39 Best Canva Font Pairings for Web Design — Aligency Studio (2024)

Table of Contents
The Magic of Font Pairing Choosing the Best Canva Font Pairings Best canva font pairings 1. Playfair Display & Source Sans 2. Mont Bold & Open Sans Light 3. League Gothic & Lora Font 4. Tenor Sans & feel free Playful Font 5: Brilliant Signature & Open Sans 6: Playlist Script & Montserrat 7: Raleway & Roboto 8: Pacifico & Josefin Sans 9: Amatic SC & Josefin Slab 10: Oswald & Merriweather 11: Bungee & Roboto Condensed 12: Anton & Libre Baskerville 13: Abril Fatface & Lato 14: Arvo & PT Sans 15: Lobster & Open Sans 16: Bebas Neue & Montserrat 17: Yellowtail & Open Sans 18: Amatic SC & Lobster Two 19: Oswald & Lato 20: Permanent Marker & Roboto 21: Cinzel & Raleway 22: Poiret One & Raleway 23: Rock Salt & Muli 24: Pacifico & Arimo 25: Cabin & Old Standard TT 26: Quicksand & Josefin Slab 27: Dancing Script & Josefin Sans 28: Merienda & Merriweather 29: Crete Round & Museo Sans 30: Fredericka the Great & Open Sans 31: Reenie Beanie & Arial 32: Shadows Into Light & Roboto 33: Comfortaa & Lato 34: Orbitron & Nunito 35: Poppins & Domine 36. Russo One and Roboto 37. Poppins and Karla 38. Fredoka One and Muli 39. Pacifico and Arial Additional Resource FAQ What is a good font pairing in Canva? Can I use more than two fonts in my design? Are all Canva fonts free? How can I choose the perfect font for my design? Can I upload my fonts to Canva? How do I pair fonts in Canva? How many font styles does Canva offer? Can I use a bold font and a script font together? What are some of the most popular Canva fonts? Can I use Canva font pairings for my social media posts? References

Picture yourself as an artist, with your website as a blank canvas and fonts as your brushes. As a seasoned web design connoisseur, I can't stress enough how the right font pairings can act as game-changers, transforming your website from just nice to positively enchanting. Fonts aren't just about readability - they're an emotional language, whispering the mood of your content and guiding your visitors on a journey through your site.

I'm downright ecstatic to take you on a tour of the best Canva font pairings - your ultimate map to stunning web design projects.

So buckle up!

We're about to navigate through 39 of the most effective Canva font pairings, each with their own story to tell.

By the end of this journey, you'll be a master at matching fonts to create an engaging, balanced and harmonious visual language for your websites.

Get ready to make your web design projects pop with personality and style!

The Magic of Font Pairing

Any design process must include the practice of font pairing, or the art of mixing two or more types. The idea is to choose a variety of fonts that work well together without competing or looking too similar.

Similar to a wonderful gourmet preparation, where each ingredient improves the flavor of the other without dominating it, font combinations have a specific "chemistry" to them.

Your design's overall look can be significantly impacted by the font combinations you use. When executed well, they add to a visually pleasing, unified look and feel that draws the user in and holds their interest.

Depending on the requirements of your project, the right font combination might offer your design a contemporary touch, a traditional appearance, or even a joyful and whimsical vibe.

Choosing the Best Canva Font Pairings

Picture Canva as a sprawling typographical wonderland, brimming with an array of free and premium fonts. This is the playground for designers, a place where they can let their creativity roam free.

Yearning for a bold font that screams for attention? Or perhaps a crisp, modern sans serif for that pristine body text? Or maybe you're in the mood for a playful script font to add a dash of whimsy? Whatever your heart desires, Canva has got you covered.

However, a word of caution. In the vast sea of typography, not all fonts sail smoothly together. Some combinations can sing harmoniously while others might hit a dissonant note.

So remember, the true magic lies not just in the individual fonts, but in how they dance together on your canvas.

Best canva font pairings

So, here are 39 of my favorite Canva font pairings, each bringing a unique aesthetic appeal to your design.

