Special report by Nic Outterside Publication Date: May 30 1999 - from Simon Freeman's re-written version of Nic Outterside's article: From 29May1999 - Reuters Business Briefing - Text of report by Yugoslav state news agency Tanjug WAKE UP! WAKE UP! IT'S YER UNELECTED & UNACCOUNTABLE... SchNEWS Issue 213, Friday 28th May 1999 Email SchNEWS is FREE but we're pretty skint, so if you fancy helping out, send a cheque payable to "Justice?" to the address at the bottom of this message. Write "On-line SchNEWS" on the back of the cheque. THE NEWS - PORTUGAL'S ENGLISH LANGUAGE NEWSPAPER Bilderberg - international interest gathers momentum over "revelations" in The News The News in Portugal - complete Bilderberg 1999 articles Stop Press: Reply-To: To: Multiple recipients of list <> Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 13:08:06 +0100 (BST) Bilderberg List for 1999 Clinton, Pope to attend 1999 Bilderberg meeting CLINTON, POPE TO ATTEND BILDERBERG '99 BILDERBERG '99: Partial Guest List The preceeding list is disinformation circulated before the 1999 Bilderberg meeting in Portugal - Tony G 21May99 -Roundtable report Roundtable: Roundtable: E-mail: Posted 18May99 from: THE HOFFMAN WIRE May 6, 1999 Bilderberg Demands Media Secrecy The News (Portugal) May 1, 1999. Pancevo is the most-bombed settlement in northern Serbia. As residents shelter in cellars by night, they share fury at the West The Guardian - Tuesday April 13, 1999 Dates: June 3rd to 6th 1999 Location: Caesar Park Penha Longa Sierra De Sintra Hotel details: Source: References

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Bilderberg |Reports | Origins |Bernhard | Anti-Jewish? 2008 | 2007 |'06 | '05 |'04 | '03 |'02 | 2001 |2000 | 1999 | '98 |'97 | '96 |'95 | '94 |'93 | '92 |'91

Bilderberg Conferences

[This site campaigns for a press conference at all Bilderberg venues - and a declaration from the steeringcommittee that any consensus reached must be inour public, not their private interest]

Bilderberg Conference 1999 - 3-6 June (8)Minutes of this conference leaked - see special page and download the possibly real possibly bogus1999 Bilderberg discussions

Jon Ronson TV programme about the 1999 conference available - SecretRulers of the World: Bilderberg

The News in Portugal - complete Bilderberg 1999 articles

1999 Bilderberg meeting - Official Press Release and List of Participants

03Sep99 - Elite Coup at the European Commission - Grattan Healy

27Jan00 - ANew Chairman for the Bilderberg Conferences - Etienne Davignon

26Nov99 - POWER ADDICTS - SchNEWS 238

15Nov99 - Hidden Agenda - The Big Issue publishes leaked information from the 1999 Bilderberg conference

04Nov99 - Speech to Bilderberg Steering group in the US -Strengthening the Bipartisan Center: An Internationalist Agenda for America

Aug99 - Private Eye - HP Sauce - Mandelson's jollies including Bilderberg

08Jul99 -[Disinformation] - Bilderberg postsconsidered SPAM by anarchist mailing list moderator

01Jul99 - American Assassin -The Power Brokers: a report on the Bilderberg Group

12Jun99 -The News, Portugal - Round-up of the conference - comment

12Jun99 -The News, Portugal - Bilderberg - all over bar the whispering

11Jun99 - SchNEWS, Brighton - Mandelson and Porrit at Bilderberg

09Jun99 -Athens News, Diary - Kosovo, which Kosovo?

05Jun99 - The News, Portugal -Bilderberg - 'summit' opens in Sintra under massive security

03Jun99 - The Power Brokers - A Report on the Bilderberg Group

30May99 - Nic Outterside - [Original Version] - Secret summit maps our future

30May99 - Scottish Sunday Herald - [Censored Version] - Secret summit maps our future

29May99 -Reuters Business Briefing - Yugoslav Army says secret group trying to provoke "Balkan Vietnam".

27May99 - The News, Portugal -Sintra "summit" agenda leaked

27May99 - [Disinformation] - Warning: Bilderberg material is fascist hoax!

24May99 [Disinformation] - Bogus Bilderberg participant list circulated on newsgroups and by email

21May99 -Roundtable - Spotlight, racial hatred, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderbergers

18May99 - The News - High Priests of Globalisation Demand Media Secrecy

13Apr99 -The Guardian - Rage unites battered town

24Mar99 - 1999 Bilderberg meeting - location and dates

An Australianview



June 3 1999

The 47th Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Sintra, Portugal, June 3-6 1999to discuss the Atlantic Relationship in a Time of Change. Among others theConference will discuss NATO, Genetics, Emerging Markets, The New Economy,European Politics, US Politics, International Financial Architecture, Russia.Approximately 120 participants from North America and Europe will attendthe discussions. The meeting is private in order to encourage frank and opendiscussion.

Bilderberg takes its name from the Hotel in Holland, where the first meetingtook place in May 1954. That pioneering meeting grew out of the concern expressedby leading citizens on both sides of the Atlantic that Western Europe andNorth America were not working together as closely as they should on commonproblems of critical importance. It was felt that regular, off-the-recorddiscussions would help create a better understanding of the complex forcesand major trends affecting Western nations in the difficult postwar period.

The cold war has now ended. But in practically all respects there are more,not fewer, common problems - from trade to jobs, from monetary policy toinvestment, from ecological challenges to the task of promoting some kindof international security. It is hard to think of any major issue in eitherEurope or North America whose unilateral solution would not have repercussionsfor the other.

Thus the concept of a European - American forum has not been overtaken bytime. The dialogue between these two regions is still - even increasingly- critical.

What is unique about Bilderberg as a forum is the broad cross-section ofleading citizens [Peter Mandelson, fiddler of the House of Commons registerof members interests; who was kicked out of the government for obtaininga loan fraudulently is now a leading citizen! ed.] that are assembled fornearly three days of informal and off-the-record discussions about topicsof current concern especially in the fields of foreign affairs and theinternational economy; the strong feeling among the participants that inview of the differing attitudes and experiences of the Western nations, thereremains a clear need to further develop an understanding in which these concernscan be accommodated; the privacy of the meetings, which has no purpose otherthan to allow participants to speak their minds openly and freely.[<grammatical error in the original release] In short, Bilderberg is asmall, flexible, informal and off-the-record international forum in whichdifferent viewpoints can be expressed and mutual understanding enhanced.

Bilderberg’s only activity is its annual Conference. At the meetings,no resolutions are proposed, no votes taken, and no policy statements issued.Since 1954, forty-six conferences have been held. The names of the participantsas well as the agenda are made available to the press. Participants are chosenfor their experience, their knowledge, and their standing; all participantsattend Bilderberg in a private and not an official capacity.

There usually are about 120 participants of whom about two-thirds come fromEurope and the balance from North America. About one-third are from governmentand politics, and two-thirds from finance, industry, labor, education,communications.

Participants have agreed not to give interviews to the press during the meeting.In contacts with the news media after the conference it is an establishedrule that no attribution should be made to individual participants of whatwas discussed at the meeting.

There will be no press conference. A list of participants is appended.

STATUS 3 June 1999

Hotel Caesar Park Penha Longa, Sintra, Portugal
June 3-6, 1999


Honorary Secretary General

Halberstadt, Victor - Professor of Economics, Leiden University

Bilderberg Conference 1999 - 3-6 June (9)Honorary Chairman

Davignon, Etienne - Chairman, Societe Generale de Belgique


I - Agnelli, Umberto - Chairman, IFIL - Fianziaria di Partecipazioni S.p.A.

E - Aguirre y Gil de Biedma, Esperanza - President of the Spanish Senate

USA - Allaire, Paul A. - Chairman, Xerox Corporation.

P - Amaral, Joaquim Freitas do Amaral - Member of Parliament.

S - Aslund, Anders - Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for InternationalPeace.

P - Balsemão, Francisco Pinto - Professor os Communication Science,New University; Chairman, Impresa, S.G.P.S.

S - Barnevik, Percy - Chairman, Investor AB.

USA - Bayh, Evan - Senator (D. Indiana).

I - Bernabé Franco - Managing Director and CEO, Telecom Italia.

S - Bildt, Carl - Member of Parliament.

CDN - Black, Conrad M. Chairman, Telegraph Group Limited.

F - Boucher, Eric Le - Chief Editor, International, Le Monde.

USA - Boyd, Charles G. - Executive Director, National Security Study Group.

CDN - Chastelain, John A.D. de - Chairman, Independent International Commissionon Decommissioning.

GB - Clarke, Kenneth - Member of Parliament.

N - Clemet, Kristin - Deputy Director General, Confederation of Businessand Industry.

F - Collom, Bertrand - Chairman and CEO, Lafarge.

USA - Corzine, Jon S. - retired Senior Partner, Goldman Sachs & Co.

P - Cravinho, João Cardona G. - Minister for Infrastructure, Planningand Territorial Administration.

GR - David, George A. - Chairman of the Board, Hellenic Bottling CompanyS.A.

USA - Dodd, Chistopher J. - Senator (D. Connecticut).

USA - Donilon, Thomas E. - Attorney-at-Law, O'Melveney & Meyers.

TR - Erçel, Gazi - Governor, Central Bank of Turkey.

TR - Ergin, Sedat - Ankara Bureau Chief, Hürriyet.

USA - Feldstein, Martin S. - President and CEO, National Bureau of EconomicResearch.

INT - Fischer, Stanley - First Deputy Managing Director, International MonetaryFund.

I - Fresco, Paolo - Chairman, Fiat S.p.A.

I - Giavazzi, Francesco - Professor of Economics, Bocconi University, Milan.

CDN - Godsoe, Peter C. - Chairman and CEO, Bank of Nova Scotia.

USA - Graham, Donald E. - Publisher, The Washington Post.

NL - Grave, Frank H.G. de - Minister of Defense.

P - Grilo, Eduardo C. Marçal - Miniter of Education.

USA - Hagel, Chuck - Senator (R. Nebraska)

S - Hedelius, Tom C. - Chairman, Svenska Handelsbanken.

N - Hegge, Per Egil - Editor, Aftenposten.

CDN - Herrndorf, Peter A. - Former Chairman and CEO, TV Ontario; Senior VisitingFellow, University of Toronto.

USA - Hoagland, Jim - Associate Editor, The Washington Post.

N - Höegh, Westye - Chairman of the Board, Leif Höegh & Co.SAS; Former President, Norwegian Shipowners' Association.

USA - Holbrooke, Richard C. - Ambassador to the UN designate.

B - Huyghebaert, Jan - Chairman, Almanij N.V.

D - Ischinger, Wolfgand - State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

INT - Issing, Otmar - Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank.

USA - Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. - Senior Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer& Feld, LLP (Attorneys-at-Law).

BG - Kamov, Nikolai - Member of Parliament.

TR - Kiraç, Suna - Vice-Chairman of the Board, Koç HoldingA.S.

USA - Kissinger, Henry A. - Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.

D - Kopper, Hilmar - Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank A.G.

GR - Kranidiotis, Yannos . Alternate Minister for Foreign Affairs.

USA - Kravis, Marie-Josée - Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc.

USA - Leschly, Jan - CEO, Smith Kline Beecham p.l.c.

INT - Liikanen, Erkki - Member of the EC.

CDN - MacLaren, Roy - High Commissioner for Canada in Britain.

CDN - MacMillan, Margaret O. - Editor, International Journal.

GB - Mandelson, Peter - Member of Parliament.

USA - Mathews Jessica T. - President, Carnegie Endowment for InternationalPeace.

USA - McDonough, William J. - President Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

USA - McGinn, Richard A. - Chairman and CEO, Lucent Technologies.

P - Mello, Vasco de - Vice Chairman and CEO, Grupo José de Mello.

F - Mestrallet, Gérard - Chairman of the Executive Board and CEO,Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux

UKR - Mityukov, Ihor - Minister of Finance.

F - Moïsi, Dominique - Deputy Director, IFRI.

INT - Monti, Mario - Commissioner of the EC.

P - Nabo, Francisco Murteira - President and CEO, Portugal Telecom.

D - Nass, Mathias - Deputy Editor, Die Zeit.

NL - Netherlands, Her Majesty the Queen of the.

ICE - Oddsson, David - Prime Minister.

PL - Olechowski, Andrzej - Chairman Central Europe Trust.

FIN - Ollila, Jorma - Chairman of the Board and CEO, Nokia Corporation.

INT - Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso - Member of the Executive Board, European CentralBank.

D - Perger, Werner A. - Political Correspondent, Die Zeit.

GB - Porrit, Jonathon - Programme Director, Forum for the Future.

I - Profumo, Alessandro - CEO, Credito Italiano.

CH - Pury, David de - Chairman, de Pury Pictet Turretini & Co. Ltd.

A - Randa, Gerhard - CEO and Chairman, Bank Austria AG.

USA - Rattner, Steven - Deputy Executive, Lazard Freres & Co., LLC

USA - Richardson, Bill - Secretary of Energy.

USA - Rockefeller, David - Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank International AdvisoryCommittee.

E - Rodriguez Inciarte, Matias - Executive Vice Chairman, BSCH.

S - Rojas, Mauricio - Associate Professor of Economic History, Lund University;Director of Timbro's Centre for Welfare Reform.

GB - Roll, Eric - Senior Adviser, Warburg Dillon Read.

S - Rosengren, Björn - Minister for Industry, Employment and Communication.

P - Salgado, Ricardo E.S. - President and CEO, Grupo Espírito Santo.

P - Sampaio, Jorge - President of Portugal.

P - Santos, Nicolau - Editor-in-Chief, Expresso.

D - Scharping, Rudolf - Minister of Defence

NL - Scheepbouwer, Ad J. - Chairman and CEO, TNT Post Group.

A - Schenz, Richard - CEO and Chairman of the Board, OMV AG

A - Scholten, Rudolf - Member of the Board of Executive Directors,Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG.

D - Schrempp, Jurgen E. - Chairman of the Board of Management, Daimler ChryslerAG.

DK - Seidenfaden, Toger - Editor-in-Chief, Politiken

USA - Shapiro, Robert B. - Chairman and CEO, Monsanto Company.

RUS - Shevtsova, Lilia - Carnegie Moscow Center.

P - Silva, Artur Santos - President and CEO, BPI Group.

E - Solbes Mira, Pedro - Member of Parliament, Socialist Party.

H - Surányi, Gy+orgy - President, National Bank of Hungary.

GB - Taylor, J. Martin - Formerly Chief Executive, Barclays PLC.

USA - Thoman, G. Richard - President and CEO, Xerox Corporation.

USA - Thornton, John L. - President and co-COO, Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.

RUS - Trenin, Dmitri V. - Deputy Director, Carnegie Moscow Center.

F - Trichet, Jean-Claude - Governor, Banque de France.

USA - Tyson, Laura d'Andrea - Dean, Haas School of Business, University ofCalifornia at Berkeley.

FIN - Vanhala, Matti - Chairman of the Board, Bank of Finland.

FIN - Vartia, Pentti - Managing Director, Research Institute of the FinnishEconomy (ETLA).

CH - Vasella, Daniel L. - Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG.

GR - Veremis, Thanos M. - Professor of Political History, University of Athens;President of Eliamep.

A - Vranitzky, Franz - Former Federal Chancellor.

NL - Waal, Lodewjk J. de - Chairman, Dutch Confederation of Trade Unions(FNV).

GB - Wolf, Martin - Associate Editor and Economics Commentator, The FinancialTimes.

INT/US - Wolfensohn, James D. - President, The World Bank.

D - Wolff von Amerongen, Otto - Chairmand and CEO of Otto Wolff GmbH.

TR - Yücaoglu, Erkut - Chairman, Tusiad.

CZ - Zantovsky, Michael - Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defenseand Secutiry, Czech Senate.

A - Zimmermann, Norbert - Chairman, Berndorf AG.


GB - Micklethwait, R. John - Business Editor, The Economist.

GB - Wooldridge, Adrian D. - Foreign Correspondent, The Economist.

[This piece was written following the dismissal of the European Commission on the ides of March (15th of March) 1999. The dismissal was a result of a vote of no confidence passed by the European Parliament.]

3.9.99, rev 2.3.2000

Grattan Healy

The 'global elite' have performed yet another coup. They have so far hadmany of their people elected to high office - Bill Clinton, Lionel Jospin,Tony Blair, as well as Jacques Santer, Wim Duisenberg (now head of the EuropeanCentral Bank), and many others.

