8 Best Types of Infographics and When To Use Them (2024)

8 Best Types of Infographics and When To Use Them (1)

Infographics are highly effective when it comes to increasing engagement and capturing your audience’s attention. Whether you’re adding them as you create a website or using them in an email marketing campaign, they’re a great asset to your business strategy.

Below, I’ve created a list of the best types of infographics to include across your various marketing assets. For each infographic discussed, you’ll find a detailed description, along with helpful infographic examples to guide you.

8 types of infographics

  1. List infographics

  2. Statistical infographics

  3. How-to infographics

  4. Timeline infographics

  5. Comparison infographics

  6. Map and location infographics

  7. Flowchart infographics

  8. Process description infographics

01. List infographics

As you can see, there are several different types of infographics. The first one I’d like to share with you—which is also one of the most popular—is the list infographic.

What is a list infographic?

A list infographic is an informational graphic that uses a written list to get a message across. It’s full of written copy, but it’s also highly visual. Like other kinds of graphics, it’s eye-catching and typically includes a wide range of design elements.

When should you use a list infographic?

A list infographic comes in handy when you want to list several items. It allows you to convey information using data-rich text without compromising on visuals.

When creating a list blog post, include this type of infographic alongside your main points to increase both readability and shareability. This helps break up large blocks of text and add visual texture to your article. It also generates engagement on social media sites like Facebook or Pinterest.

Contextualizing information with visuals makes it easier to read and makes the statistics more memorable. For a powerful list infographic, use icons to represent your various items. You can also try formatting each point in a staggered zigzag to break up the monotony of the list.

8 Best Types of Infographics and When To Use Them (2)

02. Statistical Infographics

The statistical infographic is another infographic type that you can use to enhance your content strategy and engage with your audience.

What is a statistical infographic?

A statistical infographic is an infographic that includes pie charts, bar graphs, and any other visual representations of data.

When should you use a statistical infographic?

As its name implies, the role of statistical infographics is to present data and stats. You might use a statistical infographic to present survey results or research.

Let’s say, for instance, that you’re writing a blog post about project management statistics. If you were to decide to explain them with only words, chances are that your readers would feel overwhelmed.

However, supplementing the numbers with graphic design—such as in the example below—helps your readers absorb your content without having to struggle to focus and understand your points. Put another way, a statistical infographic facilitates visual communication when there's a need for presenting statistics.

If you have a data-rich blog post that might otherwise be dry or difficult for readers to digest, try using a statistical infographic to represent the information in a visual way. Include percentage radials alongside branded illustrations to grab the audience’s attention and reel them into reading the information.

8 Best Types of Infographics and When To Use Them (3)

03. How-to infographics

Another type of infographic you may have seen before is the how-to infographic.

What is a how-to infographic?

A how-to infographic explains how to do something, like how to solve a problem or perform a task.

It’s a fantastic alternative to long pieces of text that describe a step-by-process, like proper hand washing or workplace setup, without bombarding the viewer with information. Compared to a paragraph or written list, the how-to infographic makes each step of the process easier to absorb.

When should you use a how-to infographic?

A how-to infographic helps people digest concepts that may seem dry when presented in the form of text. This helps people process detailed instructions or tips, particularly when they are technical, complex or require visualization.

When it comes to marketing your brand, you can use how-to infographics to address common pain points among your target audience—and then offer your product as the solution.

Try accompanying each of your tips with a visual illustration. Then, add numbered labels to various parts of the illustration to guide readers through the steps and help them conceptualize each point.

8 Best Types of Infographics and When To Use Them (4)

04. Timeline infographics

The timeline infographic is not only useful and informative, but it’s also visually appealing.

What is a timeline infographic?

A timeline infographic is an infographic that displays events in chronological order.

When should you use a timeline infographic?

Timeline infographics are one of the most diverse in terms of their use. Typically, marketing professionals will use them to:

  • Show the historical development of a person or item

  • Explain the evolution of a product or trend within their niche

  • Demonstrate how a particular practice has evolved over time

When creating this type of infographic, be sure to use icons and illustrations along the full length of the timeline to represent each point. This transforms historical information into a fun and easily digestible format, and makes it easier for readers to remember all the facts.

8 Best Types of Infographics and When To Use Them (5)

05. Comparison Infographics

The comparison infographic couldn’t be missing from this list of the best types of infographics.

What is a comparison infographic?

A comparison infographic is a visual way to compare and contrast different options. By presenting two or more alternatives side-by-side, this type of infographic helps readers understand the distinction between various concepts and, in many cases, choose which option is best for them.

When should you use a comparison infographic?