1. Playfair Display & Source Sans

Playfair Display is a classic serif font with a touch of sophistication, while Source Sans is a sans serif typeface that adds a modern aesthetic to the mix. This pairing is a great choice for editorial designs or corporate branding where you need to balance tradition with modernity.

You can Read This Guide: Best Squarespace Fonts

2. Mont Bold & Open Sans Light

Mont Bold is a strong, commanding font perfect for headlines. Pair it with the more subdued Open Sans Light for body text to create a design with a bold, modern aesthetic. This combination is particularly useful for startups or tech-related websites.

3. League Gothic & Lora Font

League Gothic is a sans serif font with a tall, condensed letter form that captures attention. It pairs well with Lora, a classic serif font, making it perfect for fashion blogs or e-commerce sites looking for a stylish and visually appealing design.

4. Tenor Sans & feel free Playful Font

Tenor Sans is a modern sans serif font with a clean, readable style. Pairing it with a playful script font like Yellowtail can bring balance and fun to your design. Ideal for lifestyle or travel blogs, or any design that needs a touch of light-heartedness.

5: Brilliant Signature & Open Sans

Brilliant Signature is an elegant, cursive font that brings a personal touch to your designs. Pair it with the simplicity of Open Sans for a balance between elegance and functionality. Perfect for wedding or event invitations or any design with an elegant feel.

6: Playlist Script & Montserrat

Playlist Script is a fun, expressive font that can give your designs a casual, friendly feel. Paired with the clean and versatile Montserrat, this combination adds personality to your design while maintaining readability. This pairing is great for social media posts, infographics, or any design that aims to engage viewers in a friendly manner.

7: Raleway & Roboto

Raleway, with its elegant and thin letterforms, pairs beautifully with the modern, geometric style of Roboto. This creates a clean, modern, and attractive design, ideal for tech startups or digital agencies.

8: Pacifico & Josefin Sans

Pacifico is a playful, cursive font with a friendly vibe. When paired with the clean, geometric typefaces of Josefin Sans, it creates a striking balance that is easy on the eyes. This is perfect for food blogs, children's websites, or any design that requires a fun, inviting appeal.

9: Amatic SC & Josefin Slab

Amatic SC is a hand-drawn, condensed font that works well for attention-grabbing headlines. When paired with the sleek, modern aesthetic of Josefin Slab, it creates an engaging and visually dynamic design. This pairing is great for creative agencies or art blogs.

10: Oswald & Merriweather

Oswald is a versatile sans serif font that works well for headers, while Merriweather, a serif font, offers great readability for body text. This pairing provides a modern twist to a classic style, making it suitable for corporate websites or online publications.

11: Bungee & Roboto Condensed

Bungee is a bold, fun font perfect for headlines. Pair it with the condensed version of Roboto for a visually interesting contrast, making it ideal for designs with a youthful, energetic vibe, such as event posters or music festival websites.

12: Anton & Libre Baskerville

Anton is a bold, sans-serif typeface that works well for headings. Libre Baskerville is a classic serif font perfect for body text, resulting in a balance of modern and traditional, suitable for blog posts or online magazines.

13: Abril Fatface & Lato

Abril Fatface is a bold, decorative font that captures attention. When paired with Lato, a modern sans serif font, it creates a charming vintage-modern design, ideal for fashion or lifestyle blogs.

14: Arvo & PT Sans

Arvo is a slab-serif font that gives a strong, solid impression, while PT Sans is a universal sans-serif font that is highly legible. This combination can give your design a grounded, trustworthy feel, suitable for corporate websites or brochures.

15: Lobster & Open Sans

Lobster is a popular script font that gives a friendly, casual vibe. Paired with Open Sans, it creates a warm, welcoming design, great for hospitality or service industry websites.

16: Bebas Neue & Montserrat

Bebas Neue is a strong, condensed font ideal for headlines. Coupled with the versatile Montserrat, it results in a clean, modern aesthetic, perfect for technology or design blogs.