Chair of the Commission Romano Prodi was a Steering Committee Memberof the Bilderberg Group in the 80s - I have a copy of their booklet from1982, which incidentally also shows that Wim Duisenberg was the then Treasurer.What is noticeable that Prodi has limited the declarations of his Commissionersto 10 years, something not done in the previous Commission, and so has allowedhimself not to declare this former highly sensitive role.

Since the head man is a member of the elite, it should be no surprise thathe has nominated 7 other elite members (and incidentally 4 others suspectedof involvement in fraud!). These 7 are:

  1. As result of Parliamentary questions from Patricia McKenna, Irish Green MEP, Mario Monti has now formally declared that he was a former Steering Committee member of Bilderberg ('83-'93) and implies that he is also a former Executive Committee member of the Trilateral Commission, as well as council of the Aspen Institute. However, he was still present until recently on the Trilateral homepage -, and was in both the '92 and '98 membership lists; he said in an European Parliamentary answer that he was a member of the Executive committee of the Trilateral Commission (Europe), from 1988 to 1997, which is not what he was asked about.
  2. Erikki Liikanen attended Bilderberg last June in Sintra, Portugal, according to the the official press list circulated, and reported in Portuguese newspaper, The News Weekly (link out of date -, but the list is at:
  3. According to his declaration, Frits Bolkestein is to remain a Member of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (or Chatham House, in London), originally established by Cecil Rhodes, and responsible for establishing the Council on Foreign Relations in the USA (the other major elite group which includes all senior political and administrative figures in the USA, also including the President). He does not mention his participation in the Bilderberg Group in Toronto in 1996, the first time where their list was widely circulated, and it can be found at
  4. Pedro Solbes Mira declares his membership of the Trilateral Commission since 1996 (quote: "I.1.2 Posts currently held Member of the Spanish section of the Trilateral Commission (since 1996)", but fails to mention that he is on the Steering Committee, (their homepage doesn't mention that he is a Commissioner either: "Pedro Solbes, Member of the Spanish Parliament; former Minister of Finance and of Agriculture, Madrid", or his participation in Bilderberg last year. He is apparently scheduled to go to the June Swiss meeting this year.
  5. Gunther Verheugen doesn't mention his participation in Bilderberg in 1995 in Bürgenstock, Switzerland (see*cktail.htm)
  6. Chris Patten says that while he was Governor of Hong Kong he had many memberships of charitable organisations, but we cannot regard his membership of the Trilateral Commission in this way (he is on their official list from March '98), and he doesn't list it is a current membership either.
  7. Finally, Antonio Vitorino does not decalre that he attended Bilderberg in 1996 (see again

Bilderberg claims to have no formal membership as such, but has a list of120 or so invitees which changes from year to year, refelecting a sort ofchanging membership. It has a core group, reflected in the Steering Committee.

Either way, in the spirit of openness, and also the written answers fromCommissioners like Liikanen(,proposing the declaration of all political roles (in answer to a Green question),I would have thought these rather important roles should be mentioned. (seethe Commissioners declarations at

Further information on Viscount Etienne Davignon on the 2000 page

Etienne Davignon was closely involved in setting up the unaccountable corporatepolicy-making body European Round Table in the early eighties. ERT feedspolicy into the EU which elected MEP's then rubber-stamp. In theearlyeighties he was EU Industry Commissioner. Davignon also has beenone of the founders of AMUE (Association for the Monetary Union of Europe).

Please refer to the relevant chapters in Europe Inc (1997 edition) as availableon the Internet.

Davignon has chaired the ERT for several years and is currently chairingAMUE.

European Round Table of Industrialists - official homepage

ERT Critical report from ASEED

Information supplied by Erik Wesselius - Corporate Europe Observatory

Erik Wesselius<>

CEO website

SchNEWS 238, Friday 26th November 1999

"A clique of the richest, economically and politically most powerful andinfluential men in the Western world [who] meet secretly to plan events thatlater appear just to happen" -The Times

Heard all about the 'leaked' minutes from the last meeting of conspiracy-favesthe Bilderberg Group? How Russia was given carte blanche to bomb Chechnya,and all the rest? Well you can read the leaked documents IN FULL on the SchNEWSwebsite (Most of the 'surfers' visiting our site since we put the Bilderbergthing on it have been US security agencies and multi-national companies.True!)


Ever wondered how you get to be a Bilderberger? Well, there's a kindergartenwhere you'll learn all you need to know. The British American Project forthe Successor Generation (BAP) [see page on this website]was set up by Ronnie Reagan, Rupert Murdoch and Sir James Goldsmith in 1985for the elite of up 'n' coming thirtysomethings from both sides of the Atlanticto be nurtured in the 'special relationship' existing between the two nations.Past members Peter Mandelson and George Robertson have both recently spokenat Bilderberg. BAP has just held its 14th annual shindig (described by ex-memberJeremy Paxman as 'four days of beer') in Harrogate, with this years' theme'Making Culture Count'. No Tracy Emin here, of course, just Saatchi &Saatchi execs and the like discussing art's role in the global marketplaceand in the words of Alison Holmes, chair of the executive committee: "It'sall been quite mad, sorting out the world's problems and drinking too much".Quite. BAP emerged in response to worries about the anti-nuke, anti-Americandrift of the Labour Party in the early '80's and the current co-ordinatoris all-round bad egg Lord Carrington, ex-NATO chief and chair of theBilderbergers for 9 years. Sounds dodgy? Never! As Alison Holmes told a BigIssue journalist: "Bilderwhat? I've never heard of that in all my life."

From The Big Issue, November 15-21 1999

Full leaked minutes - The Bilderberg Papers - on seperate page

In the first of a two-part series, Gibby Zobel uncovers how the globalpower elite decides our future at the shadowy Bilderberg Summit each year.Documents from the secret summit - leaked to The Big Issue - reveal whatthey said about money and war

For nearly 50 years an elite group of the West's most powerful men and women,a shadow world government, have met in secret. Tony Blair is in the club.Every US president since Ike Eisenhower has been too. So are top membersof the British Government. So are the people who control what you watch andread - the media barons. Which is why you may never have heard of Bilderberg.

"Lines of black limousines, unmarked except for a 'B' on the windscreen,swept in, sometimes accompanied by police escorts, sometimes not," says aneyewitness of this year's meeting in Portugal. "A helicopter was overhead,and other security officers were prudently patrolling the hillsides. Thepolicy on duty at the gates made it crystal clear that they were only thetip of the security iceberg."

For two-and-a-half days, relaxing in exclusive luxury amid vast armed security,the powerful leaders discussed past and future wars, a European superstate,a global currency, genetics, and the dismantling of the welfare state.Unaccountable, untroubled and unreported, the Bilderberg meetings have formedthe basis of international policy for decades. Last year freelance journalistCampbell Thomas was arrested just for knocking on doors near the clandestinegathering in Turnberry, Scotland. He remained in custody for eight hours.Other journalists were told that even the Bilderberg menu was confidential(a move they named 'Kippergate'). A serving police officer told 'The BigIssue': "Special Branch and CIA were everywhere - they were calling the shots."

Never in its 47-year history has the content of these discussions been madepublic. Until now. 'The Big Issue' has uncovered the Bilderberg Papers -the secret minutes of this year's meeting in Portugal. Some of it is banal,some of it sensational. It blows the lid off the thoughts of presidents,chairmen of multinational companies, world bankers, Nato chiefs and defenceministers.

The meetings are shrouded in such secrecy that Prime Minister Tony Blair,when asked last year in the House of Commons, failed to disclosed his ownattendance at Bilderberg in Athens in 1993.

So, what have they been hiding?

- Nato gave Russia carte blanche to bomb Chechnya

- 'Dollarisation' could be the the next step after the single European currency

- A senior British politician thinks New Labour is "consolidating the victoriesof the Right". On welfare cuts he adds: "It might be easier for somebodywho claimed to be a socialist to impose change."

- After Kosovo Nato is in danger of mimicking a colonial power

Although 14 media chiefs and journalists from across eight countries attendedthis year, none of them chose to tell their readers of the meeting. It wouldnot serve their interests to be cut out of the elite loop. With an invite-onlyguest-list, covert operations and such deafening silence, it is little surprisethat conspiracy theories have thrived, from the anti-semites who believein a Jewish global elite, to the paranoid delusions of the radical left.The effect has been to leave the importance of the meetings tainted byassociation. It suits the Bilderbergers perfectly.

The Bilderberg meetings began in a Dutch hotel on May 29 1954, from whereit gets its name. 'The Economist', in a rare reference to it in 1987, saidthat the importance of the meetings was overplayed but admitted: "When youhave scaled the Bilderberg, you have arrived."

At last year's meeting, former defence minister George Robertson, who isnow Nato secretary-general, planned strategies with the Bilderberg chairand ex-Nato chief Lord Carrington. 'Observer' editor-in-chief Will Huttonattended Bilderberg in 1997. He believes that it is the home of the "highpriests of globalisation". "No policy is made here," he says, "it is alltalk. But the consensus established is the backdrop against which policyis made worldwide."

The 64-page leaked document - The Bilderberg Papers - is dated August 1999.The powerful transatlantic clique at the private hideaway included new NorthernIreland secretary Peter Mandelson MP, environmentalist Jonathon Porritt,Kenneth Clarke MP, former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger, billionaireoil and banking tycoon David Rockefeller, Monsanto chief Robert B Shapiro,and the head of the World Bank, James D Wolfensohn.

Although Asian and African politics and economics were discussed the continents'countries had no seats at this summit. The official eight-strong UK delegationincluded bankers Martin Taylor, former chief executive of Barclay's and EricRoll, a banker for Warburgs. They were joined by Martin Wolf of The FinancialTimes and two journalists from The Economist, John Micklethwait and AdrianWooldridge, who, the minutes indicate, prepared this document.

The papers are marked 'Not for Quotation'. It states: "There were 111participants from 24 countries. All participants spoke in their personalcapacity, not as representatives of their national governments or employers.As is usual at Bilderberg meetings, in order to permit frank and open discussion,no public reporting of the conference took place." None of the quotes ineach of the 10 sections are directly attributable to any named individual,but the moderator and panellists in each discussion are listed. It is madeperfectly clear, however, who is saying what. It is not known who else isin the audience, but their comments are identified by their country andprofession.

Over two weeks, we report on the central themes of this year's meeting. Thisweek: money and war. Next week: genetics - what the head of Monsanto anda leading British environmentalist discussed behind closed doors.

what they said about... money

Giants of the global banking world, in a debate titled 'Redesigning theInternational Financial Architecture', discussed the concept of 'dollarisation'which is sure to send euro-sceptics into a frenzy. Around the table wereKenneth Clarke MP, Martin S Feldstein, president of the National Bureau ofEconomic Research, Stanley Fisher, deputy managing director of the InternationalMonetary Fund (IMF), Ottmar Issing, board member of the European CentralBank and Jean Claude Trichet, governor of the Bank of France.

Bilderberg is understood to have been the birthplace of the single europeancurrency. The deputy director of the IMF opens by remarking: "It is worthnoting that this is the first Bilderberg meeting where the euro is fact ratherthan a topic for discussion."

During the discussion, "One of the panellists was sure that if the euro worked,more regional currencies would emerge. Others raised the question ofdollarisation as a possible cure."

There is a dissenting voice:

"The only possible reason for surrendering control of your monetary policyto Washington (where nobody would make decisions on the basis of what matteredin Buenos Aires [or London]) is the fairly rotten financial records of thegovernments concerned."

what they said about... war

Despite Tony Blair's presidential stance over Kosovo, Nato's historic warwas pilloried at Bilderberg. "The mood at the meeting was surprisingly subdued...most of the speakers concentrated on the downside of the conflict," beginsthe discussion on Kosovo.

Henry Kissinger, former US secretary of state, weighs in, saying Kosovo "couldbe this generation's Vietnam". Nato is in danger of replacing the Ottomanand Habsburg Empires in a series of permanent protectorates, he said. Anotherpanellist warned that troops could be there for 25 years. Kissinger feltthat this left Nato open to accusations of colonialism. "How did one persuadecountries like China, Russia and India that Nato's new mandate was not justa new version of 'the white man's burden' - colonialism?" asked Kissinger.

Charles D Boyd, executive director of the US National Study Group, said Kosovois now a wasteland, a humanitarian disaster comparable with Cambodia. "Natoused force as a substitute for diplomacy rather than as a support for used force in a way that minimised danger to itself but maximised dangerto the people it was trying to protect."

An unnamed British politician "wondered whether the [Nato] alliance couldhang together after the end of the war. He warned that "there would be littlepopular enthusiasm for putting lots of resources into solving the region'sgigantic problems."

Peter Mandelson told the group that "two roads stretch in front of Nato.One leads to a new division of Europe, where the continent returns to itsethnocentric ways. Under this scenario, the UN is fairly powerless, Russiaand China are excluded, and Nato is little more than an enforcer. The secondroad is a little closer to the nineteenth century Europe, with all the greatpowers - not just America and the EU, but Russia, China and Japan co-operating."

From The Big Issue, November 15-21 1999. More details from the papers published in the Big Issue on November 22.


Office of the Press Secretary (Hartford, Connecticut)________________________________________________________________________

For Immediate Release November 4, 1999

As Prepared for Delivery


November 4, 1999

Strengthening the Bipartisan Center: An Internationalist Agenda for America

Two weeks ago, I gave a speech in New York at the Council on Foreign Relationsabout the unique and paradoxical position in which America finds itself today.Some of you may have read a few articles about it in the op-ed pages. Cometo think of it, some of you may have written a few of those articles!

In the speech, I pointed out that we are at the height of our power andprosperity. We face no single, overriding threat to our existence. The idealsof democracy and free markets which we embrace are ascendant through muchof the world. After 50 years of building alliances for collective defense,common prosperity, and wider freedom, we now have an unparalleled opportunityto shape, with others, a better, safer, more democratic world.

Most Americans are ready to seize that opportunity, though we sometimes differabout how. Yet there are also some who question whether we need to seizeit at all. They believe America can and should go it alone -- either bywithdrawing from the world and relying primarily on our military strengthto protect us from its dangers . . . or by imposing our will on the world,even if it means alienating our closest allies. There are elements ofisolationism in that view; for whatever its intent, its effect is to isolateAmerica from its friends and to define America's interests in the narrowestof terms. There are clearly elements of unilateralism in it as well.

I made these arguments in my speech to stimulate a discussion about America'sappropriate role in the world. It appears that I've succeeded. This is adiscussion Americans need to be having -- before decisions are made thatdo real harm to our capacity to lead. And I'm pleased to have the opportunityto move that dialogue forward this evening with you.

First, let me make one crucial point. I have made it explicitly clear thatthe view with which I take issue is rejected by serious people in both politicalparties. Over the last six and a half years, the Administration has workedwith Republicans and Democrats in the Congress to enlarge NATO and bolsterdemocracy in central Europe, to approve aid to dismantle former Soviet weapons,to extend NAFTA to Mexico and create the WTO, to ratify START II and theChemical Weapons Convention, to support our troops in engagements from theBalkans to the Persian Gulf, and to launch a host of other internationalinitiatives. This week, we are working with a bipartisan coalition in theCongress to pass trade bills for Africa and the Caribbean Basin. Along theway, most of our critics have disagreed with the means we have used to pursueAmerica's goals in the world; they have not questioned the need to pursuethe goals themselves.

In some respects, the debate over the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty was nodifferent. Many opponents of the Treaty were motivated by serious and legitimateconcerns. Most also understood that an outright rejection of the Treaty wouldhurt America. They urged the Senate to delay the vote, seeking time and aprocess that might address their questions. Yet they were thwarted by a smallgroup of Senators who showed little concern for the will of most of theircolleagues or the consequences to America of voting the Treaty down.

That same small but increasingly powerful group is responsible for the steadydecline in our international affairs budget -- to the point where the gulfbetween America's aspirations in the world and our ability to realize themis growing.

Eight years ago, led by Senators Nunn and Lugar, the Congress initiated oureffort to help safeguard nuclear weapons and expertise in the former SovietUnion. Now Congress is forcing us to choose between cutting back that effort,which is vital to our security, or slashing our support for programs to helpRussians, Ukrainians, and others build more democratic societies, which isjust as critical to our long term interests. For years, Congress has recognizedour interest in spurring growth in poor countries that are committed to economicreform. Now it is refusing to fund a historic debt relief initiative thatwill do just that, an initiative we and all our G-7 partners embraced becauseit is morally right and economically smart. For years, Congress has supportedAmerica's partners in the Middle East peace process. Yet this year, as thatprocess enters a critical and hopefully final stage, it has so far refusedto fund the commitments we made to the Israelis and Palestinians at the Wyenegotiations. Now, there are indications they may restore those funds. Thatis good. But not good enough. America's global leadership is not divisible.