In marketing, comparison infographics are used to showcase how your product or service has an advantage over that of your competitors. They typically make use of a chart or table format, with icons or illustrations to help readers visualize the similarities and differences. This type of infographic is particularly powerful when placed within a blog post.

If you’re writing content that compares and contrasts different options, use this type of infographic to supplement your analysis. By highlighting your main points, it will make your article easier to scan and will help readers make an informed decision about their approach.

8 Best Types of Infographics and When To Use Them (6)

06. Map or location infographics

An infographic that’s used extensively by many companies and organizations is the map or location infographic.

What is a map or location infographic?

A location infographic, as you may have guessed already, is a graphic that visually communicates information in relation to a geographic area. It’s usually presented in the form of a map, whether it’s a world map or a map depicting a specific country or region.

When should you use a map or location infographic?

Map infographics can be used for a variety of purposes. People tend to use them when they want to communicate demographic data or other location-specific information. As a marketing professional or small business owner, you can use a map infographic to highlight insights about your user base or target audience.

If you’re aiming to share statistics about different countries, use a map infographic. This invites viewers to look closely at the numbers, and it also helps them compare and contrast the data between various places around the world.

8 Best Types of Infographics and When To Use Them (7)

07. Flowchart infographics

Another type of infographic that should be a part of your content marketing strategy is the flowchart infographic.

What is a flowchart infographic?

A flowchart infographic is a graphical representation of an information stream, such as a sequence of different steps or actions.

When should you use a flowchart infographic?

A flowchart can be used by marketing professionals of any industry. It helps walk people through a process, and often asks people yes or no questions and then points them to the next step based on their responses.

This type of infographic boosts engagement while giving users a very clear idea of what the process is about. Because it guides people individually through the various steps, it feels more personal and tends to resonate closely with potential customers. You can even use it to steer potential customers toward choosing your product as the solution to their needs.

Flowchart infographics are also useful for internal purposes, especially when onboarding new employees, explaining how to use company tools, or troubleshooting common problems. When used internally by business, they help teams understand vital concepts, such as how to create marketing campaigns or how to follow up with leads.

8 Best Types of Infographics and When To Use Them (8)

08. Process description infographics

The last type of infographic I’m going to cover is the process description graphic.

What is a process description infographic?

A process description infographic visually describes the main elements, actions, and steps of a process.

When should you use a process description infographic?

You might consider using a process description infographic to communicate technical information or a complex series of actions. It can also help you emphasize the fundamentals of using your product, thereby offering value to your customers.

It’s useful because it highlights the most important steps, and simplifies complex ideas by breaking them down and then grouping them by category. Not only does this teach people how to use your product, but it also markets your product’s features to generate interest in your brand.

8 Best Types of Infographics and When To Use Them (9)

Incorporating infographics into your marketing strategy

There you have it - a list of the eight best types of infographics to enhance your marketing strategy. We hope these examples have inspired you, and that you’ll keep them in mind as you learn how to make infographics of your own.

Beautiful infographics are easy to create, and they can be distributed on different platforms and channels to help you capture the attention of your audience. Building engagement online is a big part of any company’s marketing efforts, and compelling visuals can help you achieve success.

How do you choose between all the infographic types?

Choosing the right infographic type for your content depends on the specific goal you want to achieve and the type of information you want to convey.Here's a step-by-step guide to help you make the best decision:

  1. Define your goal:Clearly identify what you want your infographic to accomplish.Are you aiming to inform,educate,persuadeor simply present data in an engaging way?

  2. Consider your audience:Who are you trying to reach with your infographic?What is their level of knowledge and interest in the topic?Tailor your choice of infographic type to their preferences and understanding.

  3. Evaluate the data:What type of data do you have to showcase?Is it numerical,categorical,sequentialor a combination of these?Choose an infographic type that effectively visualizes your data.

  4. Explore infographic types:Familiarize yourself with the various infographic types available,such as statistical infographics,informational infographics,timeline infographics,process infographics,comparison infographics,map infographicsand flowchart infographics.

  5. Match data to type:Align the type of data you have with the strengths of each infographic type.For instance,statistical infographics excel at presenting numerical data,while timeline infographics are ideal for showcasing chronological events.

  6. Consider storytelling:If your goal is to narrate a story or convey a process,consider using an infographic type that facilitates storytelling,such as timeline infographics or process infographics.

  7. Assess engagement:If you want to capture attention and drive engagement,consider using visually impactful infographic types like comparison infographics or map infographics.

  8. Seek feedback:Consult with colleagues,friendsor potential viewers to get their feedback on the suitability of your chosen infographic type.