17: Yellowtail & Open Sans

Yellowtail is an old-style font with a fun, unique flair. When paired with Open Sans, it results in a playful yet balanced design, suitable for creative portfolios or artisan websites.

18: Amatic SC & Lobster Two

Amatic SC's hand-drawn style goes perfectly with Lobster Two's casual script, creating a unique, friendly vibe. Ideal for personal blogs or websites that need a touch of individuality.

19: Oswald & Lato

Oswald's tall and narrow style paired with Lato's semi-rounded details offers a modern, engaging design, excellent for digital marketing or advertising agencies.

20: Permanent Marker & Roboto

The bold, expressive style of Permanent Marker, when combined with the neutral and clean lines of Roboto, can create an interesting and visually dynamic design, perfect for creative projects or events.

21: Cinzel & Raleway

Cinzel's classic letterforms coupled with Raleway's elegant sans serif style result in a sophisticated, high-end design. This combination is excellent for luxury brand websites or upscale event invitations.

22: Poiret One & Raleway

Poiret One's light, geometric form combined with Raleway's balanced sans-serif structure creates a chic, modern aesthetic. This pairing is ideal for fashion blogs or online boutiques.

23: Rock Salt & Muli

Rock Salt's uneven, playful style paired with Muli's minimalist, modern sans-serif form results in a design full of character and readability, perfect for children's websites or entertainment blogs.

24: Pacifico & Arimo

Pacifico's friendly script and Arimo's modern, sans-serif style form a combination that's warm yet professional, making it suitable for branding projects or food blogs.

25: Cabin & Old Standard TT

The cabin's clean, modern style paired with the classic, old-style serif font Old Standard TT creates a design that's both contemporary and traditional, ideal for academic or historical publications.

26: Quicksand & Josefin Slab

Quicksand's rounded, geometric shapes paired with the elegant, modern aesthetic of Josefin Slab results in a friendly yet refined design, perfect for creative agencies or online portfolios.

27: Dancing Script & Josefin Sans

The casual, playful feel of Dancing Script pairs wonderfully with the geometric and modern Josefin Sans, resulting in a versatile design, excellent for social media graphics or personal blogs.

28: Merienda & Merriweather

Merienda's rounded, handwritten style paired with the traditional, readable Merriweather creates a balance of casual and formal, making it a good fit for educational websites or online learning platforms.

29: Crete Round & Museo Sans

Crete Round's distinctive, old-style font combined with the geometric, contemporary Museo Sans results in a visually appealing contrast, suitable for book covers or literary blogs.

30: Fredericka the Great & Open Sans

The decorative, artistic form of Fredericka the Great paired with the clean, neutral Open Sans offers a design that's both fun and functional, excellent for artistic websites or cultural events.

31: Reenie Beanie & Arial

Reenie Beanie's playful, handwritten style coupled with the straightforward, sans-serif Arial creates a design that's both fun and easy to read, making it perfect for children's websites or educational materials.

32: Shadows Into Light & Roboto

Shadows Into Light's light, handwritten style paired with the modern, geometric Roboto offers a friendly yet professional design, suitable for personal blogs or community-focused websites.

33: Comfortaa & Lato

Comfortaa's rounded, geometric style goes well with the semi-rounded details of Lato, creating a warm, welcoming design, perfect for service industry websites or wellness blogs.

34: Orbitron & Nunito

Orbitron's futuristic, geometric style coupled with the rounded, friendly Nunito results in a design that's both modern and approachable, making it excellent for tech start-ups or science blogs.

35: Poppins & Domine

The geometric, modern form of Poppins paired with the traditional, old-style Domine creates a harmonious balance, making this combination ideal for professional publications or corporate websites.

36. Russo One and Roboto

The Russo One and Roboto combination offers a unique twist in design aesthetics. Russo One, with its slightly squared, bold letters, is reminiscent of the Cyrillic alphabet's visual influence. It's an attention-grabbing font that brings a sense of strength and modernity to your designs.

When coupled with Roboto, a versatile sans-serif typeface known for its friendly, open curves and clean lines, it creates a visually interesting dynamic. Roboto's readability makes it ideal for body text, ensuring your message is clearly communicated.