What is more, Congress is still not meeting our obligations to the WorldBank and IMF, and still conditioning the payment of our UN arrears on unrelatedissues. It has cut by 60% our request for peacekeeping. Right now, from Kosovoto East Timor to Sierra Leone, the welcome advent of peace has produced theneed for peacekeeping to secure it. In each place, the UN is launching missionsthat will save lives and prevent future crises, missions to implement agreementswe in many cases helped broker and for which others will provide most ofthe troops. We must support these missions, not only with our UN vote, butby bearing our share of their costs. That's the only acceptable positionfor the world's wealthiest and most powerful nation.

I have argued that these Congressional actions do not result from simpledifferences over policy, or from partisanship. They reflect the coherentphilosophy of a dominant minority -- which sees international spending asinherently disconnected to America?s interests, views most multilateralenterprises with suspicion and considers most difficult international endeavors-- from supporting democracy in Russia to peace in the Balkans to growthin poor countries -- as likely to fail and therefore not worth trying.

That way of thinking has been with us in the United States for a long time.In recent times, we faced it in the 1950's when Senator Robert Taft challengedthe internationalist wing of the Republican party, arguing that we shouldrely less on our allies and more on our own defenses. We saw it in the 1970's,when Congressional Democrats voted to bring our troops home from Europe,twisting legitimate concerns about Vietnam into a call to pull America outof the world.

But it is even more dangerous today -- because the need for American leadershiphas only grown with the end of the Cold War. America and its allies stillface many dangers: some as old as ethnic conflict, some as new as cyberterrorism,some as fundamental as the risk that the democratic transitions which madethis new era possible will not survive the strains of economic turmoil andpolitical strife. That is why it is urgent that internationalists find commonground around a common agenda of our own. We must learn to recognize whenour beliefs are being threatened. And we must defend them together.

What does it mean to be an internationalist in America at the turn of thiscentury? It is to study the lessons of this century and reach the conclusionFranklin Roosevelt did in 1945: that America "cannot live alone, at peace;that our own well-being is dependent on the well-being of other nations,far away." We believe that our way of life cannot thrive in a world dominatedby violence, misery, tyranny and corruption. We believe Americans benefitwhen nations coalesce to deter aggression, to resolve conflicts, to promotedemocracy, to open markets, to raise living standards, to prevent the spreadof dangerous weapons, and to meet other dangers no nation can meet alone.And we believe that one key to forging such coalitions is American leadership.

The bipartisan center that believes America must play an active role hasoften disagreed about how we ought to play our role -- from Central Americain the 1980s to Bosnia in the 1990s. But even when we differ over policy,we do not differ over purpose. And we share a conviction that America musthave the means and the will to lead.

With that in mind, and to advance the critical discussion of America's role,let me suggest some of the principles that internationalists should be ableto agree upon. Every one of them is being challenged today.

First, we should agree that America must have the strongest, best trained,best equipped military in the world, to deter potential adversaries and ifneed be defeat them. That's why the President has worked with Congress toreverse the decline in military spending over the last decade.

But we should also agree that it is just as vital to reverse the declinein spending on international affairs that began more than a decade ago. Weneed to invest in the programs that keep our soldiers out of war -- thatprevent conflicts, promote freedom, boost prosperity, fight terrorism anddrugs, meet our share of global responsibilities, and bring friends and alliesto our side. We not only need a Defense Department that has the resourcesto respond to more than one major crisis at the same time; we need a StateDepartment with that ability as well. Otherwise, our military will no longerbe our last resort in times of crisis. It will be our only resort.

Second, we should agree that while America cannot and should not respondto every outbreak of violence and injustice around the world, neither canit afford never to respond. For local conflicts can affect our national interestsand have global consequences.

Americans have long recognized this would be true of a renewed conflict inthe weapon-rich and tolerance-poor Middle East, or in Korea. It could betrue of a war in South Asia between nuclear-armed states. It was true ofthe war in the Balkans, which would have spread beyond Bosnia and Kosovohad we let it boil. It can be true when mass killing and displacement threatento throw whole regions into chronic turmoil. Internationalists can questionwhether our national interests in each case justifies a particular kind ofinvolvement -- unilateral or multilateral; military, economic, or humanitarian.But they should not question whether these interests exist.

After all, virtually every big war started as a small war that the worlddid not care enough to do something about. Sometimes, not acting is the rightchoice. But not acting must be a conclusion, not a conviction.

That puts an extra premium on a third principle we should be able to agreeupon: America must be willing to act alone when our interests demand it,as we have many times in the last six and a half years. But we should alsosupport the institutions and arrangements through which other countries helpus bear the burdens of leadership. That's why we must pay our dues and ourdebts to the UN, and do our part when others take responsibility for makingpeace: whether Europeans in the Balkans or Asians in East Timor or Africansin Sierra Leone. Otherwise we will be left with a choice in future crisesbetween doing everything ourselves and doing nothing at all.

Fourth, all internationalists agree that it was imperative for America tofight the Cold War against stifling, expansive oppression and that we alwayswill be ready to resist threats to our freedom and way of life and that ofour allies. At the same time, we should agree that America doesn't need agreat enemy to be a great country. And if the end of the Cold War has givenus a chance to weave our former adversaries Russia and China into the globalcommunity as stable, peaceful, open, law abiding states, we should do everythingin our power to seize it.

To do that, we need to see both Russia and China with a sense of realism.

The question we face about Russia is no longer whether we will be threatenedby its strength, but whether it will become too weak. Will it become unableto maintain stability and achieve prosperity at home, or to control the flowof people, weapons and technology across its borders? Will it become trapped,as it seems to be now, in cruel, unending cycles of violence in the NorthCaucasus that claim innocent lives and undermine the confidence of its friends?Realism tells us the road ahead is full of such obstacles for Russia andthat only Russians can travel it. But it also tells us Russia has overcomeenormous obstacles in ten years -- from an empire to a nation-state, fromtotalitarianism to democracy, from communism to a flawed but free marketeconomy.

Internationalists can differ about the best strategies for encouraging thattransformation. But we should not lose faith in our capacity, despite allthe difficulties, to help achieve it, nor can we abdicate our responsibilityto try. In fifty years, I seriously doubt anyone will say we did too muchto support the emergence of a stable, democratic Russia. They are more likelyto say we did too little.

As for China, realism cautions us to be prepared for a future in which thisemerging power emerges as a threat. But we should not presuppose that outcome,or make it more likely by acting as if it has already happened. Realism alsotells us to see China in all its complexity: As a country that has liftedhundreds of millions of its citizens from poverty and expanded personal freedoms,but whose progress is constrained by resistance to political reforms vitalto its long-term growth and stability. The best way to promote the rightoutcome is to protect our security, while continuing a policy of principled,purposeful engagement with China's leaders and its people.

A fifth principle internationalists ought to agree upon is that while weshould not rely on treaties alone to protect our security, it is in America'sinterest to establish standards of international conduct that reflect ourvalues and play to our strengths.

More than 30 years ago, when we signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty, pessimistswere sure that despite its provisions, there would be dozens of nuclear-armednations by the year 2000. That hasn't happened, in part because of the restraintand deterrence that comes from global rules with global backing. In 1975,we signed the Helsinki Accords with the Soviet Union, a country we couldn'ttrust that was in violation of every article in the treaty. Yet the U.S.S.R.'sembrace of human rights, however disingenuous at the time, gave its peoplea powerful tool in their struggle for change.

In particular, we do not tie our hands by getting others to accept standardswe already have chosen to live by ourselves. That is part of our argumentfor the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, which would help freeze the developmentof nuclear weapons around the world at a time when we have an overwhelmingmilitary advantage. Now, one of the great challenges for internationalistsin both parties is to find the common ground on this treaty that the truncateddebate in the Senate prevented. I hope we can have a process of quietconsultation in the months ahead. We must also find a way in the coming yearto move forward with defenses against missile attack, while working to preservethe ABM treaty. A missile defense can be part of a sound national securitystrategy. But it cannot be the sum total of a strategy.

Many other ambitious tasks demand American leadership and engagement in thecoming year. Most reflect the opportunities of the post-Cold War peace: forginga comprehensive peace in the Middle East and securing the peace in the Balkans;helping Russia stabilize its economy as it conducts its first democratictransfer of power; bringing China into the WTO while speaking plainly abouthuman rights; building on hopeful developments between Greece and Turkeyto make progress in the Aegean, particularly on Cyprus; securing new energyroutes from the Caspian Sea that will allow newly independent states in theCaucasus to prosper; supporting extraordinarily hopeful and important democratictransitions from Nigeria to Indonesia; launching a new global trade round;enacting the African and Caribbean trade bills; pressing ahead with debtrelief for countries finally embracing good government.

Others reflect new dangers and new challenges: easing tensions between Indiaand Pakistan; helping Colombia defeat the narcotraffickers who threaten itsdemocracy; fighting proliferation, terrorism and the nexus between them;restraining North Korea's missile program and Iran's; containing Iraq; reversingglobal climate change.

That is an agenda which reflects America's interests and deserves bipartisansupport. The President will work hard with the Congress to make it our commonagenda. And he will make the case once again that we can seize the challengesahead only if we have the resources to match our interests, only if Americaremains a builder of coalitions, only if we remember that few of our hopeswill be realized if we cannot convince others to embrace them as well.

Perhaps the most important principle every internationalist should agreeupon is that there is a difference between power and authority. Power isthe ability to compel by force and sanctions; there are times we must useit, but as a final, not a first resort. Authority is the ability to lead,and we depend on it for virtually everything we try to achieve. Our authorityis built on very different qualities than our power: on the attractivenessof our values, on the force of example, the credibility of our commitmentsand our willingness to work with and stand by others.

Historians tell us that this moment of predominance for America may be fleeting.That's hard for many people to imagine, in part because there is no threatto our power in the world today. But there is a threat to our authority.It lies in the impulse of some to stand alone in the world in a way thatwould squander our advantages, alienate our friends, diminish our credibility,betray our values, and discredit our example. We cannot let that happen.

The Administration has an obligation to reach out to critics who share ourbelief that America must lead and not stand alone. I hope they, too, willdefend the common ground we share, so that the bipartisan center will hold,and America's tradition of leadership will be preserved for generations tocome. I will dedicate my very best efforts to that task in the months ahead.

This press release/speech can be found here /3.text.1

When Peter Mandelson shared a flight to Brazil earlier this month with GreatTrain Robber Bruce Reynolds (who was on his way to Ronnie Biggs' 70th), itmust have been one of the few recent foreign jollies Mandy has funded fromhis own pocket.

As the latest Commons register of members' interests reveals he has beena busy boy since his fall from grace last December, with an itinerary mostcabinet ministers would envy.

14-16th January - He started the year in style with a weekend break in Paristo attend the yearly British-French Colloque travel and expenses paidfor by BP. This special relationship between the former Trade and Industrysecretary and the petrochemical giant has no bearing on the approval of acontroversial collaboration between BP and US oil company Amoco at BaglanBay near Port Talbot shortly after Mandelson announced the end of a moratoriumon gas-fired power stations.

29-31st January - Peter took off on another European city break, this timeto Cologne, sponsored by the Foreign Policy Centre-New Policy Network.

7-15th February - The Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union paid forhim to fly to Johannesburg and Cape Town.

26-27th February - The Institute for Public Policy Research paid for hisflight and board to Milan to speak at a conference on the Dilemmas ofGlobalisation, a subject upon which such a well-travelled chap must haveplenty to say.

8th March -An all expenses paid trip to Madrid to speak at The EconomistAgenda 2000 conference.

18-20th April - Across the Atlantic to speak at a conference at the HudsonInstitute, a rightwing American think tank which promotes intensive farmingand pesticide use.

In April - "Have Suitcase, Will Travel" also managed a trip to Corfu andAlbania courtesy of Lord Rothschild to visit the Butrint Foundation, aroundhis Washington jaunt.

23-24th May - Back to Madrid to speak at a conference on Mexico paid forby the Euroamerica Foundation.

28-31st May - Return to the States and the Howard Gilman Symposium in Georgia,travel and accommodation provided by the Progressive Foundation and FirstmarkCommunications.

In June Peter flew to Portugal for the secretive and influential Bilderbergconference.

Apparently reluctant ever to pay his own way, Peter has also borrowed a jazzynew iMac computer from 'new' Labour's favourite public relations guru MatthewFreud - he of the millennium dome PR contract.

Private Eye can be found at

Return-Path: <>
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 13:37:53 +0200
From: Ilan Shalif <>
X-Accept-Language: en,He
To: Tony Gosling <>, work<>
Subject: Re: [Fwd: BOUNCE Non-member submission from[TonyGosling <>]]

> At 00:08 8/7/99 +0200, you wrote:
> >Hi Tony.
> >Please stop sending us your posts and stop SPAMING the mailing listsof
> the left.
> >Do not force our hand.
> >Ilan for a-infos.
> >

Any e-mail post which is not welcome is included in the general SPAM category.

We do not need your posts to open our eyes, and subscribers
complained you referred to pro capitalist sources and included
absurd interpretations and "information".,2

by Michael Haislip

The week of June 3 1999, saw the town of Sintra, Portugal, flooded with media,security personnel, and police forces in preparation for the arrival of theworld's most powerful people. The annual Bilderberg Conference, named afterthe hotel where it was first convened, was being held in a nearby hotel.The security teams were already sweeping the building for listening devicesby the time the media got word of the event.

News reports of a clandestine group of powerful and influential men beganappearing on news wires and on the pages of Portuguese newspapers, fuelingrumors of a global cabal. The conspiracy theorists were having a field day.

Due to scarce reliable information and a general press black-out, few knowof the group, and many of those who know doubt that the group exists, claimingit to be a fantasy of paranoid extremists. However, its existence was provedwhen spokesmen for the group issued the following press release to the Portuguesemedia:

"The 47th Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Sintra Portugal June 3 to 6to discuss the Atlantic Relationship in a Time of Change. Among others theconference will discuss NATO, Genetics, Emerging Markets, The New Economy,European Politics, US Politics, International Financial Architecture, andRussia. Approximately 120 participants from North America and Europe willattend the discussions. The meeting is private in order to encourage frankand open discussion."

Other parts of the press release described how the group was a flexible meansto encourage change and growth, and how participants were influential membersof the public and private sectors. Appended to the end of the release wasa list of participants in the 1999 conference.


Prominent U.S. citizens attended the 1999 meeting. Government officials whoattended include

Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska Senator Chris Dodd of Connecticut SenatorEvan Bayh of Indiana UN ambassador designate Richard Holbrooke and Secretaryof Energy Bill Richardson.

Private citizens who attended include

Paul Allaire, chairman of Xerox Richard Thoman, president and CEO of XeroxCharles G. Boyd, executive director of the National Security Study GroupJon S. Corzine, senior partner at Goldman Sachs Donald Graham, publisherof the Washington Post Vernon Jordan, Bill Clinton's friend and practicingattorney and Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State and chairman of KissingerAssociates, Inc.


Dozens of high U.S. government officials have attended the Bilderberg Conferencessince their inception. Former U.S. president Dwight D. Eisenhower attendedin 1954, and the trip was recorded in his official diary, now located inhis presidential library. It is believed all U.S. presidents have attendedsince.

Most recently, former Defense Secretary William J. Perry attended the 1996meeting in Canada, as evidenced by this Department of Defense press releasedated May 29, 1996:

Secretary of Defense William J. Perry will depart Washington D.C. tomorrow,May 30, 1996 for Toronto, Ontario. While there, the Secretary is scheduledto meet with Canadian Minister of Defense David Collenette. The followingmorning, he will address the Bilderberg Conference, a group composed ofindividuals both in and out of government who meet to discuss such topicsas foreign affairs and international economy.

Indiana Congressman Lee Hamilton attended in 1997, as did Richard Holbrooke,currently a nominee for United Nations ambassador, and Henry Kissinger, formerSecretary of State. Also attending in 1997 was former presidential advisorGeorge Stephanopolous, now a commentator for ABC News.


Criticism of the group is widespread. With very little public record of themeetings, the group is the subject of conspiracy fantasies and paranoiddelusions.

The difficult part is separating the fact from the fantasy. The scant informationwe have comes mainly from the few press releases of the group and fromindependent investigative reporters. From this information, we can gatherthat the ideas discussed in unofficial capacities at the annual conferencesoften become official policy.