  9. Test and refine:If possible,create mockups or prototypes of different infographic types to test their effectiveness and make adjustments as needed.

  10. Prioritize clarity and simplicity:Regardless of the infographic type you choose,ensure that the overall design is clear,conciseand easy to understand.

By following these steps,you can make an informed decision about the best infographic type for your content,ensuring that your message is communicated effectively and engagingly.

Types of infographics FAQ

What does a good infographic look like?

A good infographic is visually appealing,easy to understandand conveys information in a way that is both informative and engaging.Some of the key characteristics of a good infographic include:

  • Clear and concise text: The text should be easy to read and understand, and it should be used sparingly.

  • Effective use of visuals: The visuals should be relevant to the topic and should be used to help convey the information.

  • Consistent design: The infographic should have a consistent color scheme, layout and font style.

  • Strong hierarchy: The most important information should be presented most prominently.

  • Call to action: The infographic should have a clear call to action that tells the viewer what you want them to do next.

What is the best type of infographic?

How do you lay out an infographic?

What makes a bad infographic?

8 Best Types of Infographics and When To Use Them (2024)


What are infographics and when should you use them? ›

An infographic has numerous uses in different industries. Infographics can be used to convey complicated data in a simple visual format. They are also visual tools to tell stories. Visual information graphics help people understand information quickly and more accurately.

What are the different types of chart that can be used to create an infographics? ›

While bar and column charts are the best choice in terms of data readability, infographics sometimes call for something a little more unique and engaging. Enter: the bubble chart. In a bubble chart, values are represented by circle area instead of bar length.

What is most effective on infographic? ›

Good infographics don't merely use the “right” type of visual, they use it in the right place and in the right way. Visual elements should reinforce the key messages and be as concise and straightforward as possible. You don't want your audience to scratch their heads, you want them to have an “aha.”

What are the 5 key elements of a successful infographic? ›

Five key elements of designing an infographic
  • Attracting eyeballs and exciting. ...
  • Communicate accurately, and the information is clear. ...
  • Remove the rough and fine, simple and easy to understand. ...
  • Sight flows and constructs time and space. ...
  • Abandon the words and explain with pictures.

How do you use an infographic effectively? ›

Your infographic should not be so busy that it's overwhelming or confusing to the reader. Leave plenty of white space between each statistic and use minimal text. Your infographic should mostly use graphics and visual elements to communicate your data.

What are five reasons why infographics are important? ›

Top 5 reasons why you should use infographics
  • They enhance stories. Images are processed 60,000 times more quickly in the brain than text. ...
  • They're memorable. ...
  • They improve brand visibility. ...
  • They're shareable. ...
  • They can be repurposed for print.
Oct 25, 2021

What are the 6 elements of infographic? ›

The Anatomy of an Infographic: 6 Essential Elements
  • Descriptive Title and Subheads. ...
  • Informative Statistics. ...
  • Bold, Thematically Appropriate Color Scheme. ...
  • Eye-Catching Graphics. ...
  • Clearly Organized, Sequential Story. ...
  • Specially Formatted Facts.
Jun 6, 2017

What are the 4 parts of an infographic? ›

4 Components in Effective Infographic
  • A Visual Story. An infographic is a visual version of a blog post or article. ...
  • Maximum Shareability. If you release an infographic into the world and no one shares it, does it make a sound? ...
  • Verifiable Facts. ...
  • Solving a Problem.
Jul 28, 2021

What makes a bad infographic? ›

Crafting compelling infographics requires skillful finesse. Yet, these visual tools frequently stumble into traps that dull their impact. This article reveals the pitfalls to avoid—overwhelming text, misleading charts, incoherent narratives, irrelevance, generic designs, and poor sourcing.

How do I choose the best infographic chart? ›

A radar if you want to compare different qualitative features. A bar chart of column chart for other types of comparison. Prefer column charts if you have only a few series. But if you have many series, a bar chart will keep the names written horizontally and will be easier to read.

How can you determine a good infographic? ›

Effective infographics are composed of few different attributes. They're well designed, they tell a good story, and also they are easy to understand. They give you a visual aspect of content in a manner that is easy and snackable.

What is an infographic and its types? ›

An infographic is an image that sort of provides a visualization of data. Oftentimes, this is accomplished by implementing visual data representations, such as charts and graphs. While infographics share these basic elements, there are several types of infographics that are effective for different types of data.

What is an example of infographics? ›

Infographics include bar graphs, pie charts, histograms, line charts, tree diagrams, mind maps, Gantt charts and network diagrams. Such tools are often components of business intelligence software.


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.