This contrasting font pairing can make a design stand out while ensuring legibility, a blend that's especially useful for impactful headlines and clear, concise text in both print and digital formats.

37. Poppins and Karla

Poppins and Karla make for a fresh, modern font pairing. Poppins, a geometric sans serif font, is characterized by its round, open forms that lend it a gentle, approachable aesthetic. It's particularly effective for headers or text that requires a subtle touch of style. On the other hand, Karla is a grotesque sans serif typeface notable for its clarity and simplicity, which makes it perfect for body text or subheadings. Together, Poppins and Karla blend modernity and readability, offering a clean, professional look suitable for various types of design projects, from corporate reports to contemporary websites.

38. Fredoka One and Muli

The combination of Fredoka One and Muli is a visual delight. Fredoka One is a round, bold typeface that exudes a sense of fun and friendliness, making it a great choice for titles, headlines, or any design elements that need to capture attention.

Its playful nature contrasts beautifully with Muli, a minimalist sans-serif font known for its sleek design and excellent readability. Muli is an ideal choice for body text, offering a gentle reading experience and maintaining clarity at smaller sizes.

Together, these fonts provide a balance of whimsical energy and minimalist elegance, making them perfect for designs with a modern, cheerful vibe, such as children's books, fun websites, or lively advertising materials.

39. Pacifico and Arial

The pairing of Pacifico and Arial brings together two contrasting styles for a dynamic and versatile design. Pacifico, an elegant script font, delivers a sense of charm and creativity with its hand-lettered, flowing calligraphy style.

It's great for titles or headings that require a touch of personality and sophistication. On the flip side, Arial, a humanist sans-serif typeface, is known for its straightforward, clear-cut forms. It's incredibly versatile and offers excellent legibility for body text. custom

Together, these fonts combine elegance with simplicity, providing an excellent balance for a wide range of design projects, from wedding invitations to professional presentations.

With these 39 Canva font pairings in your toolkit, you're ready to experiment with different combinations and elevate your designs to new heights.

Remember, the key to successful font pairing is to create contrast and harmony at the same time, so play around with different styles and find what works best for your specific project. Happy designing!

Additional Resource

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In this section, I'll answer some of the most frequently asked questions about font pairing in Canva.

What is a good font pairing in Canva?

A good font pairing in Canva is one that maintains a balance between contrast and harmony. It should visually complement each other and align with the message or tone you want to convey.

Can I use more than two fonts in my design?

Yes, but it's generally best to limit your design to two or three fonts to avoid confusing the reader.

Are all Canva fonts free?

Canva offers both free and pro fonts. The pro fonts are available as part of Canva Pro's subscription.

How can I choose the perfect font for my design?

Your font choice should align with your brand identity and the message you want to convey. Consider the readability, style, and mood the font brings to your design.

Can I upload my fonts to Canva?

Yes, Canva Pro users can upload their fonts to use in their designs.

How do I pair fonts in Canva?

Try to pair fonts with contrasting styles but harmonious mood. For instance, a sans serif font for headings and a serif font for body text can work well.

How many font styles does Canva offer?

Canva offers hundreds of font styles, including serif, sans serif, script, display, and decorative fonts.

Can I use a bold font and a script font together?

Yes, a bold font can be paired with a script font for a strong and elegant combination. The bold font can be used for headings, while the script font can add a decorative touch.

What are some of the most popular Canva fonts?

Some popular Canva fonts include Mont Bold, Lora, Tenor Sans, League Gothic, and Playfair Display.

Can I use Canva font pairings for my social media posts?

Absolutely. Canva font pairings can help your social media posts stand out and appeal to your audience.


As a web designer, understanding the power of font pairings can greatly elevate your designs and set you apart from the competition.

With this comprehensive guide on the best Canva font pairings, I believe you're now equipped with the knowledge to experiment, explore, and create stunning designs using the right font combinations.

So go ahead, start creating, and make every design count!

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39 Best Canva Font Pairings for Web Design — Aligency Studio (2024)


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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.