One of those "unofficial" policy decisions may be the current Serbian crisis.According to the Yugoslavian news agency Tanjug, the Serbian military believesthat NATO's mission in Serbia was planned at the 1996, 1997, and 1998 meetings,and that the Bilderberg Group planned for a "third Balkan war" this century.To provoke the Serbs into military action the Hague war crimes tribunal wouldindict and arrest "war criminals from among the Serbs." However, when conditionschanged, those plans were temporarily abandoned in favor of "saving Kosovo"from Serbia. This would justify military intervention, according to Tanjug,and would allow NATO to extend its sphere of influence.

Besides planning wars for their own profit, Bilderberg members are also accusedof pulling the strings of powerful political figures, figures as high upas the president of the United States. According to a 1998 Washington Timesarticle, presidential confidante and Bilderberg member Vernon Jordan introducedBill Clinton to the other members at the 1991 conference. At that meeting,then-Governor Clinton met those who would become his staunchest supportersand biggest contributors. Thanks to the efforts of Jordan, who sits on theboards of eleven U.S. corporations, Clinton gained the status and the alliesthat helped him win the presidency.

First Lady Hillary Clinton jumped on the elitist bandwagon in 1997. She wasat the Pine Isle Resort near Atlanta to welcome members to that year's meeting,according to a Reuters wire report. Security for that meeting came at theexpense of the public -- Georgia State Patrol troopers and National Guardhelicopters policed nearby Interstate I-985 and set up check points to repelparty crashers. Georgia Bureau of Investigation agents controlled trafficleading to the resort, making sure nobody but the invited attended.


Despite the haze of mystery and myths surrounding this collection of globalelites, much of the truth has emerged. We know world leaders attend eachyear. We know discussions at the meetings often lead to official policies.We know government officials attend the meetings, often using tax dollarsto jet around the globe on "official business."

What we don't know still outweighs the known facts, though. This needs tochange. Our government officials discuss national policy with world leaderswith no oversight at all. Ideas become policy without public input. As longas the Bilderberg members continue to spend treasury funds to hobnob withthe plutocracy and the policy makers, the group should be in the public eye.

- Michael Haislip

Michael Haislip has been the head writer for American Assassin since 1995.,2

12Jun99 - Comment

The Newsin Portugal - complete Bilderberg 1999 articles

Following five weeks of incessant pressure from this newspaper, some of ourcolleagues in the Portuguese media put pen to paper last week and ran reportsof differing prominence on the arrival of what we termed 'the world's mostsecret society' for their meeting in Sintra.

Even so, it was only four nationals that ran the story, Jornal de Noticias,Público, O Independente and 24 horas, two of them acknowledging TheNews reports. Conspicuous by its absence is the prestigious Expresso, ownedby Francisco Pinto Balsemão, who is also a leading member of theBilderbergs for Portugal. Coincidence? As far as we can establish, SIC TV,also part of the Balsemão empire also gave the story a miss. Our reportersat Sintra met with reporters from Visão, again part of the Balsemãoempire, and will wait with eager anticipation to see if this respectedinvestigative magazine will run the story.

Yet again, the trend over the years in the media, particularly media ownedby Bilderberg members, is to remain tight lipped on the subject of the Bilderbergmeetings. This in itself does not mean that the activities of this organisationare sinister, but it surely adds fuel to the fire for the conspiracy theorists.

Writing in Jornal de Notícias, Antonio Garcia acknowledged that TheNews had scooped the world's press by publishing the details of the meetingon May 1st. Unlike other commentaries, he tackled the issue of our commentsregarding the 'wall of silence' that continued in the Portuguese media untilonly days before the meeting. Garcia wrote that The News had received enormousfeedback via the internet, stating that many of the sites are linked withthe far right and conspiracy sites, who might be kindly described as a bit'extreme'. Dig a little deeper however, and you find many other sites, manyof them credible organisations, who are more balanced in their information.

There is clearly a genuine concern about the activities of this group, andit must be said that they seem to be their own worst enemies. Since The Newsstarted reporting on the Bilderbergs in May, we have had over 1,1 millionhits on our site, which indicates the level of world wide interest.

If, as they say, The Bilderbergs are simply an influential group discussingworld affairs, why the need for such secrecy?

Do these people simply meet for a few days, discuss global matters, and thenshred the results on the way out of the conference room, and forget aboutthe whole weekend? I think not. If they are discussing world affairs, theywill then feel the need to act on their findings. Otherwise, the whole meetingwould have been a complete waste of time, energy and money. According to24 Horas, amongst other things the Bilderbergers brought over 200 of theirown armed guards to keep their meeting secret.

Having established that this group will feel the need to act on their findings,or at least to seek to influence those elected to govern, you have to askhow much influence they are able, should they wish, to exert on the politicians.

It is no secret that most political parties are supported to a greater orlesser extent by big business. Without their donations, financial influenceand media clout, they would find it more difficult to gain, or stay in, power.Our readers may recall a recent article in The News by Gwynne Dyer 'Trustme, I'm a Genetic Engineer' in which he outlined how Monsanto wielded suchinfluence over the US government over GM foods, even getting them to blockattempts by the EU to label GM products. It went as far as getting Clintonto threaten a trade war if the EU persisted in this plan. Coincidentally,Monsanto CEO Bob Shapiro became one of the biggest contributors of 'softmoney' to Clinton's 1996 election campaign, and then, guess what, becamea special trade advisor to the President.

According to the only Bildergberg press release, sent to The News, one ofthe items on the agenda was Genetics, and who was at the meeting last weekend?Monsanto CEO Bob Shapiro.

This is but one example of the close links between big business and politics.There are so many that there can be little or no doubt how closely the twowork together in many countries.

The Bilderberg group comprises the very top echelon of the worlds business,media and finance groups.

The others who attend could well be seen as representing politicians whowould rather not be seen at the meetings. Why was Peter Mandleson there lastweekend?

I for one would be perfectly happy to consider that these top business andfinancial people, with years of experience and success behind them, may havesome excellent ideas and suggestions for world affairs. If they publishedeven an outline of their findings, we might well feel moved to support theirviews. Our confidence in politicians varies, but there are few of us whodon't think they could learn a thing or two from top commercial leaders.

The problem with the Bilderbergs remains their uncanny need for total secrecyin what they do and decide. If they feel unhappy about the attention theyget from the conspiracy theorists and the far right, they have only themselvesto blame.

As far as the media is concerned, we all have a responsibility to ensurethat the public knows what politicians, financial power brokers and big business,amongst others, would like to keep secret. It is not usually in the publicinterest that the elected, let alone the unelected, can act in secret. Theymay claim they do it in our best interests, that's what Nixon would havesaid about Watergate; Clinton about his 'affairs'; the British Governmentabout the Iraqi super gun; Oliver North on Iran Contra, all brought to thepublic attention by the media.

What is stranger than fiction is that it should fall to a relatively unknownnewspaper like The News, to do what our larger and more influential colleaguesfailed to do. That in itself is even more suspicious.

Paul Luckman

The News in Portugal - complete Bilderberg 1999 articles

Subject: Secretive 1999 BILDERBERG CONFERENCE ends in Portugal...

[From THE NEWS, 12th June, 1999]


The 47th Bilderberg Conference has come to an end. Members and one-offparticipants have departed as discreetly as they arrived. Lines of blacklimousines, unmarked except for a "B" on the windscreen, swept into PenhaLonga, sometimes accompanied by police escorts, and sometimes not. Even theBilderbergers have a pecking order. Britain's Peter Mandelson arrived ina bus

Outside the lightly guarded gates of Penha Longa, those members of the presswho were prepared to brave the famed Bilderberg security gathered to gleanwhat information was available. The police on duty at the gates made it crystalclear that they were only the tip of the security iceberg. Apart from thePortuguese police contingent, the Bilderbergers had reportedly brought over200 of their own armed security guards. A helicopter swept overhead, andother security officers were prudently patrolling the hillsides which mysticallyenvelope the Japanese-owned hotel.

Amongst the journalists present, were reporters from several of the Portuguesenational newspapers, a British Channel 4 film crew and the "notorious" Bilderbergpursuer Jim Tucker from the Washington Spotlight. The Channel 4 crew wereunderstandably disturbed by the experience of being trailed by security menin a green Lancia K throughout Wednesday. According to reporter, Jon Ronson,the British Embassy had told his crew not to provoke any incidents and thattheir fate was in their own hands. The exuberant and almost mischievous JimTucker was thriving in his long established role as Bilderberg enemy numberone, audaciously blowing kisses at grim-faced officials "employed" to providea safe passage for the Bilderbergers into the resort.

Along with other members of the press, The News requested, and was refused,permission to enter the hotel grounds. However on Saturday, the golf clubwas open, due to the American Barbecue event. Despite the fact that the golfcourse is located some distance from the hotel, the guard at the gate saidhe had information that The News reporters had been seen working with JimTucker, an apparently inadvisable association, and that we could pose a possiblesecurity risk. It would seem that the so-called right-wing Spotlight forwhom Jim writes regularly, is treated with caution resembling paranoia.

We described our interest in the meeting and that we worked for The News,which the guard acknowledged, and ordered us to park and wait for confirmationfrom within the resort, eventually given after lingering in "no-man's land"for a few minutes. At the "19th hole", an attempt to take a photograph wasstopped immediately, "as it might prejudice security operations". It wasapparent that Penha Longa had been transformed into a fort, a safe haven,with sombre-looking, "sun glass wearers in the rain" watching every movement.

It is unlikely that Portugal has ever witnessed such a strict security blanket,or welcomed so many high profile people at any one time. O Independente describedthem as "The masters of the world". Disagreeing with that title would bedifficult.

The sole question remains. What were the so called "masters of the world"discussing here in Portugal?

For some reason, they would prefer we don't know.

The Newsin Portugal - complete Bilderberg 1999 articles

SchNEWS 11Jun99


And Finally.......

There were a few interesting names on the guestlist at the recent meetingof international baddies, the Bilderberg Group (see SchNEWS 213). The 120delegates met in Portugal to discuss in "NATO, Genetics, Emerging Markets,and International Financial Architecture" and how great they all are. Ifthat doesn't get your paranoia flowing, two of the guests were none otherthat the prince of darkness himself Peter Mandelson, and housewive's favouriteenvironmentalist Jonathon Porrit.

Mandelson is due to make a comeback soon, and with the backing of SPECTREwe're sure that all those nasty rumours about him will be dealt with, andthat bodies of rebellious MPs will start turning up in the Thames. Equallyworrying was the presence of Porrit's name (see SchNEWS 212 on greenwashand co-opting ecologists). What was Porrit doing there? We shall never know,'cos of course the Bilderbergers never reveal what was said, and anyway Porrit'sPA reckons he hasn't been to Portugal for years. The plot thickens...

with J.C. Hadoulis

KOSOVO? Which Kosovo?

Deadly chickens from Belgium and roaring speeches from Thessaloniki combinedto drive Nato's intervention in Yugoslavia out of all but a few headlines.Five days to go till the Euro-elections, and the Greek readership is muchmore concerned with whom they will (or will not) vote for, and with whatthey will fill their stomachs.

The right-wing segment of the press was ecstatic about New Democracy leaderCostas Karamanlis' mass rally in Thessaloniki on Monday night. Costas Mitsis'Adesmeftos Typos declared that the "great crowd turnout" was a Real popularitysurvey, while Apoyevmatini spoke of a Victory omen. The rest of the conservativepress would have fielded similar headlines had they not been obliged to coverthe Belgian food scandal story.

Vradini carried Karamanlis' Thessaloniki statements about a "sick and corruptstate" and called Prime Minister Costas Simitis a Political conman who isdeceiving the Greek people. Athinaiki was also in an anti-Simitis mood, albeitfor a different reason: it reported that Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan isSuing Simitis, apparently accusing the Greek ÑÌ of being involvedin his capture by Turkish agents in Kenya.

The left-wing press furthered their respective Euro-election causes, withCommunist Rizospastis exhorting its readers to Flock to Pedion tou Areoson Alexandras Avenue for a big rally, and pro-Left Coalition Avyi announcingthat their own candidates will provide the Left-wing solution. ConservativeEstia, in the meantime, took a more general view and talked about Campaignexpenditure running out of control.

Yesterday's dioxin portion was ample, as usual, with Eleftheros Typos reportingthat Fears are now being voiced about Dutch foods. Ethnos said that Greekconsumers Vote Greek as far as food purchases are concerned. To Vima maintainedthat Fear is on our plate, and Ta Nea added that The food market is emptyingfor fear of dioxin consumption. Dimitris Rizos' Adesmeftos Typos marked achange from "What should we eat? " headlines with its What we should eatlead.

Coverage of events in Kosovo was limited to Eleftherotypia's hopeful talkof The last night of the war, "despite the negotiation deadlock", andKathimerini's Open the gates banner, referring to Nato's request for northernGreek ports to be used for the disembarkation of "peacekeeping" troops.

Exousia's exclusive regarded the 47th meeting and Top secret machinationsof the "all-powerful" Bilderberg think-tank, which met in Portugal and reportedlydecided that the Kosovo and Vojvodina provinces should be broken away fromYugoslavia.

The News in Portugal - complete Bilderberg 1999 articles

A massive security operation was launched in Sintra on Wednesday, in preparationfor the arrival of some of the world's most powerful people. A special unitfrom the PJ (Judicial Police) was reported to be sweeping Penha Longa forlistening devices late Wednesday. A film crew from the UK's Channel 4 werebeing trailed by a team of plain clothes police and security men after theyattempted to film inside the hotel on Tuesday afternoon. Veteran Washingtonreporter and Bilderberg specialist Jim Tucker, a regular and unwelcome visitorat Bilderberg conferences since 1980, is also under constant surveillance.He told The News that he was spotted near the hotel by the Bilderberg securityteam. Since the Bilderberg meeting was first revealed by The News on May1, scooping the world's media, the internet site of The News has beenexperiencing unprecedented international interest. In the last four daysthe site has accumulated over 368,000 hits, being linked to some of the largestmedia sites on the net. Only on Wednesday did the Portuguese media startto comment on the upcoming 'summit' in Sintra, despite the fact that thePortuguese press agency LUSA had alerted them to the story in The News fourweeks ago. Much of the information now being published is relying heavilyon The News reporting of this event over its last five issues.

Guests confirmed by the Bilderberg Meeting to The News on Thursday morningincluded in alphabetical order; Pinto Balsemão, Conrad Black, KennethClarke, João Cravinho, Paulo Fresco, Marçal Grilo, RichardHolbrooke, Henry Kissinger, Peter Mandelson, Vasco de Mello, Murteira Nabo,Her Majesty Queen of the Netherlands, David Oddsson, David Rockefeller, RichardoSalgado, President Jorge Sampaio, Rudolf Scharping.

The Bilderberg wall of silence suffered substantial damage this week. TheEdinburgh based Sunday Herald, WorldNetDaily and the famous Drudge Reportall commented on the rendezvous of world leaders currently taking place inSintra.

The Scottish Sunday Herald published the story (May 30) and theinternationally-respected WorldNetDaily led with the agenda linking directlyto The News site. The Portuguese national radio station, RFM, reported onWednesday the expected presence of Bill Clinton who, they reported, wouldbe unaccounted for over this weekend.

The Sunday Herald said in its article: ‘Every year the internationalmedia competes to be the first to reveal the location and agenda for theconference’. The Herald continued by saying: ‘The winner of theBilderberg scoop this year was a Portuguese newspaper, The News, which boaststhat it is the country's largest-circulation English language newspaper.It has published the location and the detailed agenda of the conference’.

Público refers to a ‘Lusa News Agency alert’ quoting anewspaper, 'The News'.

The BBC Worldwide Monitoring Service this week printed a text of a reportby the Yugoslav News Agency, Tanjug, which said the plan to bring about aBalkan Vietnam was drawn up secretly back in 1996 and reactivated at a meetingof the Bilderberg Group held in Scotland last year, citing the May 27 editionof the Yugoslav newspaper

The Newsin Portugal - complete Bilderberg 1999 articles

by Michael Haislip

The week of June 3 1999, saw the town of Former Defense Secretary Sintra,William Perry attended Portugal, Bilderberg in 1996. flooded with media,security personnel, and police forces in preparation for the arrival of theworld’s most powerful people. The annual Bilderberg Conference, namedafter the hotel where it was first convened, was being held in a nearby hotel.The security teams were already sweeping the building for listening devicesby the time the media got word of the event.

News reports of a clandestine group of powerful and influential men beganappearing on news wires and on the pages of Portuguese newspapers, fuelingrumors of a global cabal. The conspiracy theorists were having a field day.

Due to scarce reliable information and a general press black-out, few knowof the group, and many of those who know doubt that the group exists, claimingit to be a fantasy of paranoid extremists. However, its existence was provedwhen spokesmen for the group issued the following press release to the Portuguesemedia:

“The 47th Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Sintra Portugal June 3to 6 to discuss the Atlantic Relationship in a Time of Change. Among othersthe conference will discuss NATO, Genetics, Emerging Markets, The New Economy,European Politics, US Politics, International Financial Architecture, andRussia. Approximately 120 participants from North America and Europe willattend the discussions. The meeting is private in order to encourage frankand open discussion.”

Other parts of the press release described how the group was a flexible meansto encourage change and growth, and how participants were influential membersof the public and private sectors. Appended to the end of the release wasa list of participants in the 1999 conference.


Prominent U.S. citizens attended the 1999 meeting. Government officials whoattended include Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska; Senator Chris Dodd ofConnecticut; Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana; UN ambassador designate RichardHolbrooke; and Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson. Private citizens attendedinclude Paul Allaire, chairman of Xerox; Richard Thoman, president and CEOof Xerox; Charles G. Boyd, executive director of the National Security StudyGroup; Jon S. Corzine, senior partner at Goldman Sachs; Donald Graham, publisherof the Washington Post; Vernon Jordan, Bill Clinton’s friend and practicingattorney; and Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State and chairman ofKissinger Associates, Inc.


Dozens of high U.S. government officials have attended the Bilderberg Conferencessince their inception. Former U.S. president Dwight D. Eisenhower attendedin 1954, and the trip was recorded in his official diary, now located inhis presidential library. It is believed all U.S. presidents have attendedsince.

Most recently, former Defense Secretary William J. Perry attended the 1996meeting in Canada, as evidenced by this Department of Defense press releasedated May 29, 1996:

Secretary of Defense William J. Perry will depart Washington D.C. tomorrow,May 30, 1996 for Toronto, Ontario. While there, the Secretary is scheduledto meet with Canadian Minister of Defense David Collenette. The followingmorning, he will address the Bilderberg Conference, a group composed ofindividuals both in and out of government who meet to discuss such topicsas foreign affairs and international economy.

Indiana Congressman Lee Hamilton attended in 1997, as did Richard Holbrooke,currently a nominee for United Nations ambassador, and Henry Kissinger, formerSecretary of State. Also attending in 1997 was former presidential advisorGeorge Stephanopolous, now a commentator for ABC News.


Criticism of the group is widespread. With very little public record of themeetings, the group is the subject of conspiracy fantasies and paranoiddelusions. The difficult part is separating the fact from the fantasy. Thescant information we have comes mainly from the few press releases of thegroup and from independent investigative reporters. From this information,we can gather that the ideas discussed in unofficial capacities at the annualconferences often become official policy.

One of those “unofficial” policy decisions may be the current Serbiancrisis. According to the Yugoslavian news agency Tanjug, the Serbian militarybelieves that NATO’s mission in Serbia was planned at the 1996, 1997,and 1998 meetings, and that the Bilderberg Group planned for a “thirdBalkan war” this century. To provoke the Serbs into military actionthe Hague war crimes tribunal would indict and arrest “war criminalsfrom among the Serbs.” However, when conditions changed, those planswere temporarily abandoned in favor of “saving Kosovo” from Serbia.This would justify military intervention, according to Tanjug, and wouldallow NATO to extend its sphere of influence.

Besides planning wars for their own profit, Bilderberg members are also accusedof pulling the strings of powerful political figures, figures as high upas the president of the United States. According to a 1998 Washington Timesarticle, presidential confidante and Bilderberg member Vernon Jordan introducedBill Clinton to the other members at the 1991 conference. At that meeting,then-Governor Clinton met those who would become his staunchest supportersand biggest contributors. Thanks to the efforts of Jordan, who sits on theboards of eleven U.S. corporations, Clinton gained the status and the alliesthat helped him win the presidency.

First Lady Hillary Clinton jumped on the elitist bandwagon in 1997. She wasat the Pine Isle Resort near Atlanta to welcome members to that year’smeeting, according to a Reuters wire report. Security for that meeting cameat the expense of the public — Georgia State Patrol troopers and NationalGuard helicopters policed nearby Interstate I-985 and set up check pointsto repel party crashers. Georgia Bureau of Investigation agents controlledtraffic leading to the resort, making sure nobody but the invited attended.


Despite the haze of mystery and myths surrounding this collection of globalelites, much of the truth has emerged. We know world leaders attend eachyear. We know discussions at the meetings often lead to official policies.We know government officials attend the meetings, often using tax dollarsto jet around the globe on “official business.”

What we don’t know still outweighs the known facts, though. This needsto change. Our government officials discuss national policy with world leaderswith no oversight at all. Ideas become policy without public input. As longas the Bilderberg members continue to spend treasury funds to hobnob withthe plutocracy and the policy makers, the group should be in the public eye.

Sources: - [shucks..]
Eisenhower's Official Diary
The News
The Washington Times

This article posted at

Nic Outterside, twice Scottish journalist of the year and winner of sevenother journalism awards had this article severely doctored by his editorsand resigned from the paper as a result. Here is Nic's original version:

Special report

by Nic Outterside

THE world's most powerful secret society is to meet in Portugal next weekon the eve of the European elections to carry forward its plans for a globalisedworld government.

Top of their agenda is a strategy to allow the UN to directly tax globalelectronic commerce to further internal reforms and strengthen its world-widepower base.

There are also proposals for the replacement of NATO forces in Kosovo witha "European Army".

But their meeting has been damned by a Tory MP as a collection of "very powerfulforces" whose intention is "to undermine and destroy the nation state".

He says the time has come to expose their agenda and Awake political leadersto their threat.

Bilderberg, one of the most secret organisations in the world, comprisingpoliticians, top industrialists and financial leaders, will meet on Thursdayat a heavily guarded holiday complex at Sintra in the Estoril region of Portugal,the Sunday Herald has discovered.

Their high-powered conference takes place at a crucial time, just days beforethe European Parliament elections and G7 and G8 summits.

The Bilderbergers are strong supporters of the European Union and have spentyears lobbying hard for a single European currency. Their wider agenda isto create a "one world" government.

The 120 Bilderberg delegates, under the Chairmanship of former NATO SecretaryGeneral Lord Peter Carrington and led by US billionaire David Rockefellerand media magnate Conrad Black will meet to discuss a range of global issues.

According to a Bilderberg source top of this year's "massive agenda" is aplan to tax global E-Commerce with a slice going directly to the United Nations.This strategy will strengthen the current reforms of the UN and "assist theprocess of world governance".

Other topics at this year's meeting include:

* addressing the deepening crisis in Kosovo, the "dismemberment of Yugoslavia"and the replacement of NATO with a European Army.

* the Asian economic crisis and plans to create an Asian economic and politicalblock under the leadership of Japan.

* preparations for a middle East Peace settlement and the creation of aPalestinian state

* the creation of an Americas Economic Union - a follow-up meeting has beentimetabled for early next year in Quebec. This claims the Bilderberg sourcewill be the first step to "full hemispheric union".

* the US stock market speculative bubble. An abrupt collapse could havedevastating world-wide consequences

* the development of a new "transatlantic marketplace" - stage two in theBilderbergers’ plans to begin incrementally knitting together the threeglobal regional blocks into one global trading, monetary and political union.

* the extension of the EMU to Eastern Europe, and the early entry of Britaininto this second common European currency system.

The Observer editor-in-chief and political commentator Will Hutton who attendedthe 1997 conference said: "The Bilderberg conference is one of the key meetingsof the year. The consensus established there is the backdrop against whichpolicy is made world-wide.

“It is, in essence, a collection of people who are either up-comingor former top politicians and the cream of the world’s business leaders- the conference is a well-argued talk fest,” he said.

Hutton believes that the Bilderberg conference along with Davos [World EconomicForum] and IMF meetings provides the “common-sense background againstwhich G7 takes its position.”

He said the issue of ‘globalisation’ would almost certainly topthis year’s Bilderberg agenda.

“Following the US led f*ck-up in Kosovo we need better social protectionand more military common-sense if the globalisation aspired to by Bilderbergis to continue,” he said.

The Bilderberg conference is credited with selecting and nurturing politicaltalent. Tony Blair first attended in 1993 when he was a junior oppositionspokesman and Bill Clinton attended the 1991 meeting in Baden-Baden, Germanybefore he announced that he was running for president.

The Bilderbergs control the central banks, such as the Federal Reserve inthe US, and are therefore in a position to determine discount rates, moneysupply levels, the price of gold and which countries should receive loans.

Just as NATO has bound Europe and North America together militarily so theBilderbergers appear to have bound together American and European strategicand economic interests.

But their meetings and discussions are bound in the strictest secrecy.

According to the official Bilderberg line the publicity black-out surroundingtheir meetings: “makes discussion more intimate and candid. There areno massive indiscretions, but exchanges can be quite heated. “Bilderbergis just a flexible and informal international leadership forum in which differentviewpoints can be expressed and mutual understanding enhanced.”

Critics claim the secrecy enables “this shadow world government”to plot their agenda which is then foisted upon the political movers andshakers of the western world.

"Their power and influence must not be underestimated,” said Bilderbergwatcher and Scottish TV producer Sara Brown.

“These men live and work in the shadows and they don’t want itany other way.”

Bilderberg meetings are only held when and where the hosts can provide thehighest levels of security for their guests. Last year Mail on Sunday reporterCampbell Thomas was arrested and held for eight hours by Strathclyde policefor daring to ask a hotel chambermaid about the Bilderberg conference beingheld at the Turnberry Hotel.

According to US journalist and Bilderberg specialist Jim Tucker any intrudersto Bilderberg conferences are manhandled, cuffed and jailed, and if theyresist arrest or attempt to flee, they will be shot.

After 45 years on annual secret get-togethers the Bilderbergers are now facingsome penetrating observation and questioning about their activities. FormerBBC reporter Tony Gosling has spent the last two years campaigning for greaterdisclosure of the Bilderbergers’ activities.

Along with Tucker and Canadian John Whitley he has compiled a massive dossieron their membership, organisational structure and political agendas.

He believes it is no coincidence that this year's conference falls on theeve of the European elections and G7 and G8 summits.

"With this roll-call of the richest and most powerful men in the world itis quite clear that their determination is to control the outcome of otherpolitical forums," he said.

"And when you consider the inclusion of senior representatives from the IMFand all the major central banks that power can be used and abused at willto control global decision making.

“It is all done in secret and is completely unaccountable,” headded.

Washington reporter Tucker, who has followed the activities of the Bilderbergsfor more than 15 years, says: “They want you to believe they are simplyimproving international relations. But they are controlling the world andmaking decisions that affect all of us with absolutely no democratic controlon what they do.

Leading Tory Euro sceptic and Ludlow MP Christopher Gill has led a personalcrusade to expose the workings of the Bilderberg group.

“I believe there are some very powerful forces at work and their intentionappears to be to undermine and destroy the nation state,” he said.

“It is all the more sinister that when I ask questions about theiractivities I run into sand and don’t get answers.

"Their agenda seems to be to promote world government. It is a difficultenough job fighting against a European super state but how, as an individual,one can counteract the activities of a group which seems determined to createone-world government is a major task of our times.

“I believe the only course is to try to convince one or other of themain political parties and their leaders to recognise the enormity of thisthreat to our democratic rights and to fight to defend them.”

Gill has been supported in his quest to “out the Bilderbergs” byfellow Tory Nicholas Winterton MP.

Winterton has tabled numerous parliamentary questions asking government ministersfor assessments of the power and influence of the Bilderbergers on worldtrade. Each time he has received either blank or “holding replies.”

However, Euro sceptic and close political ally Theresa Gorman is lessconspiratorial, claiming Bilderberg is little more than a rich club forsuperannuated freemasons”.

These conferences are just a gigantic boomdoggle,” she said.

I don’t think any group like this can mould the world to one set ofideals - I think their importance is completely overplayed.”

Last night Scottish academics also doubted the real power wielded by theBilderberg conferences.

Anton Muscatelli, economics professor at the University of Glasgow said:“An off-the-record forum makes sense for this type of gathering. Thelast thing large companies want is to be seen to have opinions that arepolitically loaded. Powerful companies are anyway going to have powerfulinfluence”.

Muscatelli said he was sceptical about the Bilderberg group’s proposalsfor a global tax on E-commerce.

“Unless you ensured that every country went along with this, it wouldbe extremely difficult to police. It really would require worldcollaboration.”

It seems a trifle ambitious,” said David Bell, professor of economicsat Stirling University. “I just don’t see how you could make itworkable.”

Two pro-European British Tories who have attended Bilderberg conferencesin the past were both “out of the country for the next week” whenthe Sunday Herald tried to contact them.

A spokes woman for former chancellor Ken Clarke - a UK representative onBilderberg, who attended their 1993 and 1998 conferences - said he wouldreturn a telephone call to the Sunday Herald.

When told it was to discuss Bilderberg, the spokeswoman said Mr Clarke wasunavailable.

Sir Malcolm Rifkind - who attended Bilderberg in 1996 - was similarly unavailableand “out of the country”.

Scottish Conservative leader David McLetchie refused to discuss the issueof the Bilderberg conference.

Note: The Caesar Park Pengha hotel and conference suites to be used by Bilderberg in Sintra lie adjacent to a huge leisure complex owned by British property millionaires John and Douglas Hall - the owners of Newcastle United FC.

When Nic became aware his story had beenre-written in Londonandpublished under hisname he called George Rosey, deputyeditorat the Herald. After disagreements about the necessityof changing Nic's story George slammed the phone down on him. Nic resignedas a result. Nic's original story is published above.

The blatant and, in Nic's own word, sinister,abuse of hisjournalisticintegrity is more evidence of the extent oftheBilderbergers' tentacles.

Publication Date: May 30 1999 - from

Simon Freeman's re-written version of Nic Outterside's article:

The most mysterious - and possibly the most powerful - organisation in theworld will meet later this week in a resort in Portugal, which has been emptiedof holidaymakers, to debate the great issues facing mankind.

The delegates attending the Bilderberg conference in Sintra, on the Estorilcoast, will reportedly be protected by Portuguese army and police - withhelicopters - while they discuss the shape of the next millennium.

Every year the international media competes to be the first to reveal thelocation and agenda of the conference, which brings together politicians- up-and-coming as well as established - business leaders, financiers, royaltyand intellectuals.

Some people believe Bilderberg is a sinister conspiracy, a super-freemasonrywhich has planned such momentous events as the accession of Margaret Thatcher- while others say it is just an international chat-fest. It is only interesting,they say, because the organisers are so absurdly secretive and because theymanage to invite so many influential guests.

This year's conference, however, is given an added piquancy because it comesdays before the European Parliament elections and G7 and G8 summits. Giventhat many of the 120 delegates will be major participants in these events,it might well shape them.

The winner of the Bilderberg scoop this year was a Portuguese newspaper,The News, which boasts that it is the country's largest-circulation Englishlanguage newspaper. It has published the location and the detailed agendaof the conference - although it admits with laudable candour that it wasactually given this information by a publication called Spotlight, basedin Washington, which believes Bilderberg is sinister and dangerous.

The News claimed, rather breathlessly, that the conference would open with"a review of the progress being made in the formation of an Asian bloc underthe leadership of Japan. Free trade, a single currency and a political unionsimilar to the European Union is planned for the region."

Then delegates would turn to "the installation of an American Union, similarto the EU, with a quick review of the scheduled splintering of Canada."

Next, continued The News, would be Kosovo: "They will discuss the formationof a greater Albanian state following 'trusteeship' of an 'independent' Kosovo,the dismemberment of Yugoslavia (by the return of its northern province,which has 350,000 ethnic Hungarians, to Hungary) as part of a general re-drawingof borders in the region (calculated to continue regional instability andconflict), and the reconstruction worth billions of dollars of the destroyedregional infrastructure at western taxpayers' expense."

Another item, the paper said, would be the "ultimate replacement of Natowith a Western European Union army, probably sooner than later due to thebad press Nato has endured over this current campaign."

It continued: "Efforts will be made to speed up the transformation of theWestern European Union into a credible European military force initiallyrelying on American back-up. This will complete American military disengagementfrom Western Europe and leave US forces available for wider global policing,if necessary with WEU backup in return."

The News also claimed that delegates would debate a grand scheme of "globaltaxation" to finance the UN, though it is vague about the details of thisextraordinary idea.

According to The News: "Bilderberg will pay hundreds of thousands of dollarsto reimburse the Portuguese government for deploying military forces to guardtheir privacy and for helicopters to seek out intruders. Bilderberg haveordered the resort to be shut down for a full 48 hours before the conference.The Bilderberg delegates, comprising some of the world's most powerfuldecision-makers, will be here to discuss highly classified issues which arenot supposed to be disclosed to the public by the press before or after themeeting.

"The News contacted the Caesar Park Penha Longa resort in Sintra to verifythe information that the secret meeting will be held [there]. The onlyconfirmation we received was that an organisation 'wishing for the utmostprivacy' would be in Sintra and that the hotel was fully and exclusivelybooked by this organisation from June 2 to June 7."

The newspaper continued: "Bilderberg meetings are only held when and wherethe hosts can provide the highest levels of security for their guests. AllBilderberg participants, their staff members and resort employees will wearphoto identification tags. They will have separate colours to identify thewearer as participant, staff member or employee. A computer chip 'fingerprint'will assure the identity of the card's wearer."

The conference, which takes place annually, has been chaired for the past10 years by Lord Peter Carrington, the former British Foreign Secretary andSecretary General of Nato.

The Bilderbergers are credited with selecting and nurturing political talent.Tony Blair first attended when he was a junior opposition spokesman, andBill Clinton attended the 1991 meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany, before announcingthat he was running for US President.

The attendance register always includes high-powered men such as Henry Kissinger;James Wolfensohn, president of the World Bank; David Rockefeller, the billionairechairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank; William Perry, the US secretary ofdefence; Martin Taylor, chief executive of Barclays Bank; Jean Chretien,the Prime Minister of Canada; Stanley Fischer, managing director of the IMF;and several royal heads of state.

Former guests are divided over the conference's importance. The Observer'seditor-in-chief and political commentator Will Hutton, who attended in 1997,said: "The Bilderberg conference is one of the key meetings of the year.The consensus established there is the backdrop against which policy is madeworldwide.

"It is in essence a collection of people who are either upcoming or are formerworld business leaders, and the conference is a well-argued talk fest," headded. He said the issue of "globalisation" would almost certainly top thisyear's Bilderberg agenda.

"Following the US-led fiasco in Kosovo, we need better social protectionand more military common sense if the globalisation aspired to by Bilderbergis to continue," he said.

But some journalists believe that it does more than provide an opportunityto debate policy and swap ideas. Tony Gosling, a former BBC reporter, hasspent the last two years campaigning for greater disclosure of the Bilderbergers'activities.

"With this roll call of the richest and most powerful men in the world itis quite clear that their determination is to control the outcome of otherostensibly political forums," he said. "And when you consider the inclusionof senior representatives from the IMF and all the major central banks, thatpower can be used and abused at will to control any global politicaldecision-making.

"It is all done in secret and is completely unaccountable," he added.

Leading Tory Eurosceptic and Ludlow MP Christopher Gill is also suspicious."I do not for one moment discount the possibility of there being some verypowerful forces at work and that their intention is to undermine and destroythe nation state," he said.

Gill has been supported in his quest to "out the Bilderbergers" by fellowTory MP Nicholas Winterton, who has tabled numerous parliamentary questionsasking for assessments of the power and influence they have on world trade.Each time he has received either "blank" or "holding" replies.

But others dismiss these fears as conspiracy nonsense. Anton Muscatelli,an economics professor at the University of Glasgow, said: "An off-the-recordforum makes sense for this type of gathering. The last thing large companieswant is to be seen to have opinions that are politically loaded."

He added: "Powerful companies are going to have powerful influence anyway."Conrad Black, the media magnate and a permanent Bilderberg member, was alsodismissive. He has said in the past that secrecy ensures "intimacy and candour."

But although Bilderbergers might scoff at the conspiracy theorists, theyonly have themselves to blame for attracting such hostility. For example,at last year's Bilderberg meeting at the Turnberry Hotel in Ayrshire, thesecond time they had gathered in Scotland, they turned he 132-room, five-starhotel into a fortress.

The hotel was patrolled by police sniffer dogs, every vehicle was searchedand armed police were stationed around the grounds. Meanwhile, journalistswere told that the agenda, guest list and indeed even the menu were"confidential".


See criticism of thisarticle from John Whitley

29May1999 - Reuters Business Briefing -

Text of report by Yugoslav state news agency Tanjug

Belgrade, 29th May: The plan to bring about a Balkan Vietnam was drawn upsecretly back in 1996 and reactivated in 1998 at a meeting of the BilderbergGroup held in Scotland between 14th and 17th May, the Yugoslav Army newspaper`Vojska' said in its latest issue, the 27th since NATO aggression on Yugoslaviawas launched on 24th March [1999].

Vojska said that a thorough investigation conducted by independent US journalistshad disclosed that the group members included David Rockefeller, GiovanniAgnelli, Helmut Kohl, Lord Peter Carrington, Queen Sophia of Spain, ValeryGiscard D' Estaing, Baron Rotschild, Margaret Thatcher, Lord Robert Owenand Henry Kissinger.

The newspaper set out that US journalists had disclosed that the BilderbergGroup had in fact made plans for the "third Balkan war" in this century.Under the plan, drawn up at a session chaired by Lord Carrington, the firstmove was to be to try and arrest "war criminals from among the Serbs" withextensive help of the Hague tribunal, set up for that very purpose. The movewas to provoke a stormy reaction by Serbs, which was to be used as a pretextfor a military intervention, according to `Vojska'. However, the developmentsprevented the idea from being translated into practice, which required areserve variant - the fanning of interethnic conflicts in Kosovo-Metohija.

All indications are that the group are now going back to the original variant,the outcome of which is the indicting of Yugoslav officials by the Haguetribunal, `Vojska' set out. According to the same scenario, Greece, Albania,Bulgaria, Macedonia, Russia and Turkey are to be drawn into the war, in additionto Yugoslavia, with NATO adding fuel to the fire.

The Bilderberg Group is obviously a self-styled world supra-government whichis earning billions of dollars thanks to crises and wars it, itself, isprovoking, the newspaper said. The group, according to independent pressinvestigators, also have control of the press and TV on a world scale, `Vojska'pointed out in the commentary.

Source: Tanjug news agency, Belgrade, in English 0838 gmt 29 May 99.

BBC Worldwide Monitoring (a) 1999.



Source: REUTERS Business Briefing - a pay service ofReuters



Published in Brighton by Justice? - Brighton's Direct Action collective

Issue 213, Friday 28th May 1999


"Bilderberg, reputedly the most secretive organisation in the world." - TheNews, Portugal

The Famous Five. The Brady Bunch. The Red Hand Gang. The Bilderberg Group.What is it about these collectives of spirited youths that make them proneto so many thrilling adventures? But - hang on a minute - that last one doesn'tsound so familiar.

Apparently the Bilderberg Group, rather than enriching our cultural livesthrough the world of children's literature and television, is actually asinister, and all-too-real, global power elite. One moment you're beingentertained by the exploits of another group of intrepid youngsters; thenext, you're witnessing the continued onset of world corporate dominance.

What's going on?

Why not ask staff at the Caesar Park Penha Longa resort in Sintra, Portugal,who from June 2nd to 7th will be playing host to this shadowy group, forits annual meeting. A Portuguese newspaper reporter did, but that all theygot from the resort was that an organisation 'wishing for the utmost privacy'would be staying.. And you won't learn much more from the Portuguese authorities,whose military forces are reportedly being deployed to safeguard privacyat the hotel, fully and exclusively booked by the Bilderberg Group for thattime.

Another hotel, this time in Osterbeek, Holland, gave the group its name afterthe latter met there for the first time in 1954. The Bilderberg Group issaid to have been established as a secret support wing of NATO as part ofits Marshall plan, launched in the 1940s. Since then, its membership hascomprised some fairly high-powered figures; not only government ministers,but industrial leaders, royals, press barons and presidents. In 1977 theTimes described Bilderberg thus; "a clique of the richest, economically andpolitically most powerful and influential men in the Western world."

Their mission? Strategic planning to hasten the pace of globalisation; notonly economic, but political - 'the principal feature of Bilderberg is thatit seeks one global government', reports Portugal's main English languagenewspaper.

Yet they meet entirely in secret, shun all publicity, and don't disclosetheir agenda to the public. The Famous Five have just found themselves inthe middle of a plot by Orwell.

"If the Bilderbergers seem more publicity shy than ever, that is, among otherreasons, because their proposals, implemented by subservient agencies suchas the International Monetary Fund, have caused more mass devastation inrecent years than World War II ever did." - Michael Thomas Wall Street investmentbanker and author


"The Bilderbergers have been removed from our assignment list years ago byexecutive order… Our policy seems to be that if the Bilderbergers wantto parley in private, leave them alone." - Anthony Holder former UN correspondentfor the Economist, now working for the European

"We are barely aware of the [Bilderbergers'] existence, and we don't reporton their activities." - William Glasgow, 'Business Week'

"The Bilderbergers are too powerful and omnipresent to be exposed." - Frenchbroadcaster Thierry de Segonzac

No wonder David Rockefeller congratulated the world's press for keeping "theirproject" secret for so long!

* 'Bilderberg Group - The Global Manipulators' by Robert Eringer (PentacleBooks 1980)


People who've attended previous Bilderberg parties include: Henry Kissinger,Tony Blair, Gordon Brown (chancellor), David Rockerfeller, Edward Heath (formerConservative PM), Kenneth Clark (former Tory Chancellor), Niall Fitgerald(Executive Unilever), George Soros (international financier), William Hague(charisma-bypass tory boy), Peter Carrington (former chairman of the Board,Christies International PLC) Former Secretary General, NATO), Leon Brittan- Vice President of the European Commission , John Browne (Group Chief Executive,British Petroleum Company plc), George Robertson Minister for Defence,D.Sutherland - (Chairman, Goldman Sachs International).

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Bilderberg - international interest gathers momentum over "revelations" in The News

The News in Portugal - complete Bilderberg 1999 articles

The tentative agenda for the Bilderberg meeting scheduled for June 3 to June6 at the Penha Longa resort in Sintra has been revealed to The News by aninternationally respected and long-serving Canadian researcher on the activitiesof this group. Amongst matters on the agenda are: Global governance, includinga review on the progress in the formation of an Asian bloc under the leadershipof Japan; The Kosovo war, including the formation of an "independent" Kosovo;The ultimate replacement of NATO with a Western European Army and the appointmentof a Y2K (Year 2000) Czar (Mikhail Gorbachev could be a front runner forthis post) to oversee global passage through the Y2K Emergency which theyfeel will be much worse than expected. Meanwhile, the only official "comment"The News could manage to obtain, was from the Bilderberg European Press Officein Amsterdam, confirming that just one press release will be issued on thefirst day of the "summit" The News is today publishing, for the first timeanywhere in the world, reliable indications of the agenda items for thisyear's meeting. The items on the agenda should however be treated as "tentative"and "flexible", and confirmation from the group itself is not possible dueto its secretive nature.

John K. Whitley, an internationally respected researcher into the Bilderbergmovement, has sent us what is reliably believed to be the Sintra agenda.The items are as credible as they can be at this late stage and, bearingin mind the secrecy of this group, it could have been already altered somewhatsince the last contact was made with a Bilderberger insider. The entire agendawill be printed in the Toronto-based New World Order Intelligence Updatelater this week at

The first point open for discussion in Sintra will be the review of the progressbeing made in the formation of an Asian bloc under the leadership of Japan.Free trade, a single currency and a political union similar to the EuropeanUnion is planned for the region. The installation of an American Union isup for discussion, this being similar to the E.U, with a quick review ofthe scheduled splintering of Canada. This theme was originally scheduledfor discussion in 1997, though the proposed break-up of Canada has beenreportedly facilitated by the presence of a Canadian media magnate and allegedBilderberger.

Next on the agenda, and more contemporary, is the Kosovo war. The Bilderbergmeeting will include discussions on the formation of a greater Albanian statefollowing "trusteeship" of an "independent" Kosovo, the dismemberment ofYugoslavia (by the return of its northern province, which has 350,000 ethnicHungarians, to Hungary) as part of a general re-drawing of borders in theregion (calculated to continue regional instability and conflict), and thereconstruction worth billions of dollars of the destroyed regional infrastructureat western tax payers' expense.

Another item is the ultimate replacement of NATO with a Western EuropeanArmy, probably sooner than later due to the bad press NATO has endured overthis current campaign. Efforts will be made to speed up the transformationof the W.E.U into a credible European military force initially relying onAmerican back up. This will complete American military disengagement fromWestern Europe and leave US forces available for wider global policing, ifnecessary, with W.E.U. backup in return (first reported on the Bilderbergplan in the 1996 Bilderberg report). The key point here is that the Bilderbergerswin no matter what happens to NATO - if it survives a little longer, theycan use it as an emergency global police force; if it loses credibility overthe Kosovo affair, then they just accelerate its replacement in Europe withthe W.E.U. which they planned on doing anyway.

Bilderbergers are said to be extremely concerned about the global impactof, and opportunities offered by, the Y2K problem (which the Bilderbergersbelieve to be far worse than many people have realised). The alleged presenceof Bill Gates at the Sintra meeting may substantiate this claim. On the possibleappointment of a Y2K Czar to oversee global passage through the "Y2K Emergency"(one name repeatedly coming up as the most likely candidate here is MikhailGorbachev, whose international standing would win him ready acceptance).

Other key topics so far are said to be some oil items and financial affairs(IMF, U.S. economy and stock market, gold market manipulation).

With the meeting now only a few days away, nothing has appeared in thePortuguese, European or international media, though the internet is 'alive'with speculation. One international press agency in Lisbon is reported tohave said that it has been waiting for the international press to requeststories or photos, yet so far not one single request has been received fromanywhere.

The wall of silence remains impregnable - almost!

Stop Press:

As The News went to press on Thursday we received two additional agenda itemsfrom John Whitley.

1. Preparation for a "mid-East peace settlement" (ie - the declaration ofa Palestinian State and the final disposition of Jerusalem - quote: "Theresults for Israel will not be good.") This explains the heavy emphasis onIsraeli and international Jewish representation, plus the attendance of keyrepresentatives of Arab regimes which are implacably opposed to Israel -quote: "The deal on Jerusalem has already been done, and the Golan issueis being ironed out right now."

2. Global taxation in support of the UN, as the emerging "global governance"centre, to begin with a world-wide tax on e-commerce (this may be why theCEO's of so many key computer companies, including Bill Gates, are in attendance)and to be followed by an individual direct tax collected on the UN's behalfby national governments. END


EuroFAQ - a Eurosceptic Resource -

Opinions expressed on this list are those of contributors and are not necessarilyendorsed by EuroFAQ nor its Editors.

To: Multiple recipients of list <>

Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 13:08:06 +0100 (BST)

Dear friends,

I am writing to you urgently to warn you about material being circulatedon this list (however innocently) about a 'Bilderberg Conference' . The materialappears to be an attack on global power elite, but is in fact material whosesource is nazis and far right politicians with very close links to big business.

The purpose of the material appears to be to make people imagine there isa sinister Jewish conspiracy that is trying to dominate the world, a falseidea but a dangerous one which contributed very much to Adolf Hitler's genocideof the Jewish people.

I am NOT implying in any way that the people on J18 list who sent the materialto the list are antisemitic or fascist themselves. It is more than possiblethat they have become victims of this nazi hoax. I am only warning them andthe list in general about the original source of much of this material:

A member of this list, Javier, (email posted on 26 May1999 a message (title - Fw: <.nettime Bilderberger (fwd)) warning us aboutan apparent meeting of some of the most powerful people in the world, dueto take place on June in Portugal, called the Bilderberg Conference. Hispost consisted of a long forwarded document and his comment that perhapswe have chosen the wrong occasion to protest, and that we should in factbe protesting this Conference, rather than the G8 summit.

Early in the forwarded document the Washington-based journal Spotlight isquoted as a source of information on the Bilderberg Conference. Spotlightis published by the fascist Liberty Lobby, who for years had as key figureWillis Carto. You may find much information on them by contacting any majoranti-fascist organisation.

Later the forwarded document presents a 'BILDERBERG '99: Partial Guest List'While the list includes many individuals who are certainly part of the world'stop power elite such as Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Tony Blair, etc, it alsoincludes a fantastic proportion of Israelis and Jews. It is clear that the'Guest List' cannot be an official document from the organisers of such aConference - (there are many spelling and other errors, billiionaire WarrenBuffet has his personal name and his company name listed the wrong way round,one company entry has the comment 'of blessed memory' written next to itand King Hussein of Jordan appears as an invited guest with the comment inbrackets that he is dead(!) However, even if we were to believe that thisis an accurate 'partial guest list' of a conference for world dominationdrawn up by a good anti-capitalist, who happened to have inside information,then we need to ask several questions.

Is it likely that enormously powerful members of the ruling elite like WarrenBuffet and Bill Clinton would sit round a table with popular left- of -centreIsraeli authors like AB Yehoshua and Amos Oz to discuss how to rule the world?

Why is there a long list of academics from Israeli universities on this list,and virtually no academics from any other countries?

Why are so many of the 'guests' representatives from top multinationals whoare Jewish or who have Jewish-sounding names, rather than the non-Jewishheads of these businesses?

Andreas Rockstein of the J18 list answered my call for more info by directingme to the website When you go there you will see it ispart of a large site run by Tony Gosling, who is apparently a former BritishBroadcasting Corporation (BBC) man now into alternative Christianity. Hehas much material re the 'Bilderberg Conference' on his site. At a quickglance I noticed he states himself that many of the sources of his list ofinfo links on 'Bilderberg' are nazi sources, but warns us not to dismisstheir authenticity of their information for that reason. He refers to questionsbeing raised in the British Parliament demanding the truth re this Conference.In fact the MP who raised the question, according to his own quoted material,is Nicholas Winterton, a far-right Tory MP, well-known for his extremelyracist attitude to Black people.

Other material there is from Norris McWhirter, a far-right political figurewith very extensive links to big business. There is also a link to 'information'on this Conference by Gennady Zyuganov, head of the Russian Communist Party(CPRF), well-known for his openly antisemitic stand, who publicly blamedJews for Russia's economic crisis last Christmas..

Gosling's site also includes a poem by the English fascist Chesterton. Iam not accusing Gosling of being a fascist himself. He has also put a famousanti-fascist poem (by Pastor Niemoller) on his site. I think he is an extremelyconfused man who has been taken in by antisemitic fascist propaganda.

I beg all J18 activists to be extremely wary of any information now beingput over the Internet re this 'Bilderberg Conference' . Demand to know theoriginal sources of all the information. It would be nice if the two subscriberswho offered this material to the list could do a very thorough research ofall the documents or websites they have referred us to and then tell us whatthey discover. I will post more information on this as soon as I have time.

Against fascism and against capitalism,

Lisa Taylor

International Solidarity with Workers in Russia -

ISWoR (personal capacity)

Bilderberg List for 1999 Clinton, Pope to attend 1999 Bilderberg meeting


U.S. President Bill Clinton and the aging Pope John Paul II are found ona "Partial Guest List" of individuals expected to attend the 1999 Bilderbergmeeting that will be taking place in Portugal June 3rd - June 6th. The meetingis expected to include a globilization summit wherein nations that clingto their sovereign identities will be denounced by its leadership.

BILDERBERG '99: Partial Guest List

Ackerman, Duane - CEO Bell South

Ahern, Bertie - Prime Minister of Ireland

Alberthal, Les - CEO of Electronic Data Systems (EDS)

Albright, Madeleine - US Secretary of State

Al Saud, Waleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz - Saudi Prince

Amichai, Yehuda - Israeli poet

Annan, Kofi - UN Secretary General

Arafat, Yasser - Chairman Palestinian Authority

Armstrong, Michael - CEO of AT&T Corrporation

Arison, Ted - Israeli Financier

Assad, Hafez - President of Syria

Aznar, Jose Maria - President of Spain

Belluzzo, Richard - CEO - Silicon Graphics-SGI

Berkshire Hathaway - Warren Buffet

Bolkiah, Hassanal - The Sultan of Brunei

Byers, Brook - Partner KPCB

Beyster, J. R. - Founder and CEO of SAIC

Bialkin, Ken - Skadden Arps

bin-Mohamad, Mahathir - PM of Malaysia

Blair, Tony - Prime Minister of UK

Bondevik, Kjell Magne - Prime Minister of Norway

Bonsignore, Michael - CEO Honeywell

Braverman, Avishai - President of Ben-Gurion University

Bronfman, Charles - Canadian businessman

Buffet, Warren, CEO Berkshire Hathaway

Cardoso, Fernando Henrique - President of Brazil

Case, Daniel - Chairman & CEO of H& Q

Case, Stephen - CEO of America On-Line-AOL

Caufield, Frank - AOL Board & Partner KPCB

Cayne, James - CEO of Bear Stearn

Chalsty, John - CEO of DLJ

Chambers, John - CEO of Cisco Systems

Chirac, Jacques - President of Franc

Chrétien, Jean - Prime Minister of Canada

Clinton, Bill - President of the United States

Cohen, Abby - Market Strategist, Goldman Sachs

Corzine, Jon - CEO of Goldman Sachs

Coulter, David - Former CEO of Bank of America

Cresson Edith - EC Commissioner

Daschle, Thomas - Senator, Minority Leader, US Senate

DeGier, Hans - CEO of Warburg Dillon Read

Dehaene, Jean-Luc - Prime Minister of Belgium

Dell, Michael - Dell Computers

Denham, Bob - Salomon Smith Barney

Dinstein, Yoram - President of Tel Aviv University-TAU

Disney, Roy - Vice Chairman & Nephew - Walt Disney

Ebtekar, Massoomeh - Vice President of Iran

Eisenberg, Erwin - Heir to Eisenberg Group

Ellison, Larry - CEO of Oracle

Engibous, Tom - Texas Instruments-TI

Esrey, Bill - CEO of Sprint

Estrada, Joseph - President of the Phillipines

Fahd, King - Leader of Saudi Arabia

Fan, Rita - Chairwoman Provincial Legislature China

Fisher, Max - Chairman, Republican National Jewish Coalition-NJC

Fisher, Richard - CEO of Morgan Stanley Dean Witter

Fortune 1000 - Group Focus Letter

Frankel, Jacob - Bank of Israel

Friedlander, Yehuda - Rector of Bar Ilan University

Fuld, Fichard - CEO of Lehman Brothers

Gates, Bill - CEO of Microsoft

Gerstner, Lou - CEO of IBM

Glavin, Christopher - Motorola - Strategy Focus

Goh Chok Tong - Prime Minister of Singapore

Goldberg, Ed - Merrill Lynch - Strategy Focus

Grafton, Bob - CEO of Arthur Andersen Worldwide

Grasso, Richard - CEO, New York Stock Exchange-NYSE

Greer, Phil - Weiss Peck & Greer

Grove, Andy - Former CEO of Intel

Gujral, I.K. - Former Prime Minister of India

Habibie, B. J. - Indonesia's Prime Minister

Hammerman, Stephen - Vice Chairman Merrill Lynch

Harari, Chaim - President of Weizmann Institute

Hariri, Rafik - Prime Minister of Lebanon

Hashimoto, Ryutaro - Former Prime Minister of Japan

Hastert, Dennis - GOP - Speaker of the US House of Representatives

Hayuth, Yehuda - President of Haifa University

Honeycutt, Van - CEO Computer Sciences Corporation-CSC

Horovitz, Avraham - GM - UMI Israel Chief Scientist

Howard, John - Prime Minister of Australia

Hussein, King - of Jordan and The Crown Prince Hassan (HK: Deceased)

Ichan, Carl - Wall Street Financier

Jackson, Judge Thomas Penfield - US District Court - Washington D. C.

Jiang Zemin - President of China

Jobs, Steven - Apple Computers

Jospin, Lionel - Prime Minister of France

Kangas, Edward - CEO Deloitte, Touche, Tohmatsu - International-DTTI

Kaveh, Moshe - President of Bar Ilan University

Khatami, Mohammed - President of Iran

Kim, Dea.jung - President of South Korea

Kim Young-sam - Former President of South Korea

Kissinger, Kissinger - former US Secretary of State

Kok, Wim - Prime Minister of the Netherlands

Koller, Arnold - President of Switzerland

Komansky, David - CEO of Merrill Lynch

Kohl, Helmut - Former Chancellor of Germany

Lane, Neal - Former Director of the NSF

Laskawy, Phil - CEO of Ernst & Young-EY

Lavie, Arie - Former Chief Scientist - Israel

Lee Kuan-Yew - President of Singapore

Lee Teng-hui - President of Taiwan

Leon, Moshe - Director General, PM's Office Israel

Lerner, Alex - Israeli Scientist

Levin, Gerald - CEO Time Warner, Inc.

Li Peng - Prime Minister of China

Livingston, Robert - GOP Nominee as - US Speaker of the House

Lott, Senator Trent - GOP Senate Majority Leader - US Senate

Magidor, Menachem - President of Hebrew University

Mahathir Mohamad - Malaysian Prime Minister

Mandella, Nelson - President of South Africa

Marron, Donald - CEO of Paine Webber Group - Enterprise Strategy

McGinn Richard - CEO of Lucent- Enterprise Strategy

McNealy, Scott - CEO of Sun Microsystems

Middelhoff, Thomas - CEO Bertelsmann & AOL Director

Mitchell, George - Former GOP Senate Majority Leader

Moore, Nicholas - Chairman of PriceWaterhouse Coopers-PWC L.L.P.

Mubarak, Hosni - President of Egypt

Murdoch, Rupert - Austrialian Media Owner

Narayanan, K.R. - Former President of India

Ne'eman, Yaacov - Former Israeli Finance Minister

Ne'eman, Yuval- Israeli Physicist

Obuchi, Keizo - Prime Minister of Japan

Oz, Amos - Israeli writer

Palmer, Robert - CEO of Digital Equipment Corporation-DEC

Paulson, Henry - Co-Chairman Goldman Sachs

Persson, Goran - Prime Minister of Sweden

Pfeiffer, Eckhard - CEO of Compaq

Phelan, John - Former CEO NYSE & Director of ML and the BCG

Phypers, Dean - Former CFO of IBM

Platt, Lewis - CEO Hewlitt Packard-HP

Pope John Paul II - Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church-RCC

Pottruck, David - Charles A. Schwab & Company

Primakov, Yevgeny - Russian Prime Minister

Prodi, Romano - Former Prime Minister of Italy

Purcell, Philip - CEO of Morgan Stanley Dean Witter

Ramos, Fidel - Former President of Philippines

Raymond, Lee - CEO Exxon

Redstone, Sumner - CEO of Viacom - HBO

Reichman, Uriel - President of the Inter Disciplinary Center- IDC Israel

Reichmann, Paul - Canadian Businessman

Rodin, Judith - President of the University of Pennsylvania

Roosa, Robert - Former Chairman Brown Brothers Harriman (of blessed memory)

Samuelson, Paul - MIT Economics Nobel Laureate

Santer, Jacques - President of the European Commission-EC

Schiro, James - CEO PriceWaterhouse Coopers-PWC

Schroeder, Gerhard - German Chancellor

Schwab, Charles - Charles A. Schwab & Company

Sharman, Colin - Chairman KPMG

Shipley, Walter - CEO of Chase Manhattan Bank

Spielberg, Stephen - Hollywood Film Producer

Slahor, Paul - Founding Investor in IPC

Slavin, Shmuel - Director General of Israel's Finance Ministry

Smith, Jack - CEO of General Motors-GM

Soros, George - President of the Soros Fund

Spector, Norman - Publisher Jerusalem Post

Tadmor, Zeev - President of Technion

Trotman, Alexander - CEO of Ford Motor Company

Tung Chee-hwa - Hong Kong Chief Executive

Turner, Ted - CEO Turner Broadcasting Systems-TBS - CNN

Vajpayee, Atal Behari - Prime Minister of India

Wang Changyi - China's Ambassador to Israel

Wang, Charles - CEO of Computer Associates International-CAI

Weill, Sandy - CEO Travelers-Citigroup

Weinbach, Arthur - CEO of Automatic Data Procesing-ADP

Weinbach, Lawrence - CEO of Unisys

Yair, Yoram - Former Israel Defense Forces

Yehoshua, A.B. - Israeli writer

Yeltsin, Boris - President of Russia

Zedillo, Ernesto - President of Mexico

Zeroual, Liamine - President of Algeria


The preceeding list is disinformation circulated before the 1999 Bilderberg meeting in Portugal - Tony G

21May99 -Roundtable report


The Bilderbergers meet once or twice a year. Those in attendance includeleading political and financial figures from the United States and WesternEurope. One of the main purposes of the meetings are to influence powerfulpeople. Among the attendees are "experts" on various subjects, often financial,or political. These "experts" present a draft statement to a group of fellowexperts and non-experts, including influential policy makers who are permittedto join in a discussion of the "issue." The discussion is recorded and latterreviewed. The material is used to determine how various powerful people feelabout the "issues" so they can be used to further Bilderberg goals. Thosein line with Bilderberg "policy" will receive support. Those whose viewswould interfere with Bilderberg plans are identified and have roadblocksput in their way.

The Council on Foreign Relations and Bilderberg Group are closely related.Americans that belong to the Bilderberg Group also belong to the Councilon Foreign Relations. It is my guess that Western Europeans that belong tothe Bilderberg group belong to CFR sister organizations, such as Britain'sRoyal Institute Of International Affairs. However, I have never seen a RIIAmembership roster and have not been able to verify if this is true.

Hastert doesn't appear to be a CFR member. I haven't found him on any CFRroster. Hastert may have been invited to attend a Bilderberg meeting becausehe is the type of influential person, the Bilderberg group wants to findout about and try and influence. It is not clear whether or not all the peopleon the Bilderberg participant lists are members of the Bilderberg group,or whether participants consist of Bilderberg members and invited guests.

Tony Gosling, has a website that contains a great deal of information onthe Bilderberg Group []. The 46th Bilderberg Meetingwas held in Turnberry Scotland, May 14-17, 1998. About 120 participants fromNorth America and Europe attended the discussions. Tony published a listof attendees. I checked the Americans on the list against various CFR listsand found that almost all of them belong to the CFR. The Americans on thelist were:

USA - Council on Foreign Relations member Allaire, Paul A - Chairman, XeroxCorporation

USA - Council on Foreign Relations member Deutch, John M. - Institute Professor,Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Chemistry. Former DirectorGeneral, Central Intelligence Agency; Former Deputy Secretary of Defense

USA - Donilon, Thomas - Partner, O'Melveny & Myers; Former AssistantSecretary of State, and Chief of Staff, U.S. Department of State.

USA - Council on Foreign Relations member Feldstein, Martin S. - Presidentand CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research Inc.

USA - Council on Foreign Relations member Forester, Lynn - President andCEO, FirstMark Holdings Inc.

USA - Gadiesh, Orit - Chairman of the Board, Bain and Company Inc.

USA - Grossman, Marc - Assistant Secretary, US Department of State

USA - Council on Foreign Relations member Hoagland, Jim - Associate Editor,The Washington Post

USA - Council on Foreign Relations member Hoge, Jr., James F. - Editor, ForeignAffairs

USA - Council on Foreign Relations member Holbrooke, Richard C. - FormerAssistant Secretary for European Affairs; Vice Chairman, CS First Boston

USA - Council on Foreign Relations member Johnson, James A. - Chairman andCEO, FannieMae

USA - Council on Foreign Relations member Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. - SeniorPartner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP (Attorneys-at-Law)

USA -Council on Foreign Relations member Kissinger, Henry A. - Former Secretaryof State; Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc.

USA - Council on Foreign Relations member Kravis, Henry R. - Founding Partner,Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.

USA - Kravis, Marie-Josee - Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute Inc.

USA - Leschly, Jan - CEO SmithKline Beecham plc.

USA - Council on Foreign Relations member Matthews, Jessica Tuchman - President,Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

USA - Council on Foreign Relations member McDonough, William J. - President,Federal Reserve Bank of New York

USA - Prestowitz, Clyde V. - President, Economic Strategy Institute

USA - Council on Foreign Relations member Rhodes, William R. - Vice Chairman,CitiBank, N.A.

USA - Council on Foreign Relations member Rockefeller, David - Chairman,Chase Manhattan Bank International Advisory Committee

USA - Council on Foreign Relations member Summers, Lawrence H. - Deputy Secretaryfor International Affairs, US Department of the Treasury

USA - Council on Foreign Relations member Thoman, G. Richard - Presidentand CEO, Xerox Corporation

USA - Vink, Lodewijk J.R. de - President and CEO, Warner Lambert Company

USA - Council on Foreign Relations member Whitman, Christine Todd - Governorof New Jersey

USA - Council on Foreign Relations member Wolfowitz, Paul - Dean, Nitze Schoolof Advanced International Studies, Former Under Secretary of Defense forPolicy

USA - Council on Foreign Relations member Yost, Casimir A. - Director, Institutefor the Study of Diplomacy, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University,Washington

Hardly one American in 1000 have heard of the CFR. Far fewer have heard ofthe Bilderberg group. This is no accident. The CFR controls the media inthe United States. "Ligitimate" news sources don't publish Bilderberg"participant lists."

The Spotlight is a weekly tabloid serving as a central "bulletin board" forthe extreme right-wing Liberty Lobby. Liberty Lobby's 28 page Spotlight,which claims an estimated readership of over 100,000, and the radio broadcasts"Radio Free America" and "Editor's Roundtable," bring the voices of extremistsand conspiracy theorists to dozens of media markets across the country.

Liberty Lobby was founded in 1955 by Willis Carto.Carto is the driving forcebehind many racist organizations and publications. In the past, he wrote"The defeat of Hitler was the defeat of America and Europe". In additionto sponsoring the particularly repulsive form of antisemitism known as "Holocaustrevisionism", the publishing house he founded (Noontidepress) distributesthe following:

"The Biology of the Race Problem"
"Our Nordic race"
"The Testing of Negro Intelligence"
"The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion"

Correspondence by Carto published in 1966 stated that "Hitler's defeat wasthe defeat of Europe. And of America... The blame, it seems, must be laidat the door of the international Jews.... If Satan himself....had tried tocreate a permanent disintegration and force for the destruction of the nations,he could have done no better than to invent the Jews." In addition, LibertyLobby has expressed support for the apartheid governments of South Africaand Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). Carto himself wrote in 1955 that "only a fewAmericans are concerned about the inevitable nigg*rfication [sic] of America."

Carto was closely linked to the far-right Populist Party, established in1983, which ran the former neo-Nazi and Klan leader, David Duke, as its candidatein 1988 for U.S. president.

In 1978, when he was 67, Carto founded and shaped the obscure Costa Mesa-basedInstitute for Historical Review into a right-wing think tank critics callthe "spine of the international Holocaust denial movement." From an unassumingsuburban headquarters in Orange County, the institute has emerged over thelast decade as an international forum for right-wing ideologues from Europeand the United States who have used the pages of the institute's glossy Journalof Historical Review to debate arcane themes such as whether the diary ofAnne Frank was a fraud or the concentration camp gas chambers possessed theactual capacity to execute 6 million Jews.

In October 1994, a civil war broke out between Carto and staff of six longtimeInstitute for Historical Review editorial employees, all of who were handpickedor approved by Carto, and who shared his theories that the Holocaust killingshad been greatly exaggerated for WWII propaganda. At stake was not only the16-year-old institute, but a bequest of more than $10 million in stock sharecertificates from the late granddaughter of inventor Thomas Edison.

Carto was ousted from the institute. The bitter power struggle is outlinedin court documents in three lawsuits filed in Orange County Superior Court.The lawsuits resulted in a $2.6 million dollar judgment against Liberty Lobby,which went into receivership and filed for bankruptcy in May of 1998.

Spotlight contains important material its critics on the left ignore. Spotlightis anti-elitist, opposed to the Gulf War, want the JFK assassinationreinvestigated, and point out that the Council on Foreign Relations is partof a conspiratorial underground to establish a one-world government, thatcan be traced back to 1776 when Adam Weishaupt founded the Order of Illuminati.Spotlight goes beyond the usual right-wing conspiracy theories concerningthe Rockefellers, Kissinger, the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateralism,and Bilderberg -- they also target George Bush, the CIA, and "one world"foreign policy. Spotlight promotes nationalism and non-interference in theaffairs of others.

Despite all this Liberty Lobby's Spotlight has remained without questionthe leading ideological influence on the hate movement today. Unfortunatelyantisemitism, racism, and neo-Nazi arguments are often woven into Spotlightarticles making Liberty Lobby a foil of Council on Foreign Relations memberBill Buckley Jr., who took the moral high ground battling radical right wingbigotry, while usurping the leadership of the legitimate right and subvertingthe conservative movement. Buckley silenced men like John T. Flynn ( authorof The Roosevelt Myth and As We Go Marching), and Bruce Porter (author ofWar and the Rise of the State) who doubted the merits of the warfare state,favored limiting government, and promoted non-interference in the affairsof others.

Liberty Lobby has a most unusual way to lobby congress. Carto's Liberty Lobbyasks its supporters to send the organization money for its lobbying activities,even though it is an inactive lobby, then encourages its supporters to calltheir Congressmen and tell them to vote a certain way. In other words LibertyLobby collects lobbying money and then asks the people who donated to lobbyfor it! Pretty slick -- just as slick as a covert operation the CFR/CIA wouldthink up or support!

Is Carto's Liberty Lobby being used, knowingly or unknowingly, as part ofa carefully crafted psycho-political operation promoted by a Council on ForeignRelations controlled Executive office, State Department and Central IntelligenceAgency? Groups which guided by CFR members like Gordon Gray, Henry Kissinger,George Kennan, Walter Lippmann and others, turned the Soviet Union into anenemy the American public could loath and hate? Is Carto's Liberty Lobbybeing used by CFR member William Buckley to rationalize the expansion ofgovernment at home and abroad due to the need for massive peace-time militarybudgets needed to combat Russia? Did the CFR support Liberty Lobby becauseLiberty Lobby's bigotry could be used to help achieve Council on ForeignRelations goals by subverting and usurping the right wing movement and whilehelping to increase tension between the "liberal right" and "conservativeleft?"

In 1993 the Anti-Defamation League, who are occasionally right, revealedOklahoma City bombing suspect Timothy McVeigh, using the alias "T. Tuttle"- advertised for sale in The Spotlight a military-style anti-tank launcher.Has Spotlight been infiltrated by CFR/CIA/FBI agents on the lookout for "urbanterrorists" who can be used to stir up trouble to advance CFR/CIA/FBI goals;and urban terrorists who might target the CFR or Trilateral CommissionHeadquarters? Are "urban terrorists" that can be used to destroy the patriotmovement secretly helped by CFR/CIA/FBI insiders to create situations thatrationalize increased CIA/FBI budget? Are "urban terrorists" that plan toattack CFR or Trilateral headquarters or CFR/TC members neutralized and takenout of the game?

In 1991, despite the secrecy surrounding the Bilderberg Group, Spotlightmanaged to obtain a list of participants from the June 1991 Bilderberg meetingin Baden-Baden, a copy of the agenda, and a description of some of the positionpapers. In September of 1991 Spotlight published this information as a "SpecialReport on the Bilderberg Group." Among the participants is Bill Clinton,virtually unknown at the time.

The name "Bilderberg" came from the group's first meeting place, the Hotelde Bilderberg of Oosterbeek, Holland, in May 1954. Over the next 38 yearsthe secret meetings have included most of the top ruling-class players fromWestern Europe and America. Until he was implicated in the Lockheed briberyscandal in 1976, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands served as chairman. Bynow Bilderberg is a symbol of world management by Atlanticist elites. Someobservers, particularly those on the Right, feel that it borders on theconspiratorial, while the Left is primarily interested in its implicationsfor what they call "power structure research." The Bilderberg participantsfrom the U.S are almost always members of the Council on Foreign Relations,and since 1973 Japanese elites have been brought into the fold through athird overlapping group, the Trilateral Commission.

There were 125 people on the 1991 Bilderberg meeting participant list publishedin Spotlight.. Eighty-nine attendees were from twenty Western European Countries,thirty-six attendees were from the United States. At least twenty-Five Americansbelonged to the CFR, nine of these twenty-five also belonged to the TrilateralCommission. Of the Eighty-nine Europeans, nineteen belonged to the TrilateralCommission.

Did the Council on Foreign Relations feed the Bilderberger meeting informationto Spotlight, so an extremeright-wing organization would take the leadin exposing the Bilderberger's, hurt legitimate right wing organizations,and alienate the left and the right?




Posted 18May99


May 6, 1999


Bilderberg Demands Media Secrecy

The world's most secret society is to meet in Portugal in June. Bilderberg,one of the most secretive organisation in the world, comprising presidents,royal families, ministers, top industrialistsand financial leadersare set to meet in Sintra, Portugal at the beginning of June. Francisco PintoBalsamão, former Portuguese PM, mediabaron and frequent attendeeof the meetings is listed as thememberfor Portugal. The security forthe Bilderberg meetings, which are held at irregular intervals and promptedby the state of worldaffairs, is the responsibility of the host country.According tosources in Washington, Bilderberg will pay hundreds ofthousands of dollars to reimburse the Portuguese government fordeployingmilitary forces to guard their privacy and for helicoptersto seek outintruders. Bilderberg have ordered the resort to be shutdown for afull 48 hours before the conference. The Bilderberg delegates, comprisingsome of the world's most powerful decision makers, will be here to discusshighly classifiedissues which are not supposed to be disclosed to thepublic by the press, before or after the meeting.

Initially alerted to this meeting by a New York reader who requested anonymity,The News contacted the Caesar Park Penha Longa resort in Sintra to verifythe information that the secret meeting will be held attheir resort.The only confirmation we received was that an organization'wishingfor the utmost privacy' would be in Sintra and that the hotelwas fullyand exclusively booked by this organisation from June 2 toJune 7.

The agenda for the meeting is said to include a "globilaztionsummit",during which nations which cling tenaciously to theirsovereignidentities will be denounced by its leadership.

The principal feature of Bilderberg is that it seeks one global government,(a structure similar to the European Union), while counteracting nationalistsentiment is supposedly its greatest battle.Renewed calls for the UnitedNations to be able to directly tax all people of the world is said to beanother major topic to be tabled for discussionin Sintra. Bilderbergmeetings are only held when and where the hosts can provide the highest levelsof security for their guests. All Bilderbergparticipants, their staffmembers and resort employees will wear photoidentification tags. Theywill have separate colours to identify thewearer as participant, staffmember or employee. A computer chip"fingerprint" will assure the identityof the card's wearer.

According to the Washington based investigative newsletter, Spotlight,whoclaims to have a contact inside Bilderberg, any intruders are tobemanhandled, cuffed and jailed and if the intruders resist arrestorattempt to flee, they will be shot. International and national mediaare said to be welcome only when an oath of silence has been taken, newseditors are held responsible if anyof their journalists 'inadvertently'report on what takes place.

Bilderberg members are immune to all forms of bureaucracy that face ordinarycitizens on a daily basis. No visas are required and a free andsafepassage is provided by the government providing the Bilderbergrendezvous.They travel to and from the airport to the resort inarmoured vehicleswith a police escort. Meetings are held annually but rarely at thesamelocations for obvious security reasons. The first Bilderberg conferencewas held at the Bilderberg Hotel in Osterbeek Holland in May 1954, andtheorganization is said to have been established as a secretandsupportive wing of NATO and the Marshall plan which was launchedinthe 1940s.

The News having researched various sources on the Bilderberg meetings, discoveredthat PSD co-founder, Francisco Pinto Balsemão, allegedly attendedat least the previous two Bilderberg meetings held inScotland (1998)and Georgia in the United States (1997). Balsemão issaid tobe the only Portuguese representative on the Bilderberg steering committee.Other prominent figures listed to have attended previousmeetings areRicardo Salgado chief executive officer at Banco EspiritoSanto, HenryKissinger, Tony Blair (who attended the meeting held in1995) and GiovanniAgnelli who is the owner of the Fiat Motor Corporation.

The News (Portugal) May 1, 1999.

The News is Portugal's largest circulation English language newspaper.Established for over 20 years, it is the only Portuguese newspaper on thenet that covers all the major news about Portugal in the English language.

Pancevo is the most-bombed settlement in northern Serbia. As residents shelter in cellars by night, they share fury at the West

By Maggie O'Kane in Pancevo

The Guardian - Tuesday April 13, 1999

At about the same time as Madeleine Albright was rallying the 19 membersof Nato yesterday morning to continue the bombing, a couple were sittingin the sun outside the highest apartment block of the most bombed town innorthern Serbia.

Pancevo is the kind of town that will probably never make it into the guidebook. Twelve miles north of Belgrade, past the green triple-spanned bridgeover the Danube, Pancevo has its own little river complete with clapped-outcruise boats and overhung with budding willow trees. It also has a huge oilproduction plant. So, for almost three weeks, the skies over Pancevo's prettystreets have been busy.

The couple on the bench, Bijlena and Vladimir Korski, live on National ArmyStreet and have been there for most of their 30 years.

She is a pharmacist, and when she tries hard she resurrects schoolgirl Englishto say about the war: "It's not so bad, really. We could live this way fora long time for all Nato's power this is not really a big deal.

"Hopefully after a while they'll just get bored and leave us alone."

Does she blame President Milosevic for the conflict? Would she like to seehim gone?

"Right now," says Bijlena, "I have only one enemy and that's the people whoare bombing me and my children."

The Korskis have two children, Milan, aged eight, and Marco, aged three.When the bombing started they bought each of them a white rabbit, to "tryand distract them and make things nice".

At night when they are waiting for the air raid sirens, they replay videos:Aladdin, Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast.

"I am," Bijlena says, "full of rage. I want the best for my children. I wantthem to play with computers. I don't want them to be scared."

Her neighbour Sonya, a 38-year-old lawyer, wanders by: "In the last two weeksof this bombing started I've got to know people I've seen around for years.Now we're speaking to each other, we're all in the cellars together.

"The bombing has brought us closer together."

Next to Pancevo's old church two plump altar boys sit in Father Milovic'spresbytery drinking orange juice and finishing off the last of the paintedhard-boiled eggs from Easter, each delicately coloured in shades of purple,orange and yellow.

After 50 years of being 'crucified' by communism, and now finally, beingable to practise their faith freely, the priests of the Serb Orthodox Churchare not known for their radical voice or for even mentioning Kosovo refugees.But Father Milovic understands his flock well. "The West expects us to behavethe way people behave in a modern Western democracy and have the same intolerancetowards bad leadership," he says.

"But here, we never really left the communist mind behind, and he who controlsthe television controls everything. The people are without power."

So, on the day that Ms Albright rallied Nato and President Clinton addressedthe United States, insisting that the fight would go on, few Serbs blameMr Milosevic for the crisis.

As an information black-out remains in force on state television, the explanationfor their country's tragedy is left to such people as Aradunik Mihailovic,an academic writing in yesterday's state-controlled Politika.

According to Mr Mihailovic, the crisis was triggered by the 'Bilderberg group',a secret organisation of companies, politicians and businessmen who wantto control Serbia.

He goes on to reveal, in Serbia's most popular newspaper, that the shadowygroup is chaired by Lord Carrington, that Bill Clinton is on the board andthat the US special envoy, Richard Holbrooke, and Sadako Ogato of the UnitedNations are also secret members.

And so it goes on: a passenger train hit by Nato killing nine people, andchildren in Pancevo watching Cinderella in a cellar.

Despite Nato's claims that oil supplies have been hit and the army will soonbe paralysed, owners of private cars in Belgrade are still buying petrol.In the city's expensive restaurants on Skandarija Street, elegant women inblack, with round sunglasses and shining hair, are taking lunch.

The couple sitting in the sun in one of Serbia's most damaged towns see theconflict as most people do: "We're in the shelters together, we're on thebridges together and I suppose if it comes to it, people will have to fighttogether. You can't break us that easily."

The pressure from Nato may aim to make Mr Milosevic back down, but it isnot echoed by his own people.

While the Serbian political elite watches the struggling factions of Westerndemocracy grapple with dissent on CNN as they are forced to justify everyaction, every deadly missile on live television Serbia speaks with one voice.That of the victim of a Western conspiracy.The dissenters have been silenced.Independent radio has been shut down and on Sunday the most vocal criticof the government, Slavko Curuvija, was shot down returning from a walk onBelgrade's Knez Mihailovic Street, killed with a single bullet to the spine.

Driving over the Danube from Pancevo, over rusting barges that have lainthere for nine years since the West first imposed sanctions, a old man bringsout a copy of Politika, which has, as usual, scoured the Internet for anycriticism of the Nato campaign.

Yesterday it quoted from Spanish media and reported on a motion condemningthe bombing from the far left of the Mexican parliament: "Look," says theman, "they are all with us. They are protesting against Nato in Spain andGermany, everyone is lining up against the bombing.

"We're very brave people. We've been through the Turks, the Balkan wars andthe second world war, and God knows what this is going to turn into."


June 3rd to 6th 1999


Caesar Park Penha Longa
Sierra De Sintra

Located just southeast of Sintra which is 45 km northwest of Lisbon - Portugal


Hotel details:

Cæsar Park Penha Longa Golf Resort
Estrada da Lagoa Azul, 2710 Sintra, Portugal
Tel: 351-1-9249011
Fax 351-1-9249007

Hotel Palacio
2765 Estoril, Portugal.
Tel +351-1-4680400
Fax +351-1-4684867

Golf do Estoril,
Av. da Republica,
2765 Estoril, Portugal.
Tel +351-1-4680176/4680054/4660367
Fax +351-1-4682796


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Bilderberg Conference 1999 - 3-6 June (2024)


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